博碩士論文 109323057 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃鈺淳(Yu-Tsun Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 應用於智慧製造之網宇實體系統訓練資料異常檢知
(Anomaly Detection of Training Data for Cyber-Physical System in Intelligent Manufacturing)
★ 微波化學強化碳化矽表面拋光之研究★ 智慧製造垂直系統整合之資產管理殼
★ 應用深度學習與物聯網評估CNC加工時間★ 混合視覺與光達感測的感知融合機器人定位系統
★ 結合遺傳演算法與類神經網路之 分散式機械結構最佳化系統之研究★ 以資料分散式服務發展智慧產品與其系統之研究
★ 精微產品組裝的智能人機協作系統★ YOLOv7 模型於小物件檢測之改良與應用
★ 應用分治法於刀具壽命預測模型之研究★ 基於多通道 RSS 的可見光定位系統之設計與其訊號處理方法
★ 自動化工作站排程系統之設計與應用★ 基於區塊鏈之去中心化製造執行系統
★ 應用於專案排程之混合蟻群演算法
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摘要(中) 網宇實體系統會在雲端建立預測用的數值模型,再利用由工廠自動收集的資料訓練該數
金屬沉積製程優化案例,第二個案例是使用 3D 生物列印之製程優化案例。先評估資料汙染
中真陽性與偽陽性是影響資料汙染的關鍵指標。結果顯示本研究分類的正確率大於 94.7%,
錯誤率小於 3.3%,所以本研究提出之方法可確實避免網宇實體模型受到資料汙染的影響。
摘要(英) The cyber-physical system of the manufacturing industry will build a numerical model for
prediction in the cloud, and then will train the numerical model with the data collected automatically
from the factory, and continuously update the model. To avoid the inaccurate predictions caused by
the data poisoning of the updated numerical model due to the mixing of the wrong data with the
correct data, an error data filter is needed to classify the data and maintain the performance of the
cyber-physical system.
The filter in this study consists of Auto-Encoder and a classifier. First, use the correct data to
train the front-end Auto-Encoder so that it can initially identify correct and incorrect data. Then, the
classifier is built at the back-end to distinguish the correctness of the data, which consists of Support
Vector Machines, Random Forest, a K-Nearest Neighbor and Ensemble Learning. The input data of
the classifier includes the input and output of the Auto-Encoder, and can also include quantifiers of
the difference between them. Finally, the classifier classifies the data into correct or incorrect
categories. Only correct data can be used for updating the numerical model of the cyber-physical
In this study, two process cases are used to validate and adapt the research method; the first case
is Laser Direct Metal Deposition, and the second case is Modeling and Parameter Optimization of 3D
Printing Process with Bio-material. The impact of data poisoning on the numerical model was
evaluated, and then the method developed in this study was used to filter out the wrong data and
analyze the classification; true positive and false positive were the key indicator of data poisoning.
The results show that the classification accuracy rate of this study is greater than 94.7%, and the error
rate is less than 3.3%. Therefore, the method proposed in this study can indeed avoid the influence of
data poisoning on the cyber-physical model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網宇實體系統
★ 異常資料過濾
★ 自動編碼器
★ 集成學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Cyber physical system
★ anomaly data filter
★ Autoencoder
★ Ensemble learning
論文目次 摘要.............Ⅰ
Abstract ........Ⅱ
1-1 研究背景 .....1
1-2 文獻回顧 .....1
1-2-1 異常檢測....3
1-2-2 數據生成與分類....5
1-3 研究動機與目的 .....6
1-4 論文架構 ..........6
2-1 數位雙胞 ..........7
2-2 機器學習 ..........7
2-2-1 發展.............7
2-2-2 自動編碼器.......8
2-2-3 分類神經網路.....9
(A) 支援向量機.........10
(B) 隨機森林 ......... 11
(C) K-近鄰演算法.......12
2-2-4 卷積神經網路.....13
2-2-5 對抗式生成網路...14
2-2-6 評估指標.........15
(A) 回歸指標...........15
(B) 分類指標 ..........15
3-1 研究方法概觀 .......18
3-2 AE 模型設計 .......21
3-3 分類模型設計 ......23
3-4 異常資料產生方法 ...24
3-5 實作環境 ..........24
4-1 LMD 案例進行模型設計....25
4-1-1 資料汙染測試..........25
4-1-2 AE 模型架構...........28
4-1-3 異常資料過濾器架構.....29
(A) 架構Ⅰ...................29
(B) 架構Ⅱ .................30
(C) 架構Ⅲ .................32
4-1-4 討論.................35
4-2 3D 生物列印製程優化案例進行模型評估.....36
4-2-1 資料汙染測試........................37
4-2-2 異常資料過濾器架構..................41
(A) 架構Ⅰ................................41
(B) 架構Ⅱ ..............................43
(C) 架構Ⅲ ..............................43
4-2-3 討論...............................45
4-3 鑄件缺陷檢測 .........................47
4-3-1 電腦視覺的預測模型..................47
4-3-2 資料汙染測試........................47
4-3-3 異常資料過濾器......................49
4-4 綜合討論 ............................52
5-1 貢獻與結論 ..........................54
5-2 建議及未來展望 ......................54
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指導教授 林錦德(Chin-Te Lin) 審核日期 2022-11-15
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