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姓名 高雅敏(Ya-Min Kao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生醫科學與工程學系
(Using Reinforcement Learning to Support Outbreak Management and Spatiotemporal Analysis of COVID-19 Epidemiology in Japan)
★ 基於密度泛函理論的人體姿勢模態識別之非監督學習方法★ 舌紋分析的動態曝光方法
★ 整合Modbus與Websocket協定之聯網醫療資料採集嵌入式系統研製★ 比較 U-net 神經網路與資料密度泛函方法對於磁共振影像分割的效能
★ 使用YOLO架構在標準環境中進行動態舌頭影像偵測及切割★ 使用YOLO辨識金屬表面瑕疵
★ 使用深度學習結合快速資 料密度泛函轉換進行自動腦瘤切割★ 使用強化學習模擬抑制新冠肺炎疫情
★ 融合影像與加速度感測訊號的人體上部運動特徵視覺化之機械學習模型★ 組建細胞培養人造磁場微實驗平台
★ 以幾何特徵強化方法用於腦腫瘤影像辨識與分割之研究★ 標準CMOS製程之新型微機電麥克風驗證、濕式蝕刻加工製程開發暨量產製程研究
★ 靜磁場於癌細胞的生物效應★ 關節角度監測裝置應用在日常膝關節活動
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摘要(中) 背景:限制行動能有效減緩COVID-19的傳播,但也造成全球的經濟危機。我們建立的強化學習演算法能在政策和經濟活動之間取得平衡,作為政策訂定之參考依據。我們也利用時空分析,依據日發生率將日本47都道府縣分群,並找出可能的風險因子。
摘要(英) Background: Implementing containment measures slowed the spread of COVID-19 but led to a crisis in the world economy. We established a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to support disease management by balancing policies and activities. To shed light on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic for future preparedness, we also conducted a spatiotemporal analysis to examine the clustering and risk factors of the 47 prefectures of Japan.
Methods: We designed an RL environment with 4 regions that 1) represented Tokyo, Osaka, Okinawa, and Hokkaido, Japan; 2) were connected by each region’s transport hub; and 3) had 4 separate Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Quarantined-Recovered (SEIQR) models. The RL agent was trained by obtaining observations from the environment, granting actions of movement, and receiving feedback from the reward function. The trained agent was introduced into environments mimicking the epidemic waves to observe the performance and action timing. In the spatiotemporal analysis, we applied hierarchical clustering on Pearson correlation coefficients of daily incidences to examine the overall similarity and variation among the 47 prefectures of Japan. We used linear regression to identify risk factors. We also demonstrated each prefecture′s incidence, mortality, and expected value of reproduction number for each epidemic wave and verified the risk factors using linear regression.
Results: The trained agent flattened the peaks of infectious cases and shortened the epidemics for the 5 epidemics covered in the RL study. The agent was often strict on screening but easy on movement, except for Okinawa, where both actions were generally easy. Action timing analyses indicated that restriction on movement was elevated when the number of exposed or infectious cases remained high or increased rapidly. Stringency on screening was eased when the number of exposed or infectious cases dropped quickly or to a regional low. For Okinawa, action on screening was tightened when the number of exposed or infectious cases increased rapidly. The spatiotemporal analysis demonstrated variations in epidemic patterns, with Okinawa/major metropolitans and Tohoku-Chubu prefectures having relatively higher and lower risks, respectively. Latitude and vaccination were strong discriminants. The comparison among waves also revealed significant deviations and showed signs of achieving herd immunity for early hotspot prefectures.
Conclusions: The RL experiments exhibited the potential to assist policy-making and demonstrated how the semi-connected SEIQR models created an interactive environment for imitating moving behaviors. Moreover, findings from the spatiotemporal analysis provide critical information regarding regional risk and can support authorities in future resource allocation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 新冠肺炎
★ 強化學習
★ 時空分析
★ 階層式分群法
關鍵字(英) ★ COVID-19
★ Reinforcement Learning
★ SEIQR Model
★ Population-weighted Density
★ Spatiotemporal Analysis
★ Hierarchical Clustering
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables x
1. Introduction 1
2. Methods 8
2.1 Data Description 8
2.2 Outbreak Management Using RL and Semi-connected SEIRQ Models 9
2.2.1 COVID-19 SEIQR Environment 9
2.2.2 RL Agent Design and Training 14
2.2.3 Simulating Wave-specific Environments 20
2.2 Spatiotemporal Analysis 23
2.2.1 Pearson Correlation 23
2.2.2 Hierarchical Clustering 23
2.2.3 Determining Number of Clusters 26
2.2.4 Characteristics of Clusters 28
2.2.5 Risk Factors at Prefectural Level 29
2.2.6 Epidemic Wave Analysis 29
3. Results 30
3.1 RL Simulation and Agent Performance 30
3.2 Spatiotemporal Analysis 35
3.2.1 Geographical and Demographic Characteristics 35
3.2.2 Incidence Trends 37
3.2.3 Human Flow 41
3.2.4 Vaccination 46
3.2.5 Pearson Correlation 50
3.2.6 Hierarchical Clustering 51
3.2.7 Number of Clusters 57
3.2.8 Characteristics and Determinants of the Clusters 64
3.2.9 Determinants of the Clusters 72
3.2.10 Risk Factors at Prefectural Level 74
3.2.11 Wave Patterns 77
4. Discussion 95
5. Conclusion 101
Bibliographies 102
Appendix 107
1. The SEIR and SEIQR curves before and after the Agent’s engagement for the first 4 epidemic waves 107
2. Action trends and statistics of the first 4 epidemic waves. 108
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指導教授 陳健章(Chien-Chang Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-23
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