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姓名 鄔坦美(Yuniati Dwi Utami)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 設計具有可視化思維工具和程式作為單一步的 輔助學習程式之棋盤式遊戲
(Design of Cothi Mula Board Game with Making Thinking Visible and Program as a Step for Learning Programming Without a Computer)
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摘要(中) 學習編程對於程式初學者而言是有難度的,因為他們會面臨一些令人不愉快的
過程,例如 : 解決問題、了解新事物、培養邏輯思考的能力。學習寫程式也可以透過玩
可見概念及內儲程式概念。這款程式學習桌遊我們稱它為 “多層次計算思維”。
本結構,例如 : 循序(sequence)、選擇(selection)、迴圈(loop)。我們的卡片設計採納
了 Scratch 方塊,透過這些卡片學習者能夠體驗到基於方塊的視覺化程式設計(block-
based visual programming)。学习者在完成棋盘游戏和练习后,可以在 Scratch 环
看法。我們使用了基於四個維度的內在動機量表 (Intrinsic Motivation Inventory ; IMI)
摘要(英) Learning programming for novice programmers is difficult for them. They will face
unpleasant processes such as problem-solving, understanding new things, and logical thinking
capabilities. Learning programming can use unplugged activities, such as board games. Board
games were accessible to everyone, anywhere and anytime, which are more affordable to them.
Currently, various board games can foster learners’ computational thinking and have
programming elements, but they are mostly operated on one step at one time. Learners need a
mechanism from board games that can simulate to store their thinking and make it visible and
traceable by using a transparent layer. Based on current board games that have already been
developed, we designed a board game that not just operated on one step at one time. We
designed a board game that implemented making thinking visible concept and stored program
concept, namely Cothi Mula board game for learning programming.
In this study, our board game can store learners’ thinking on a transparent layer and
make it visible for later reflection. Our board game has computational thinking concepts and
skills, and a basic structure of control to construct a program, i.e., sequence, selection, and loop.
Learners experience block-based visual programming through our cards design that adopted
Scratch block. Learners can easily check whether the program was correct or not in the Scratch
environment after they finished playing the board game and exercises. Quantitative data
analysis was collected to investigate learners’ perceptions of playing our board game. We used
the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) questionnaire based on four dimensions, namely
Interest/Enjoyment, Effort/Importance, Pressure/Tension, and Value/Usefulness. Based on data
analysis, found that our board game can attract participant interest, they enjoyed playing our
board game, and this board game can be used to learning programming, but they need some
effort to play our board game.
關鍵字(中) ★ 編程
★ 計算思維
★ 基於桌遊的學習
★ 用於學習編程的棋盤遊戲
★ 內儲程式 概念
★ 思考過程可視化
關鍵字(英) ★ programming
★ computational thinking
★ board game-based learning
★ board game for learning programming
★ stored-program concept
★ make thinking visible
論文目次 中文摘要 ................................................................................................................................ i
............................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... vii
Chapter I Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Study ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions ...................................................................... 4
1.3 Organization of the Study ..................................................................................... 5
Chapter II Literature Review ................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Learning How to Program ..................................................................................... 6
2.2 Game-Based Learning ........................................................................................... 6
2.3 Board Game-Based Learning ................................................................................ 7
2.4 Board Game-Based Learning For Learning Programming ................................... 7
2.5 Stored Program Concept ....................................................................................... 8
2.6 Making Thinking Visible ...................................................................................... 9
Chapter III Cothi Mula Board Game Design ...................................................................... 10
3.1 Design of the Cothi Mula Board Game ............................................................... 10
3.2 Programming Elements on Cothi Mula Board Game ......................................... 26
3.3 User Pilot Study Design and Data Analysis Technique ...................................... 31
Chapter IV User Pilot Study & Investigation ..................................................................... 32
Implementation of Cothi Mula Board Game ....................................................... 32
4.2 Analysis of Participants’ Perception ................................................................... 37
Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion ............................................................................... 42
5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 42
5.2 Suggestion ........................................................................................................... 43
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 44
Appendix 1: Participant’s Perception Questionnaire ......................................................... 48
Appendix 2: Interview of Participant’s Perception ............................................................. 49
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指導教授 陳國棟 莊永裕(Gwo-Dong Chen Yung-yu Zhuang) 審核日期 2021-10-4
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