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論文名稱 應用文字探勘分析台灣半導體報告中的職業健康與安全洞察
(Occupational Health and Safety Insights from Taiwanese Semiconductor Reports: A Text Mining Approach)
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摘要(中) 在關鍵的半導體產業領域中,這個對科技進步至關重要的部門,迫切需要檢視職業安全健康(OHS)措施,這些措施對於維持生產和運營管理中的最佳性能標準至關重要。本論文調查了半導體行業中的OHS協議,重點是識別現行實踐並對頂尖公司的OHS實踐進行基準測定。通過採用文本挖掘方法,結合分佈分析、基準化分析法和比較分析,以及概念連結分析,本研究嚴謹地檢查了三個主要的OHS面向:安全健康、職業健康和職業安全。目的是揭示主導模式並突出那些對這些OHS元素具有全面承諾的公司。調查顯示安全健康是最受強調的OHS方面,儘管不同公司對「職業健康」的關注存在顯著差異。概念鏈接分析為每個OHS維度發現了重要的相關術語,例如職業健康的福利、風險和管理。職業安全的質量、設備和實施,以及安全健康的福利、工作環境和事故預防。本研究代表了在半導體行業中應用語義分析方法解碼OHS實踐趨勢的開創性努力。研究結果為政策制定者和高階主管提供了寶貴的見解,強調了OHS策略的潛在改進,並有助於推動該部門可持續管理和生產方法的進步。
摘要(英) In the critical realm of the semiconductor industry, a sector integral to technological progress, there exists a pressing need to examine Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) measures, which are crucial for maintaining optimal performance standards in production and operational management. This dissertation investigates OHS protocols within the semiconductor sector, focusing on identifying prevailing practices and benchmarking top-performing companies OHS practices. Employing a text mining approach, which combines distributional analysis, benchmarking and comparative analysis, and concept-link analysis, this study rigorously examines three primary OHS facets: ′Health and Safety,′ ′Occupational Health,′ and ′Occupational Safety.′ The aim is to uncover dominant patterns and highlight companies with a comprehensive commitment to these OHS elements. The investigation reveals ′Health and Safety′ as the most emphasized OHS aspect, though with a notable disparity in the attention given to ′Occupational Health′ among different companies. The concept-link analysis uncovers vital related terms for each OHS dimension, such as ′Welfare,′ ′Risk,′ and ′Management′ for ′Occupational Health′; ′Quality,′ ′Equipment,′ and ′Implementation′ for ′Occupational Safety′; and ′Welfare,′ ′Work Environment,′ and ′Accident Prevention′ for ′Health and Safety.′ This research represents a pioneering effort in applying a semantic analysis methodology to decode OHS practice trends in the semiconductor industry. The findings offer valuable insights for policy developers and industry executives, underscoring potential improvements in OHS strategies and contributing to the advancement of sustainable management and production methodologies in the sector.
關鍵字(中) ★ 半導體產業
★ 職業健康與安全
★ 基準化分析法
★ 主成分分析評分
★ 概念連結分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Semiconductor industry
★ Occupational Health and Safety
★ Benchmarking
★ Principal Component Analysis scores
★ Concept Link analysis
論文目次 Table of Contents
Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgments iii
List of Tables vi
List of Figures viii
I. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Purpose of the Study and Objectives 3
II. Literature review 7
2.1. Importance of Occupational Health and Safety in Manufacturing 7
2.2. Occupational Health and Safety in Manufacturing 10
III. Methodology 13
3.1. Research Design 13
3.2. Data Collection 19
3.3. Distributional Analysis 25
3.4. Benchmarking and Comparative Analysis 27
3.5. Concept Link Analysis 31
IV. Results 34
4.1. Distributional Analysis of OHS Indicators 34
4.1.1. Occupational Health Distributional Analysis 34
4.1.2. Occupational Safety Distributional Analysis 40
4.1.3. Health and Safety Distributional Analysis 46
4.2. Benchmark for OHS best practice 51
4.2.1. Comparative Analysis 51
4.3.2. Evaluating OHS Best Performers 60
4.3. Pattern Analysis of Semiconductor Companies OHS Practice 64
4.3.1. Occupational Health 64
4.3.2. Occupational Safety 71
4.3.3. Health and Safety 94
V. Conclusion 108
5.1. Research Findings 108
5.2. Contributions 111
5.3. Implications of the Study 113
5.4. Limitations and Future Research Directions 115
VI. References 117
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指導教授 沈建文(Chien-wen Shen) 審核日期 2024-1-25
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