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姓名 張庭國寶(Truong Dinh Quoc Bao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
(Consumer propensity to reduce carbon emission: an altruism perspective through mediating and moderating mechanisms)
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摘要(中) 本文基於學術理論提出了一個三層框架來探討利他主義認知對消費者在突發事件下自願繳納航空運輸碳稅的影響。採用配額抽樣的方法在台灣收集了404份問卷。結果顯示,航空公司的利他主義動機(公司層面)、個人利他主義期望和社會利他主義共識(均為消費層面)通過對航空公司的信任的干預作用影響消費者的碳抵消支付傾向。消費者對環境問題的自我效能感增強了三種利他主義認知對航空公司信任的影響。這項研究為航空業的可持續發展營銷文獻做出了新的貢獻。我們開發了一個全新的、有理論基礎的概念框架,它整合了兩個不同層次的三個利他主義概念,最終促進了生態消費,支持航空運輸中的碳中和項目。
摘要(英) This dissertation offers a three-layered conceptual framework, based on academic theories, to investigate the effects of altruism perceptions on propensity of consumer to pay a voluntary carbon tax in air transportation in the event of an emergency. The quota sampling method is used in Taiwan to gather a sample of 404 replies. The findings show that consumers′ propensity to pay for carbon emission offsets is influenced by airlines′ altruistic motives (firm level), personal altruistic expectations, and social altruistic consensus (both consumption level), through the intermediary role of trust in the airlines that promote the program. The three altruistic perceptions′ impact on airline trust is enhanced by consumers′ self-efficacy in addressing environmental challenges. The literature on sustainability marketing in the aviation industry is significantly expanded by this study. This dissertation creates a novel, theoretically grounded conceptual framework that combines these three ideas with two different levels of compassion in order to promote ecological consumption in favor of carbon neutralization efforts in the aviation industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 利他主義
★ 信任
★ 支付傾向
★ 碳稅
★ 碳排放
關鍵字(英) ★ carbon tax
★ carbon emission
★ altruism
★ trust in firms
★ propensity to pay
摘要 i
1.1. Research Rationale 2
1.2. Research Aims 4
1.3. Research Design 6
1.3.1. Research context 7
1.3.2. Research methodology 8
1.4. Contribution to theory and practice 9
1.5. Structure of the dissertation 10
2.1. Introduction 12
2.2. Theoretical background 13
2.3. Conceptual framework 15
2.3. Altruistic Effects on Trust in Firms 17
2.3. The impact of Trust in Firms on the Consumer Propensity to Pay for Carbon Tax 21
2.4. The Mediating Role of Trust in firms 23
2.5. The Moderating Role of Environmental Self-Efficacy 24
2.6. Summary 26
3.1. Introduction 28
3.2. Design of Questionnaires and Measurement Scales 29
3.3. Research Setting 30
3.4. Data Collection 31
3.5. Summary 34
4.1. Introduction 35
4.2. Reducing Biases of Sample Selection and Data Collection 36
4.3. Accuracy Analysis 39
4.4. Endogeneity 43
4.5. Model Fit and Testing of Hypotheses 44
4.6. Summary 47
5.1. Introduction 48
5.2. Discussion of research findings 59
5.3. Theoretical Implications 50
5.4. Managerial Implications 53
5.5. Future Research 56
5.6. Summary 58
APPENDIX A: Scale Items 72
APPENDIX B: Questionnaire (English) 75
APPENDIX C: Questionnaire (Chinese) 80
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指導教授 鄭明松(Julian Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2023-2-1
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