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姓名 彭靖媛(Ching-Yuan Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 新移民家庭之家庭資源對子女學習成效的影響
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摘要(中) 近幾十年間台灣新移民家庭數量快速成長,累積至民國109年臺灣已有50多萬個家庭屬於新移民家庭,而組成新移民家庭之男女多數屬於社會階層較低下的族群,因此難以提供良好的教育環境讓子女學習,由於教育程度和職業地位與成就存在著密切關聯性,高教育程度者的成就與發展通常更加理想,獲得較高的社經地位與較佳的經濟條件,是以新移民子女的未來發展成為社會大眾高度關注的議題之一。本研究將探討家庭資源是否對子女之學習表現存在影響力,以及新移民子女及非新移民子女之間的學習表現是否存在差異性。
本研究使用國家教育研究院測驗與評量研究中心之臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫(TASA)中,100學年度小學四年級與六年級之共同問卷及國語文、數學科選擇題試題作答反應資料為研究資源,以小學四年級學童和小學六年級學童於國語文與數學兩項科目之選擇題試題作答反應資料作為被解釋變數,並採用OLS 估計方法作為實證模型。本研究結果發現於國語文和數學兩方面的學習成效,新移民子女相較於非新移民子女皆存在顯著落後的情況。其中,母親來自東南亞國家相較於來自其他國家的新移民家庭中,子女的國語文和數學能力表現較不佳。在個人特性方面,男學童的數學能力表現顯著高於女學童。在家庭特性方面,手足越多與缺乏和母親同住之子女國語文和數學的能力表現較不佳;家中經濟來源穩定及不需要長時間做家事與工作之子女國語文和數學的能力表現較佳。在學習特性方面,家中缺乏電腦、個人書桌、大量書籍以及沒有參加才藝課程之子女國語文和數學的能力表現較不佳。在休閒活動特性方面,每天放學後長時間從事休閒娛樂之子女國語文和數學的能力表現較不佳。透過實證模型發現,家庭中擁有較多資源且父母較重視子女教育則子女的國語文和數學能力表現較佳。
摘要(英) In recent decades, the number of new immigrant families in Taiwan has overgrown. By the end of 2020, more than 500,000 families in Taiwan were new immigrant families. Most men and women who make up new immigrant families belong to the lower social economics class, so it is not easy to provide an excellent educational environment for their children to learn. Due to the vital link between education and professional achievement, childhood academic performance is likely to relate to socioeconomic status in adulthood positively. Therefore, the future development of the children of new immigrants has become one of the issues of deep concern to the public. This research explores whether family resources affect children′s learning performance and whether there is a difference in learning performance between new immigrants and children of non-new immigrants.
This research uses the standard questionnaire and the multiple-choice questions of Chinese and mathematics of an elementary school′s fourth and sixth grades in the 100 academic years from the TASA of the National Academy for Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center. The response data of multiple-choice questions in Chinese and mathematics subjects are used as the dependent variables, and the OLS estimation method is used as the empirical model. This study found that the children of new immigrants are significantly behind compared with the children of non-new immigrants in both Chinese and mathematics. Among new immigrant families, the child whose mother comes from Southeast Asian countries has poorer performance in Chinese and mathematics compared with the child whose mother comes from other countries. In terms of personal characteristics, boys have significantly better performance in mathematics than girls. In terms of family background, the child with more siblings or not coresident with his/her mother has lower academic performance in either Chinese or mathematics. However, the child with stable financial resources and no needs to spend a long time engaging in housework or work performs better. In terms of learning environment, the child lacks a computer, a personal desk, many books at home, and doesn’t take a talent class has lower academic performance in either Chinese or mathematics. In terms of leisure activities, the child spends much time in leisure and entertainment (such as watching TV, playing online games, chatting on the Internet, gathering with friends, sports, etc.) after school every day has lower academic performance in either Chinese or mathematics. With the empirical model, we found that the child has better performance in Chinese or mathematics if his/her family has enough economic resources and parents pay much attention to his/her education.
關鍵字(中) ★ 新移民家庭
★ 新移民子女
★ 家庭資源
★ 教育資源
★ 學習表現
關鍵字(英) ★ new immigrant families
★ new immigrant children
★ family resources
★ educational resources
★ learning performance
論文目次 摘要 ......................................................Ⅰ
ABSTRACT .................................................Ⅱ
目錄 ..................................................... Ⅴ
圖目錄 .................................................. Ⅶ
表目錄 ..................................................Ⅷ
第一章 緒論 .............................................1
第一節 研究背景 .........................................1
第二節 研究目的 .........................................4
第三節 研究架構與流程 ....................................5
第二章 文獻探討 .........................................7
第一節 新移民家庭之特性 ....................................7
第二節 新移民家庭資源對子女教育成效影響之相關文獻 ............8
第三章 資料來源與研究方法 ...............................12
第一節 研究資料來源 ......................................12
第二節 實證模型設定 ......................................13
第三節 變數敘述統計分析 ...................................15
第四章 實證結果 ........................................28
第一節 小四國語文答對題數之實證結果 ........................28
第二節 小四數學答對題數之實證結果 .........................32
第三節 小六國語文答對題數之實證結果 ........................36
第四節 小六數學答對題數之實證結果 .........................40
第五章 結論與建議 ......................................44
第一節 結論 .............................................44
第二節 未來研究方向與建議 .................................45
第三節 研究限制 ..........................................46
參考文獻 .................................................47
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
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指導教授 蔡偉德(Wei-Der Tsai) 審核日期 2021-7-14
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