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姓名 林子恆(Tzu-Heng Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 空氣品質感測器之故障偵測--基於深度時空圖模型的異常偵測框架
(Detecting Malfunctioned Air Quality Sensors -- an Anomaly Detecting Framework Base on Deep Spatial-Temporal Graph Model)
★ 透過網頁瀏覽紀錄預測使用者之個人資訊與性格特質★ 透過矩陣分解之多目標預測方法預測使用者於特殊節日前之瀏覽行為變化
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★ 分析網路日誌中有意圖、無意圖及缺失之使用者行為★ 基於自注意力機制產生的無方向性序列編碼器使用同義詞與反義詞資訊調整詞向量
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★ 結合時空資料的半監督模型並應用於PM2.5空污感測器的異常偵測★ 藉由權重之梯度大小調整DropConnect的捨棄機率來訓練神經網路
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摘要(中) 近年來空氣汙染已成為重視的議題。台灣行政院環保署規劃,於2017年至2020年逐步布建1萬200個空氣品質感測器,由物聯網方式蒐集大量且時間解析度密集的空品數據來分析各地區的空氣污染現象。


摘要(英) Air pollution is an essential issue in Taiwan. From 2017 to 2020, the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan in Taiwan has gradually deployed 10,200 air quality sensors, which have collected a large amount of air quality data with high time resolution. However, because the air quality sensors are small and fragile, environmental factors, such as sun, rain, and other physical characteristics, may influence or even damage these sensors. As a result, the monitored PM2.5 values from these malfunctioning sensors are inaccurate. The current strategy to identify the failure sensors requires on-site inspection. However, since the number of sensors is huge and sensors are located all over Taiwan, it is inefficient to discover the malfunctioning sensors by scheduled inspection or random sampling.

We propose an anomaly detection framework to identify the malfunctioning sensors based on a deep spatial-temporal graph model consisting of graph convolution and time convolution.

The time convolution discovers the temporal relationship among the monitored PM2.5 values of a sensor. At each time point, an undirected connected graph is established between each sensor and its surrounding sensors. The graph convolution utilizes these graphs to learn the spatial characteristics. We leverage this deep spatial-temporal graph model to predict the current PM2.5 value of a target sensor. We calculate the R2-score between the predicted PM2.5 values and the monitored PM2.5 values for each sensor and rank these sensors by their corresponding R2-scores in ascending order. We claim a sensor has malfunctioned if the R2-score is low (i.e., the predicted and the monitored PM2.5 values are very different). Experimental results show that our model identifies more problematic sensors with fewer trials. Consequently, examining the sensors with the order outputted by our model can save labor and time costs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 圖卷積網路
★ 時間卷積網路
★ 時序異常偵測
★ 深度學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Graph Convolution Network
★ Temporal Convolution Network
★ Time Series Anomaly Detection
★ Deep Learning
論文目次 摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究貢獻 3
1.3 論文架構 3
二、 相關研究 5
2.1 統計與規則基礎方法 5
2.2 機器學習方法運用在空氣品質預測 5
2.3 深度時空圖模型方法介紹 6
三、 研究方法與流程 8
3.1 產生圖序列資料 9
3.1.1 設定圖形結構中的邊權重 9
3.2 深度時空圖模型 10
3.2.1 圖卷積 Graph Convolution 10
3.2.2 時間卷積 Temporal Convolution 16
3.2.3 模型架構 17
3.2.4 STGCN 模型介紹 19
3.3 異常偵測模組 20
四、 實驗結果 22
4.1 實驗流程與細節 22
4.1.1 空汙感測器資料集介紹 22
4.1.2 資料清洗 23
4.1.3 切割訓練資料與測試資料 23
4.1.4 選取周圍感測器個數 23
4.1.5 時間滾動產生訓練特徵與標籤 24
4.1.6 產生圖形時序資料 25
4.1.7 模型訓練 25
4.1.8 異常偵測模組 30
4.2 實驗結果 30
4.2.1 評量指標 30
4.2.2 ROC curve 分數結果 31
4.2.3 前 10 至 50 個感測器其精確率. 32
4.2.4 前 10 至 50 個感測器其召回率 33
4.2.5 模型分離與模型統一結果比較 34
4.2.6 全部對全部與多對一結果比較 36
4.2.7 PR curve 分數結果 38
4.2.8 正常感測器與異常感測器其巡檢當日的R2-score平均值 38
4.3 實驗環境介紹 40
五、 結論與未來展望 41
5.1 結論 41
5.2 未來展望 42
參考文獻 44
附錄 A 實驗程式碼 47
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指導教授 陳弘軒(Hung-Hsuan Chen) 審核日期 2021-8-6
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