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姓名 簡詩婷(Shih-Ting Chien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 客家語文暨社會科學系客家政治經濟碩士班
論文名稱 論設立客家委員會之社會意涵-以 Iris M. Young 差異政治觀點回應
(The Social Implications of Establishing Hakka Affairs Council-Observe from Iris Young′s Conception of Politics of Difference)
★ 環保抗爭事件之研究:以三峽瀝青廠為例★ 台灣族群語言平等之研究: 以南桃園醫事客語使用為例
★ 台灣社會神豬祭祀爭議之研究:以桃園市平鎮區褒忠祠義民祭典為例★ 神豬祭祀與動物福利衝突的行動者網絡分析-以中壢仁海宮為例
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摘要(中) 於 2001 年 6 月 14 日臺灣客家委員會宣布正式成立,此舉為將客家族群事務首度納入中央行政機關,對於客家族群來說是族群權利保障的一種措施,目的是為了保存逐漸流失的客家文化以及客家語言,但對於這樣的做法,卻也引起了相當的爭議:像是有的宣稱這是為臺灣多元族群中的「特惠權利」,而可能因此而引發族群對立;有的則指出設立客家族群未如同原住民族般同等弱勢,設立部會則間接將客家族群貼上次等標籤;另外也有的更指出設立部會僅是政治選票下的考量,而非真正是中央要保存客家文化。而為何客家族群有權利可以擁有屬於自身族群的事務機關?又是因著什麼樣的緣故而設立?而設立客家委員會又將帶給臺灣社會什麼樣的意涵與啟示?
對於這些問題,本文將使用當代美國政治哲學家 Iris Marion Young 的「差異政治」 (Politics of Difference)概念做為回應,其理論說明在一個多元族群社會當中,應涵容於不同群體的差異,並將差異帶入公共領域之中,透過差異的不同詮釋將帶給社會不同經驗,使社會存有更多異質性的觀點以達在民主國家中所追求的社會正義。
境,再者運用其理論於公共領域中的調適措施「群體代表」(Group Representation)來為設立客家族群性專責行政機關做設立正當性之闡述,後則透過實際社會調查資料來為結果補充檢證。最後結果發現設立客家委員會在當今臺灣社會有三點意涵:
摘要(英) On June 14, 2001, the Taiwan Hakka Affairs Council announced its formal establishment. This move was the first time to bring the affairs of Hakka into the central administrative organ. For Hakka, it was a measure to protect the rights of the ethnic group. The purpose was to preserve the gradually lost Hakka culture. and Hakka language, but this practice has also caused considerable controversy: for example, some claim that this is a "special privilege " among Taiwan′s multi-ethnic groups, which may cause of ethnic conflict; some point out that the establishment of Hakka are not as disadvantaged as Taiwanese indigenous peoples, and the establishment of a ministry indirectly labels Hakka as inferior ethnic; in addition, some even point out that the establishment of a ministry is only a consideration of political votes, rather than the central government’s desire to preserve Hakka culture. So why does the Hakka have the right to own an affairs agency belonging to its own ethnic group? For what reason was it established? And what implications and enlightenment will the establishment of Hakka Affairs Council bring to Taiwan society?
To these questions, this article will observe from the concept of "Politics of Difference" by contemporary American political philosopher Iris Marion Young, whose theory states that in a multi-ethnic society, differences between different groups should be accommodated, and those "Differences" should be brought into the public sphere, and different interpretations of "Differences" will bring different experiences to society, so that there are more heterogeneous viewpoints in society to achieve the social justice pursued in democratic countries.
Therefore, this study combines the conceptual deduction of " Politics of Difference " with the situation of Hakka in Taiwanese politics, and then uses its theory in the public sphere as an adjustment measure "Group Representation" for explained the legitimacy of the establishment of Hakka Affairs Council , and then used actual social survey data to supplement the results. The final result found that the establishment of Hakka Affairs Council has three implications in today′s Taiwanese society:
1. The society contains the concept of justice
2. The establishment of Hakka Affairs Council will contribute to the development of a democratic society in Taiwan
3. Recognition the Hakka culture helps to enhance Hakka identity
關鍵字(中) ★ 客家委員會
★ 社會正義
★ 差異政治
★ 臺灣客家
★ 族群權利
關鍵字(英) ★ Hakka Affairs Council
★ Social Justice
★ Politics of Difference
★ Taiwan Hakka
★ Ethnic Rights
論文目次 摘要………………………………………………………………………………………………… I
謝誌……………………………………………………………………………………………… III
表目次……………………………………………………………………………………… VIII

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………………………….2
第二節 名詞解釋…………………………………………………………………………5
第三節 研究方法與章節安排………………………………………………14

第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………………………19
第一節 與差異政治論相關討論…………………………………………19
第二節 與族群性代表行政機關相關討論………………………30
第三節 小結…………………………………………………………………………………37

第三章 族群與差異政治群體界定……………………………………39
第一節 族群概念與臺灣族群關係……………………………………39
第二節 族群與差異政治………………………………………………………45
第三節 臺灣客家族群……………………………………………………………47
第四節 小結………………………………………………………………………………55

第四章 客家委員會與差異政治論…………………………………57
第一節 臺灣客家族群所面對的不正義結構………………57
第二節 差異政治調適策略與客委會設立……………………73
第三節 設立客家委員會與差異轉化………………………………83

第五章 結論………………………………………………………………………………93
第一節 研究結果……………………………………………………………………93
第二節 研究省思……………………………………………………………………96

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指導教授 石慧瑩(Hui-Ying Shi) 審核日期 2022-1-21
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