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姓名 王映筑(Ying-Chu Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 運用Openpose改善以GAN為基礎之虛擬試衣視覺效果
(Using Openpose To Improve GAN-based Virtual Try-on System)
★ 使用視位與語音生物特徵作即時線上身分辨識★ 以影像為基礎之SMD包裝料帶對位系統
★ 手持式行動裝置內容偽變造偵測暨刪除內容資料復原的研究★ 基於SIFT演算法進行車牌認證
★ 基於動態線性決策函數之區域圖樣特徵於人臉辨識應用★ 基於GPU的SAR資料庫模擬器:SAR回波訊號與影像資料庫平行化架構 (PASSED)
★ 利用掌紋作個人身份之確認★ 利用色彩統計與鏡頭運鏡方式作視訊索引
★ 利用欄位群聚特徵和四個方向相鄰樹作表格文件分類★ 筆劃特徵用於離線中文字的辨認
★ 利用可調式區塊比對並結合多圖像資訊之影像運動向量估測★ 彩色影像分析及其應用於色彩量化影像搜尋及人臉偵測
★ 中英文名片商標的擷取及辨識★ 利用虛筆資訊特徵作中文簽名確認
★ 基於三角幾何學及顏色特徵作人臉偵測、人臉角度分類與人臉辨識★ 一個以膚色為基礎之互補人臉偵測策略
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摘要(中) 網路購物的蓬勃發展帶動實體商店逐漸轉型,積極開發網路銷售平台,為了在電子銷售通路上提升其銷售額,因此,欲提供更多商品相關資訊給消費者,激發客戶對商品的期待感,其中,服飾類別為網路購物銷售主要產品之一,因此,各種服飾品牌紛紛推出虛擬試衣,消費者不用親自試穿衣服,也能有對該衣服之參考依據。

摘要(英) The vigorous development of online shopping drives the transformation of physical stores. The physical stores actively develop online sales platforms in order to increase their sales on electronic sales channels. Therefore, we want to provide more product information to consumers. With the information, we can stimulate customers’ desire for the products. Then customers buy it. Clothing is one of the main products sold in online shopping. Therefore, various clothing stores have launched virtual try-on system. Consumers do not need to try on the clothes in person, and they can have a reference for the clothes.
Computer vision technology is an important part of virtual try-on system. Generative Adversarial Network has been widely used in this field. In this paper, we adopt three Spectral Normalized Generative Adversarial Networks and Openpose for human body keypoints detection. The three Spectral Normalized Generative Adversarial Networks was used respectively to generate the arms of target person, the warping clothes, and the final try-on result. We will call it visual try-on because of it only depends on image. The proposed method is composed of three modules, including semantic generation module, clothing warping module, and content fusion module. The clothes details are retained through the spatial transformer network. We hope to make the generated results as close as to the reality. This paper only try-on the upper clothing. We compare clothes and hands separately, with different loss functions. In the future, the methods mentioned in this paper can also be applied to various other types of experiments, such as hair styling, lower clothing try-on, clothing design simulation.
Keywords: Generative Adversarial Network(GAN), spectral normalized Generative Adversarial Networks(SNGAN), virtual try-on, visual try-on, Openpose
關鍵字(中) ★ 生成對抗網路
★ 譜歸一化生成對抗網路
★ 虛擬試衣
★ 視覺試衣
★ 人體骨幹偵測
關鍵字(英) ★ GAN
★ virtual try-on
★ visual try-on
★ Openpose
論文目次 摘要I
目錄 IV
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景與動機1
1.2 研究目的2
1.3 論文架構3
第二章 文獻探討與回顧4
2.1 人體骨幹偵測4
2.2 生成對抗網路7
2.2.1 Generative Adversarial Network7
2.2.2 Conditional Generative Adversarial Network 10
2.2.3 SN Generative Adversarial Network 11
2.3 視覺試衣15
2.3.1 VITON 15
2.3.2 CP-VTON 18
2.3.3 ACGPN 21
第三章 研究方法29
3.1 模型架構29
3.2 實驗流程30
3.3 資料集36
第四章 實驗結果42
4.1 開發環境與工具42
4.2 影像品質評估方法44
4.3 實驗結果與展示48
第五章 結論與未來研究56
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指導教授 范國清(Kuo-Chin Fan) 審核日期 2021-7-26
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