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姓名 謝侑錦(Yu-Chin Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 配合自動路徑的撈空長方槽於PCB產業成型的應用
★ 使用PolyTraceAid進行程式文件覆蓋率計算與分群★ Support Visual Debugging in Electronic Design Automation Software by xDIVA
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摘要(中) 在電路板產業中,「成型繪製」是工程師取得客戶提供的電路板設計圖後,利用CAD軟體在設計圖上以描繪的型式規劃機台切割的路徑以及修正圖檔。成型繪製是個重複性高且耗時的工作,並且高度依賴工程師多年的經驗以及對機台的了解。
CoolPCB為本實驗室所開發專門解決「成型繪製」單調且耗時問題的工具。相對於CAD軟體需要以手動的方式完成任何目標, CoolPCB融合了CAD軟體能夠處理大量物件的特性以及導入了機器人流程自動化的概念,透過讓使用者選取控制點的方式來簡化操作的步驟進而快速地完成成型繪製的工作。
摘要(英) Before cutting the PCB board, the engineers design the paths for CNC(Computer Numerical Control) machine and correct any error in the origin design by CAD (Computer Aided Design) tool. This procedure is very time-consuming, repetitive and heavily depend on the experience of the engineers.
CoolPCB , developed by our lab, combine the advantage from CAD tool which can handle massive amount of object and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) which provides automatic functionality to eliminate the repetition .This problem can be solved with CoolPCB by better UI(User Interface) and the concept about the automation.
There is a problem about design the paths for CNC. There will be a vacuum cleaner to clean out the residues after CNC finish routing the PCB. Sometimes the residue can be too large for vacuum cleaner. So the engineers need to design a path to destroy these residues when design paths in CAD tool.
This paper will propose a method to design a path to destroy these residues with CoolPCB and hopefully decrease the time which the engineers draw the paths.
關鍵字(中) ★ 成型繪製
★ 電路板
★ 撈空長方槽
★ 電腦輔助設計
★ 機器人流程自動化
論文目次 摘要............................................i
一、緒論 .......................................1
2-1 電腦輔助設計................................6
2-1-1 AutoCAD..................................6
2-2 成型繪製....................................7
2-3 CoolPCB....................................9
2-4 撈空長方槽..................................10
2-5 Genesis2000................................11
3-1 自動路徑抓取不規則形的區塊....................12
3-2 撈空長方槽繪製的路徑形狀......................14
3-2-1 網格模式...................................14
3-2-2 迴繞模式...................................15
3-2-3 線段偏移模式...............................16
4-1 撈空長方槽模式選用...........................18
4-2 撈空長方槽演算法介紹.........................18
4-3 找出向內縮的方向.............................23
4-4 計算偏移大小................................24
4-5 線段偏移....................................26
4-5-1 需要找出和現在線段相交的線段的原因..........30
4-5-2 連接處理的方法............................31
4-5-3 變形處理..................................33
4-6 如何判斷是否需要繼續下一層的偏移..............34
4-7 輸出CNC程式碼演算法介紹......................37
4-7-1 下刀點的位置..............................38
4-7-2 輸出的順序................................38
5-1 繪製結果的差異..............................40
5-1-1 手動繪製..................................41
5-1-2 Genesis2000..............................41
5-1-3 CoolPCB撈空長方槽.........................42
5-2 輸出CNC程式碼上刀下刀的次數比較...............43
5-3-1 控制點的導入..............................45
5-3-2 繪製路徑的過程.............................45
5-4 演算法採用後的效益...........................46
參考文獻 “AutoCad,” Autodesk Inc., [線上]. Available: https://www.autodesk.com.tw/products/autocad/overview. [存取日期: 05 7 2021].
“興普科技,” 興普科技股份有限公司, [線上]. Available: http://www.superpcb.com.tw/zh-tw/. [存取日期: 01 7 2021].
李憬維, “CoolPCB:以控制點為主的電路板切割成形繪製自動化方法,” 國立中央大學, 2020.
“Genesis2000,” orbotech, [線上]. Available: https://www.orbotech.com/zh-Hant/pcb/products/genesis-2000-for-rigid-multilayer-pcb. [存取日期: 5 7 2021].
“Autodesk,” Autodesk, Inc., [線上]. Available: https://www.autodesk.com.tw/. [存取日期: 6 7 2021].
“Unity,” Unity Technologies Inc., [線上]. Available: https://unity.com/. [存取日期: 05 7 2021].
“Orbotech,” Orbotech, [線上]. Available: https://www.orbotech.com/.
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M. Gł, abowski, B. Musznicki, P. Nowak 且 P. Zwierzykowski, “Efficiency Evaluation of Shortest Path Algorithms,” 於 AICT 2013.
On The Optimization of Dijkstra’s Algorithm, American University oft he Middle East, Egaila, Kuwait: Seifedine Kadry;Ayman Abdallah;Chibli Joumaa.
An Appraisal of Some Shortest-Path Algorithms, Stuart E. Dreyfus.
“Unity Overlap Sphere,” [線上]. Available: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Physics.OverlapSphere.html.
GabrielNivasch, Cycle detection using a stack, 2004.
B. V. Cherkassky 且 A. V. Goldberg, Negative-cycle detection algorithms, 1999.
指導教授 鄭永斌(Yung-Pin Cheng) 審核日期 2021-7-23
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