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姓名 尤伊揚(Andry Yuliyanto)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 臺灣應用沸石於溫拌瀝青混凝土之成效評估
(Evaluation of the Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt Concrete Using Zeolite in Taiwan)
★ Engineering and Environmental Analysis of Maintenance Interval in Taiwan Freeway -the Case of Guanxi Section★ 3D 鋪面調查車之驗證與國道應用分析
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★ 以生命週期評估滾筒碴與轉爐石應用於瀝青混凝土之研究★ 傳統單點雷射與2D雷射應用於平坦度之比較研究
★ 鋪面劣化影像自動辨識應用於鋪面巡查精進研究★ 自動化鋪面破壞影像辨識系統導入鋪面破壞維護管理系統之研究
★ 以ETC大數據結合FWD建立台灣區高速公路鋪面結構評估準則之研究★ The Comparison Study of Various Surface Maintenance Alternatives in Taiwan Freeway
★ The Preliminary Study of conducting Pavement Maintenance Model for Taiwan Provincial Highways using Life-Cycle Cost Analysis★ 冷拌再生瀝青混凝土應用於管線挖掘回填層之可行性研究
★ 台灣現行修補材料運用於柔性鋪面表層裂縫與坑洞修補之耐久性初步探討★ 以車載藍光雷射建構國道鋪面抗滑值與二維紋理之關聯模型
★ 以不同光譜雷射應用於鋪面平坦度量測之綜合性評估★ 冷拌再生瀝青混凝土應用於道路管線挖掘回填工程之現地驗證
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摘要(中) 環境保護已成為交通運輸中日益重要的問題,尤其是瀝青製造產業。儘管熱拌瀝青混凝土 (HMA)仍然為廣泛應用,但目前溫拌瀝青混凝土 (WMA) 技術研究指出,採用沸石技術能夠有效的降低瀝青混合料的產製溫度。本研究目的為評估應用沸石的流變特性和成效試驗。應用沸石與瀝青 AC 20 混合後之質量損失率、發泡效果、黏度和動態剪切流變儀 (DSR) 進行評估; 另外,成效試驗評估應用之 WMA 和 HMA 皆由實驗室進行,包括壓實性能指數、抗水分敏感性和漢堡輪跡試驗 (HWTT)。實驗結果顯示應用沸石材料相較於採用一般的瀝青黏度與溫度方法,使用壓實性能指數作為決定WMA的拌和與壓實溫度較為適合。其中,Aspha-min 具有比其他沸石更好的壓實性能指數。然而,依據抗水分敏感性和 HWTT結果顯示,天然沸石優於其他沸石,其抗水分侵害殘餘指數 (TSR) 為91%,10,000 次的車轍深度為 7.03 mm。依據本研究對於經濟、能源和環境影響分析結果,沸石對於環境有效益的,沸石可用作一種有效且可持續的 WMA 添加劑。
摘要(英) Environmental protection is an increasing and essential issue in pavement engineering, especially asphalt concrete manufacturing. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is widely used worldwide. However, Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology can decrease asphalt mixtures production and laying temperature. Zeolite is a material that can be a warm mix additive because it can provide a foaming effect to increase workability. This study evaluates zeolite as a warm mix additive in rheological properties, mixing performance, economic, energy, and environmental impacts. Four different types of zeolites, Aspha-min, Zp-4a, Type A, and Natural are used in this study. The optimized content of zeolite was determined by using a mass loss test, the foaming effect, viscosity, and Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) were conducted to evaluate the physical properties of the asphalt binder. The results showed that using 5% of zeolite as an additive has better workability and viscosity. To understand the performances of WMA with zeolites, compactability indices, moisture sensitivity, and the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test (HWTT) were also conducted. Experimental findings have shown that the compactability index can better determine mixing and compaction temperatures than viscosity tests for zeolite material as a WMA additive. The results showed that Aspha-min has better compactability indices than other zeolites, and Natural zeolite has lower moisture sensitivity and HWTT. With a Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of 91% and rut depth at 10,000 passes is 7.03 mm. Moreover, economic, energy, and environmental impact analyses have shown that zeolites are environmentally efficient. Reducing 15 °C and 30 °C can reduce energy consumption and GHG emission by 5.49% and 10.97%, respectively. This study found that zeolite may be used as an effective and sustainable WMA additive.
關鍵字(中) ★ 沸石
★ 溫拌瀝青混凝土
★ 流變特性
★ 混合性能
★ 壓實性能
關鍵字(英) ★ Zeolite
★ Warm mix asphalt
★ rheological properties
★ mixing performance
★ Compactability
論文目次 Table of Contents

Abstract 2
Table of Contents 4
List of Figures 7
List of Table 9
List of Abbreviations 10
List of Symbols 11
I. Introduction 1
1-1 Research Backgrounds 1
1-2 Research Objectives 2
1-3 Research Scopes 2
1-4 Study Flowchart 2
II. Literature Review 5
2-1 Warm Mix Asphalt 5
2-1-1 Organic Additives 5
2-1-2 Chemical Additives 6
2-1-3 Foaming Processes 6
2-2 Zeolite 6
2-2-1 Natural Zeolite 7
2-2-2 Synthetic Zeolite 7
2-3 Zeolite in WMA 8
2-3-1 Temperature Reduction with Viscosity Test 8
2-3-2 Temperature Reduction Without Viscosity Test 9
2-4 Mass Loss and Volume Increase 10
2-5 Moisture Sensitivity 11
2-6 Rutting Resistance 12
2-7 Compactability 15
2-8 Economic, Energy and Environmental Analysis 17
III. Methodology 20
3-1 Phase 1 for Asphalt Binder 20
3-1-1 Zeolite Characteristic 20
3-1-2 Asphalt Binder 22
3-2 Phase 2 for Asphalt Concrete 24
3-2-1 Material Properties 25
3-2-2 Coating 26
3-2-3 Compactability 27
3-2-4 Moisture Sensitivity 28
3-2-5 Rutting Test 28
3-2-6 Economic, Energy, and Environment Impact Analysis 29
IV. Result and Discussion 30
4-1 Phase 1 for Asphalt Binder 30
4-1-1 Zeolite Characteristic 30
4-1-2 Asphalt Binder 34
4-2 Phase 2 for Asphalt Concrete 40
4-2-1 Material Properties 40
4-2-2 Coating 43
4-2-3 Compactability 44
4-2-4 Moisture Sensitivity 48
4-2-5 Rutting Test 49
4-2-6 Economic, Energy and Environment Impact Analysis 52
4-3 Discussion 54
V. Conclusion and Recommendation 59
5-1 Conclusions 59
5-2 Recommendations 59
Reference 60
Appendix 68
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指導教授 陳世晃(Chen Shih Huang Putri Adhitana Paramitha) 審核日期 2022-7-21
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