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姓名 袁文緯(Wen-Wei Yuan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
(Enhanced Development of Potential Ruthenium-based Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Machine Learning)
★ 嗜甲烷菌內甲烷單氧化酵素中催化反應中心三核銅模擬分子之合成與光譜分析★ 烷烴氧化菌及氧化酵素之純化與功能性探討
★ 以電腦模擬研究香蕉型液晶元的分子交互作用力★ 利用時間相關的電子密度泛函理論研究反式-二苯乙烯胺的光化學行為
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★ 非鍵結作用力的理論研究: (1)質子化與氧化三元件系統遠端調控氫鍵的比較 (2)π- π與CH- π作用力的取代基效應★ 利用時間相關的密度泛涵理論研究HBI分子及其衍生物在第一激發態的位能曲線
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摘要(中) 染料敏化太陽能電池 (DSSCs) 是一種新興的光伏技術,由於其具有低成本、靈活性和良好的穩定性等優點而得到了廣泛的研究。染料敏化劑在DSSCs中起著關鍵的作用,然而,由於DSSCs的複雜結構以及缺乏可靠和可理解的定量(分子和電子)結構-性質關係,設計出最佳效率的敏化劑的仍然是一個挑戰。而機器學習 (ML) 已成為一種很有前途的方法,可以通過識別大數據中的相關性進行自動學習,從而加速新材料的開發。在本研究中,我們開發了預測 N3 系列釕染料 PCE 值的 ML 模型,旨在幫助和加速N3系列釕染料的優化。因此為ML訓練集收集了118個N3系列釕染料,利用密度泛函理論(DFT)和時間相關 DFT 計算基態和激發態的 46 個分子和電子性質,作為開發預測 ML 模型的分子描述 子, 採用卷積神經網絡(CNN)、輕量化梯度提升機(LightGBM)和人工神經網絡(ANN)三種 ML 演算法進行模型訓練, 優化的 ML 模型用於預測 93 種不同框架(包括非N3染料) 的釕染料,這些染料未包含在訓練數據集中。預測結果 表明,我們的 ML 模型可以區分具有不同效率(從低到高)的染料。這種 ML 模 型的可用於導出設計出具潛力的釕染料的化學規則,並且還可以用於快速且有效 地虛擬篩選大量新設計的染料。
摘要(英) Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are emerging photovoltaic technologies that have been extensively studied due to their low cost, flexibility, and stability. Sensitizers play a key role in DSSCs; design of an optimal sensitizer is challenge due to the complex architecture of DSSCs and the lack of a reliable and understandable quantitative (molecular- and electronic-) structure–property relationship. Herein, we develop a predictive and accurate ML model for PCE of Ru-dyes aimed to assist and accelerate the optimization of Ru-dyes for DSSC applications. 118 N3-series Ru dyes were collected for the ML training set. DFT and time-dependent DFT were employed to calculate 46 molecular and electronic properties at the ground and excited states as the molecular descriptors for developing predictive ML models. Three ML algorithms, light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM), artificial neural network (ANN), and convolutional neural network (CNN) were employed for model learners. The trained and optimized ML models were used to predict 93 Ru-dyes (unseen molecules) with different frameworks (including non-N3 dyes). The prediction results showed that our ML models can distinguish dyes with low-to-high efficiencies. The interpretability of such ML model is used to derive chemical rules for designing the potential Ru-dyes and further can be used to rapidly and effectively virtual screen a large number of newly designed dyes to discover promising dyes for practical DSSCs applications.
關鍵字(中) ★ 染料敏化太陽能電池 關鍵字(英) ★ Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
論文目次 摘要...I
List of Figures...IV
List of Tables...Ⅴ
Chapter 1—Introduction...1
Chapter 2—Computational Methods...7
Chapter 3—Results and Discussion...17
Chapter 4—Conclusions...49
Supporting Information...52
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70. Nonomura, K.; Xu, Y.; Marinado, T.; Hagberg, D. P.; Zhang, R.; Boschloo, G.; Sun, L.; Hagfeldt, A., The Effect of UV-Irradiation (under Short-Circuit Condition) on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Sensitized with a Ru-Complex Dye Functionalized with a (diphenylamino)Styryl-Thiophen Group.
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71. Willinger, K.; Fischer, K.; Kisselev, R.; Thelakkat, M., Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties of novel heteroleptic polypyridyl ruthenium (II) donor-antenna dyes. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009, 19 (30), 5364-5376.
72. Kisserwan, H.; Ghaddar, T. H., Enhancement of photovoltaic performance of a novel dye,“T18”, with ketene thioacetal groups as electron donors for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2010, 363 (11), 2409-2415.
73. Nguyen, H. M.; Vu, D. L.; Nguyen, D. N., Molecular engineering of carbazole functionalized ruthenium dyes for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells.109 Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2011, 2 (4), 045009.
74. Kim, J.-J.; Yoon, J.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, B. R.; Yoon, Y.-J.; Kang, M., A New Ruthenium Sensitizer Containing Benzo [1, 9] quinolizino (acridin-2-yl) vinyl-2, 2′-bipyridine Ligand for Effective Nanocrystalline Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. International Journal of Photoenergy 2011, 2012.
75. Hussain, M.; El-Shafei, A.; Islam, A.; Han, L., Structure–property relationship of extended π-conjugation of ancillary ligands with and without an electron donor of heteroleptic Ru (II) bipyridyl complexes for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013, 15 (21), 8401-8408.
76. El-Shafei, A.; Hussain, M.; Islam, A.; Han, L., Structure–property relationship of hetero-aromatic-electron-donor antennas of polypyridyl Ru (II) complexes for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 2014, 22 (9), 958-969.
77. Cao, K.; Lu, J.; Cui, J.; Shen, Y.; Chen, W.; Alemu, G.; Wang, Z.; Yuan, H.; Xu, J.; Wang, M.; Cheng, Y., Highly efficient light harvesting ruthenium sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells featuring triphenylamine donor antennas. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2 (14), 4945-4953.
78. Wang, Q.; Wu, W.; Ho, C.-L.; Xue, L.; Lin, Z.; Li, H.; Lo, Y. H.; Wong, W.-Y., Ruthenium(II) Photosensitizers with Electron-Rich Diarylamino-Functionalized 2,2′-Bipyridines and Their Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2014, 2014 (31), 5322-5330.
79. Hussain, M.; Islam, A.; Bedja, I.; Gupta, R. K.; Han, L.; El-Shafei, A., A comparative study of Ru(ii) cyclometallated complexes versus thiocyanated heteroleptic complexes: thermodynamic force for efficient dye regeneration in dye-sensitized solar cells and how low could it be? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16 (28), 14874-14881.
80. Chen, C.-Y.; Pootrakulchote, N.; Hung, T.-H.; Tan, C.-J.; Tsai, H.-H.; Zakeeruddin, S. M.; Wu, C.-G.; Grätzel, M., Ruthenium Sensitizer with Thienothiophene-Linked Carbazole Antennas in Conjunction with Liquid Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011, 115 (40), 20043-20050.
81. Ryu, T.-I.; Song, M.-K.; Lee, M.-J.; Jin, S.-H.; Kang, S.-W.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, J.-W.; Lee, C.-W.; Gal, Y.-S., Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of novel ruthenium (ii) sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cell applications. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2009, 30 (10), 2329-2337.
82. Carballo, M. S.; Urbani, M.; Chandiran, A. K.; González-Rodríguez, D.; Vázquez, P.; Grätzel, M.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Torres, T., Branched and bulky substituted ruthenium sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Dalton Transactions 2014, 43 (40), 15085-15091.
83. Nguyen, H. M.; Nguyen, D. N.; Kim, N., Improved performance of dye-sensitized solar cells by tuning the properties of ruthenium complexes containing conjugated bipyridine ligands. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2010, 1 (2), 025001.
84. Choi, J.; Nguyen, H. M.; Yoon, S.; Kim, N.; Oh, J.-W.; Kim, F. S., Triarylamine-Functionalized Ru Dyes with Different Conjugation Lengths for Highly Efficient Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 2014, 600 (1), 22-27.
85. Ganesh, T.; Nguyen, H.-M.; Mane, R. S.; Kim, N.; Shinde, D. V.; Bhande, S. S.; Naushad, M.; Hui, K. N.; Han, S. H., Promising ZnO-based DSSC performance using HMP molecular dyes of high extinction coefficients.
Dalton Transactions 2014, 43 (29), 11305-11308.
86. Chandrasekharam, M.; Rajkumar, G.; Rao, C. S.; Suresh, T.; Reddy, P.
Y.; Yum, J.-H.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Graetzel, M., A molecularly engineered fluorene-substituted Ru-complex for efficient mesoscopic dye-sensitized solar cells.
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2011, 2 (3), 035016.
87. Chandrasekharam, M.; Rajkumar, G.; Srinivasa Rao, C. H.; Suresh, T.; Reddy, P. Y.; Soujanya, Y., Ruthenium (II)-bipyridyl with extended π-system: Improved thermo-stable sensitizer for efficient and long-term durable dye sensitized solar cells. Journal of Chemical Sciences 2011, 123 (5), 555-565.
88. Chandrasekharam, M.; Rajkumar, G.; Rao, C. S.; Suresh, T.; Reddy, M.
A.; Reddy, P. Y.; Soujanya, Y.; Takeru, B.; Jun-Ho, Y.; Nazeeruddin, M. K., Polypyridyl Ru (II)-sensitizers with extended π-system enhances the performance of dye sensitized solar cells. Synthetic Metals 2011, 161 (11-12), 1098-1104.
89. Fan, S.-Q.; Kim, C.; Fang, B.; Liao, K.-X.; Yang, G.-J.; Li, C.-J.; Kim, J.-J.; Ko, J., Improved efficiency of over 10% in dye-sensitized solar cells with a ruthenium complex and an organic dye heterogeneously positioning on a single TiO2 electrode. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011, 115 (15), 7747-7754.
90. Yen, Y. S.; Chen, Y. C.; Hsu, Y. C.; Chou, H. H.; Lin, J. T.; Yin, D. J., Heteroleptic Ruthenium Sensitizers That Contain an Ancillary Bipyridine Ligand Tethered with Hydrocarbon Chains for Efficient Dye ‐ Sensitized Solar Cells.
Chemistry–A European Journal 2011, 17 (24), 6781-6788.
91. Chandrasekharam, M.; Rajkumar, G.; Rao, C. S.; Suresh, T.; Reddy, P. Y.,111 Phenothiazine conjugated bipyridine as ancillary ligand in Ru (II)-complexes for application in dye sensitized solar cell. Synthetic Metals 2011, 161 (15-16), 1469-1476.
92. El-Shafei, A.; Hussain, M.; Atiq, A.; Islam, A.; Han, L., A novel carbazole-based dye outperformed the benchmark dye N719 for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (45), 24048-24056.
93. Cheema, H.; Islam, A.; Han, L.; Gautam, B.; Younts, R.; Gundogdu, K.; El-Shafei, A., Influence of mono versus bis-electron-donor ancillary ligands in heteroleptic Ru (ii) bipyridyl complexes on electron injection from the first excited singlet and triplet states in dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2 (34), 14228-14235.
94. Stengel, I.; Pootrakulchote, N.; Dykeman, R. R.; Mishra, A.; Zakeeruddin, S. M.; Dyson, P. J.; Grätzel, M.; Bäuerle, P., Click‐Functionalized Ru (II) Complexes for Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 2012, 2 (8), 1004-1012.
95. Chandrasekharam, M.; Rajkumar, G.; Suresh, T.; YellaReddy, P., Substitution of Ethynyl-Thiophene Chromophores on Ruthenium Sensitizers: Influence on Thermal and Photovoltaic Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.
Advances in OptoElectronics 2012.
96. Chandrasekharam, M.; Suresh, T.; Singh, S. P.; Priyanka, B.; Bhanuprakash, K.; Islam, A.; Han, L.; Kantam, M. L., Functionalized styryl bipyridine as a superior chelate for a ruthenium sensitizer in dye sensitized solar cells. Dalton Transactions 2012, 41 (29), 8770-8772.
97. Suresh, T.; Rajkumar, G.; Singh, S. P.; Reddy, P. Y.; Islam, A.; Han, L.; Chandrasekharam, M., Novel ruthenium sensitizer with multiple butadiene equivalent thienyls as conjugation on ancillary ligand for dye-sensitized solar cells.
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98. Lobello, M. G.; Wu, K.-L.; Reddy, M. A.; Marotta, G.; Grätzel, M.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Chi, Y.; Chandrasekharam, M.; Vitillaro, G.; De Angelis, F., Engineering of Ru (II) dyes for interfacial and light-harvesting optimization.
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99. Onozawa-Komatsuzaki, N.; Kitao, O.; Yanagida, M.; Himeda, Y.; Sugihara, H.; Kasuga, K., Molecular and electronic ground and excited structures of heteroleptic ruthenium polypyridyl dyes for nanocrystalline TiO 2 solar cells. New Journal of Chemistry 2006, 30 (5), 689-697.
100. Reynal, A.; Forneli, A.; Martinez-Ferrero, E.; Sanchez-Diaz, A.; Vidal-Ferran, A.; Palomares, E., A Phenanthroline Heteroleptic Ruthenium Complex112 and Its Application to Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2008, 2008 (12), 1955-1958.
101. Reynal, A.; Forneli, A.; Martinez-Ferrero, E.; Sánchez-Díaz, A.; Vidal-Ferran, A.; O’Regan, B. C.; Palomares, E., Interfacial charge recombination between e−− TiO2 and the I−/I3− electrolyte in ruthenium heteroleptic complexes: dye molecular structure− open circuit voltage relationship. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130 (41), 13558-13567.
102. Chen, C. Y.; Lu, H. C.; Wu, C. G.; Chen, J. G.; Ho, K. C., New ruthenium complexes containing oligoalkylthiophene‐substituted 1, 10‐phenanthroline for nanocrystalline dye‐sensitized solar cells. Advanced Functional Materials 2007, 17 (1), 29-36.
103. Li, X.; Gui, J.; Yang, H.; Wu, W.; Li, F.; Tian, H.; Huang, C., A new carbazole-based phenanthrenyl ruthenium complex as sensitizer for a dye-sensitized solar cell. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2008, 361 (9-10), 2835-2840.
104. Yin, J.-F.; Bhattacharya, D.; Hsu, Y.-C.; Tsai, C.-C.; Lu, K.-L.; Lin, H.-C.; Chen, J.-G.; Ho, K.-C., Enhanced photovoltaic performance by synergism of light-cultivation and electronic localization for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009, 19 (38), 7036-7042.
105. Yin, J.-F.; Chen, J.-G.; Lu, Z.-Z.; Ho, K.-C.; Lin, H.-C.; Lu, K.-L., Toward optimization of oligothiophene antennas: New ruthenium sensitizers with excellent performance for dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemistry of Materials 2010, 22 (15), 4392-4399.
106. Yin, J.-F.; Chen, J.-G.; Bhattacharya, D.; Hsu, Y.-C.; Lin, H.-C.; Ho, K.-C.; Lu, K.-L., Enhanced light-harvesting capability by phenothiazine in ruthenium sensitizers with superior photovoltaic performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (1), 130-139.
107. Fan, S.-H.; Zhang, A.-G.; Ju, C.-C.; Gao, L.-H.; Wang, K.-Z., A Triphenylamine-grafted imidazo [4, 5-f][1, 10] phenanthroline ruthenium (II) complex: Acid− base and photoelectric properties. Inorganic chemistry 2010, 49 (8), 3752-3763.
108. Wang, P.; Humphry-Baker, R.; Moser, J. E.; Zakeeruddin, S. M.; Grätzel, M., Amphiphilic polypyridyl ruthenium complexes with substituted 2, 2 ‘-dipyridylamine ligands for nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemistry of materials 2004, 16 (17), 3246-3251.
109. Jin, Z.; Masuda, H.; Yamanaka, N.; Minami, M.; Nakamura, T.; Nishikitani, Y., Efficient electron transfer ruthenium sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113 (6), 2618-2623.
110. Kim, J.-J.; Choi, H.; Kim, C.; Kang, M.-S.; Kang, H. S.; Ko, J., Novel113 amphiphilic ruthenium sensitizer with hydrophobic thiophene or thieno (3, 2-b) thiophene-substituted 2, 2′-dipyridylamine ligands for effective nanocrystalline dye sensitized solar cells. Chemistry of Materials 2009, 21 (24), 5719-5726.
111.Yanagida, M.; Singh, L. P.; Sayama, K.; Hara, K.; Katoh, R.; Islam, A.; Sugihara, H.; Arakawa, H.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Grätzel, M., A new efficient photosensitizer for nanocrystalline solar cells: synthesis and characterization of cis-bis (4, 7-dicarboxy-1, 10-phenanthroline) dithiocyanato ruthenium (II). Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 2000, (16), 2817-2822.
112. Islam, A.; Sugihara, H.; Singh, L. P.; Hara, K.; Katoh, R.; Nagawa, Y.; Yanagida, M.; Takahashi, Y.; Murata, S.; Arakawa, H., Synthesis and photophysical properties of ruthenium (II) charge transfer sensitizers containing 4, 4′-dicarboxy-2, 2′-biquinoline and 5, 8-dicarboxy-6, 7-dihydro-dibenzo [1, 10]-phenanthroline. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2001, 322 (1-2), 7-16.
113. Hsu, Y.-C.; Zheng, H.; Lin, J. T. s.; Ho, K.-C., On the structural variations of Ru (II) complexes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Solar energy materials and solar cells 2005, 87 (1-4), 357-367.
114. Klein, C.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Liska, P.; Di Censo, D.; Hirata, N.; Palomares, E.; Durrant, J. R.; Grätzel, M., Engineering of a novel ruthenium sensitizer and its application in dye-sensitized solar cells for conversion of sunlight into electricity. Inorganic Chemistry 2005, 44 (2), 178-180.
115. Mishra, A.; Pootrakulchote, N.; Fischer, M. K. R.; Klein, C.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Zakeeruddin, S. M.; Bäuerle, P.; Grätzel, M., Design and synthesis of a novel anchoring ligand for highly efficient thin film dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemical communications 2009, (46), 7146-7148.
116. Mishra, A.; Pootrakulchote, N.; Wang, M.; Moon, S. J.; Zakeeruddin, S.
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Advanced Functional Materials 2011, 21 (5), 963-970.
117. Huang, W.-K.; Cheng, C.-W.; Chang, S.-M.; Lee, Y.-P.; Diau, E. W.-G., Synthesis and electron-transfer properties of benzimidazole-functionalized ruthenium complexes for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemical Communications 2010, 46 (47), 8992-8994.
118. She, Z.; Cheng, Y.; Zhang, L.; Li, X.; Wu, D.; Guo, Q.; Lan, J.; Wang, R.; You, J., Novel Ruthenium Sensitizers with a Phenothiazine Conjugated Bipyridyl Ligand for High-Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7 (50), 27831-27837.
119. Müller, A. V.; de Oliveira, K. T.; Meyer, G. J.; Polo, A. S., Inhibiting Charge Recombination in cis-Ru(NCS)2 Diimine Sensitizers with Aromatic114 Substituents. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (46), 43223-43234.
120. Ma, B.-B.; Peng, Y.-X.; Tao, T.; Huang, W., A distinguishable photovoltaic performance on dye-sensitized solar cells using ruthenium sensitizers with a pair of isomeric ancillary ligands. Dalton Transactions 2014, 43 (44), 16601-16604.
121. Ma, B.-B.; Peng, Y.-X.; Tao, T.; Geng, J.; Huang, W., Ruthenium sensitizers with various 2-thiophenimidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline based ancillary ligands and their performance for dye-sensitized solar cells. Dyes and Pigments 2015, 117, 100-107.
122.Bessho, T.; Yoneda, E.; Yum, J.-H.; Guglielmi, M.; Tavernelli, I.; Imai, H.; Rothlisberger, U.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Grätzel, M., New Paradigm in Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131 (16), 5930-5934.
123. Chen, W.-C.; Kong, F.-T.; Li, Z.-Q.; Pan, J.-H.; Liu, X.-P.; Guo, F.-L.; Zhou, L.; Huang, Y.; Yu, T.; Dai, S.-Y., Superior Light-Harvesting Heteroleptic Ruthenium(II) Complexes with Electron-Donating Antennas for High Performance Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (30), 19410-19417.
124. Chan, K. F.; Lim, H. N.; Ahmad, H.; Gowthaman, N. S. K., Photovoltaic performance of bipyridine and dipyridophenazine ligands anchored ruthenium complex sensitizers for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells. Solid State Sciences 2020, 107, 106368.
125. Karthikeyan, C. S.; Peter, K.; Wietasch, H.; Thelakkat, M., Highly efficient solid-state dye-sensitized TiO2 solar cells via control of retardation of recombination using novel donor-antenna dyes. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2007, 91 (5), 432-439.
126. Ocakoglu, K.; Harputlu, E.; Guloglu, P.; Erten-Ela, S., The photovoltaic performance of new ruthenium complexes in DSSCs based on nanorod ZnO electrode. Synthetic Metals 2012, 162 (23), 2125-2133.
127. Carvalho, F.; Liandra-Salvador, E.; Bettanin, F.; Souza, J. S.; Homem-de-Mello, P.; Polo, A. S., Synthesis, characterization and photoelectrochemical performance of a tris-heteroleptic ruthenium(II) complex having 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2014, 414, 145-152.
128. Oh, H.; Kim, J.; Yun, S. H.; Lee, J.; Park, B.; Tak, J.; Kim, B. H., Synthesis of heteroleptic Ru(II) complexes ligated with 1,3-dihydro-1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-7,8-diazacyclopenta[1]phenanthren-2-one and application in dye-sensitized solar cells. Synthetic Metals 2014, 198, 260-266.
129. Li, X.; Gui, J.; Yang, H.; Wu, W.; Li, F.; Tian, H.; Huang, C., A new115 carbazole-based phenanthrenyl ruthenium complex as sensitizer for a dye-sensitized solar cell. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2008, 361 (9), 2835-2840.
130. Wu, K.-L.; Hsu, H.-C.; Chen, K.; Chi, Y.; Chung, M.-W.; Liu, W.-H.; Chou, P.-T., Development of thiocyanate-free, charge-neutral Ru(ii) sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemical Communications 2010, 46 (28), 5124-5126.
131. Singh, S. P.; Islam, A.; Yanagida, M.; Han, L., Development of a new class of thiocyanate-free cyclometalated ruthenium (II) complex for sensitizing nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells. International Journal of Photoenergy 2011, 2011.
132. Dragonetti, C.; Valore, A.; Colombo, A.; Roberto, D.; Trifiletti, V.; Manfredi, N.; Salamone, M. M.; Ruffo, R.; Abbotto, A., A new thiocyanate-free cyclometallated ruthenium complex for dye-sensitized solar cells: Beneficial effects of substitution on the cyclometallated ligand. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2012, 714, 88-93.
133. Abbotto, A.; Coluccini, C.; Dell′Orto, E.; Manfredi, N.; Trifiletti, V.; Salamone, M. M.; Ruffo, R.; Acciarri, M.; Colombo, A.; Dragonetti, C., Thiocyanate-free cyclometalated ruthenium sensitizers for solar cells based on heteroaromatic-substituted 2-arylpyridines. Dalton Transactions 2012, 41 (38), 11731-11738.
134. Siu, C.-H.; Ho, C.-L.; He, J.; Chen, T.; Cui, X.; Zhao, J.; Wong, W.-Y., Thiocyanate-free ruthenium (II) cyclometalated complexes containing uncommon thiazole and benzothiazole chromophores for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2013, 748, 75-83.
135. Li, C.-Y.; Su, C.; Wang, H.-H.; Kumaresan, P.; Hsu, C.-H.; Lee, I. T.; Chang, W.-C.; Tingare, Y. S.; Li, T.-Y.; Lin, C.-F., Design and development of cyclometalated ruthenium complexes containing thiophenyl-pyridine ligand for dye-sensitized solar cells. Dyes and Pigments 2014, 100, 57-65.
136. Huang, J.-F.; Liu, J.-M.; Su, P.-Y.; Chen, Y.-F.; Shen, Y.; Xiao, L.-M.; Kuang, D.-B.; Su, C.-Y., Highly efficient and stable cyclometalated ruthenium (II) complexes as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Electrochimica Acta 2015, 174, 494-501.
137. Chen, K. S.; Liu, W. H.; Wang, Y. H.; Lai, C. H.; Chou, P. T.; Lee, G.
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138. Chen, K.; Hong, Y.-H.; Chi, Y.; Liu, W.-H.; Chen, B.-S.; Chou, P.-T., Strategic design and synthesis of novel tridentate bipyridine pyrazolate coupled Ru (II) complexes to achieve superior solar conversion efficiency. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009, 19 (30), 5329-5335.
139. Chen, B.-S.; Chen, K.; Hong, Y.-H.; Liu, W.-H.; Li, T.-H.; Lai, C.-H.; Chou, P.-T.; Chi, Y.; Lee, G.-H., Neutral, panchromatic Ru(ii) terpyridine sensitizers bearing pyridine pyrazolate chelates with superior DSSC performance.
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140. Vougioukalakis, G. C.; Konstantakou, M.; Pefkianakis, E. K.; Kabanakis, A. N.; Stergiopoulos, T.; Kontos, A. G.; Andreopoulou, A. K.; Kallitsis, J. K.; Falaras, P., A Ruthenium-Based Light-Harvesting Antenna Bearing an Anthracene Moiety in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014, 3 (9), 953-962.
141. Faiz, J.; Philippopoulos, A. I.; Kontos, A. G.; Falaras, P.; Pikramenou, Z., Functional Supramolecular Ruthenium Cyclodextrin Dyes for Nanocrystalline Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials 2007, 17 (1), 54-58.
142. Chou, C.-C.; Wu, K.-L.; Chi, Y.; Hu, W.-P.; Yu, S. J.; Lee, G.-H.; Lin, C.-L.; Chou, P.-T., Ruthenium(II) Sensitizers with Heteroleptic Tridentate Chelates for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Angewandte Chemie 2011, 123 (9), 2102-2106.
143. Robson, K. C. D.; Koivisto, B. D.; Yella, A.; Sporinova, B.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Baumgartner, T.; Grätzel, M.; Berlinguette, C. P., Design and Development of Functionalized Cyclometalated Ruthenium Chromophores for Light-Harvesting Applications. Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 50 (12), 5494-5508.
指導教授 蔡惠旭(Hui-Hsu Gavin Tsai) 審核日期 2023-1-17
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