摘要(英) |
"Subcontracting" is an important mechanism in the business model of the construction industry, many studies have shown that multi-level subcontracting is the main cause of poor safety performance in the construction industry, and the subcontracted projects also externalize the legal responsibilities and obligations that the original employers need to take on. Among the many safety and health problems caused by subcontracting, the unclear delineation of rights and responsibilities of each employer is a key factor, as the complex subcontracting relationship leads to confusion in workplace management, blurred responsibilities and unclear working relationships. However, the contracting relationship is different from the employment relationship, and the safety and health regulations for contracting in Taiwan are mainly concentrated in Articles 25-28 of the Occupational Safety and Health Law, so the regulations for contracting management are obviously inadequate, and the imperfect formulation of regulations will significantly affect the safety situation in practice.
Therefore, this thesis aims to clarify the safety and health problems caused by the subcontracting system in Taiwan′s construction industry. After understanding the problems, we collected domestic and foreign data and compared the safety and health regulations of advanced countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia on the regulation and practice of safety and health responsibilities in contracting management, in order to find out how to improve the safety and health regulations of contracting management in Taiwan′s construction industry. The first result of the study clearly identifies the safety and health issues brought by subcontracting and summarizes four key safety and health issues in the contracting relationship. In the second part, the study completed the comparison and analysis of the safety and health regulations for contracting management in different countries, and based on the four safety and health issues, the four comparative themes of "contracting role in the construction industry", "target and matters of responsibility of contracting role", "determination of rights and responsibilities under joint operation" and "selection of contractors" were proposed, and three feasible items for implementation in Taiwan were derived. Finally, based on the above research results, we further analyze and propose the legislative framework of the "Construction Safety and Health Contractor Management Regulations" as a strategy to improve the construction industry contracting management in Taiwan. |
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