博碩士論文 109327009 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃柏盛(BOR-SHENG HUANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 基於人工智慧之PCB瑕疵檢測技術開發
(Development of PCB Defect Detection Technology Based on Artificial Intelligence)
★ MOCVD晶圓表面溫度即時量測系統之開發★ MOCVD晶圓關鍵參數即時量測系統開發
★ 應用螢光顯微技術強化RDL線路檢測系統★ 基於 YOLO 物件辨識技術之 PCB 多類型瑕疵檢測模型開發
★ 全場相位式表面電漿共振技術★ 波長調制外差式光柵干涉儀之研究
★ 攝像模組之影像品質評價系統★ 雷射修整之高速檢測-於修整TFT-LCD SHORTING BAR電路上之應用
★ 光強差動式表面電漿共振感測術之研究★ 準共光程外差光柵干涉術之研究
★ 波長調制外差散斑干涉術之研究★ 全場相位式表面電漿共振生醫感測器
★ 利用Pigtailed Laser Diode 光學讀寫頭在角度與位移量測之研究★ 複合式長行程精密定位平台之研究
★ 紅外波段分光之全像集光器應用★ 太陽光譜分光器之設計
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摘要(中) 隨著硬體技術的發展,電路板的需求量逐年大幅增加,產業對於電路板製造品質與產品良率的要求也是與日俱增;深度學習技術也隨著硬體技術的進步而蓬勃發展。尤其是在過去的幾年內,硬體效能的快速成長讓深度學習技術得以突飛猛進,深度學習技術經常被應用在生活和工業中,比如:GOOGLE翻譯、停車場車牌識別,都是深度學習在生活中的應用。
摘要(英) With the development of hardware technology, the demand for circuit boards has increased dramatically year by year, and the industry′s demand for quality and yield of circuit boards has also been increasing. In particular, the rapid growth in hardware performance over the past few years has allowed deep learning technology to advance by leaps and bounds. Deep learning technology is often used in everyday life and industry, for example, GOOGLE translation and car park license plate recognition.
At present, PCB yield inspection in the PCB printing-related industry mainly relies on automated optical inspection systems (AOI) and manual inspection, which requires a large amount of manual inspection due to the frequent error in defect judgement in AOI systems, resulting in higher costs.
This study proposes a deep learning-based inspection technique to detect defects on PCBs, with the main objective of filtering out ′false defects′ marked by AOI systems. After filtering by the deep learning neural network system developed in this study, the workload and labour cost can be significantly reduced and the efficiency and yield of PCB defect detection can be significantly improved.
In this study, the main architecture of the neural network system is YOLO, which is a very powerful neural network system for object detection in recent years, widely used in academia and industry. It has been trained to accurately determine and mark the location of targets.
The dataset consists of images from the AOI system of the production line provided by the manufacturer, which contains images of 11 types of defects and non-defects that were misidentified by the AOI inspection system.This study is different from other experiments in terms of difficulty.
The test data in this study is the current image output from the AOI system of PCB production line sent by the vendor every month. Compared to other experiments, the test data is closed data with similar characteristics, and usually a part of the database is divided into test data, which is extremely difficult.
關鍵字(中) ★ YOLO
★ 深度學習
關鍵字(英) ★ YOLO
★ Deep learning
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 CNN 2
1-2-2 YOLO 7
1-3 研究動機、目的與方法 9
1-4 論文架構 10
第二章人工智慧與神經網路原理介紹 12
2-1人工智慧 12
2-1-1弱人工智慧 12
2-1-2強人工智慧 12
2-2機器學習 13
2-2-1監督式學習 13
2-2-2半監督式學習 13
2-2-3非監督式學習 13
2-2-4神經網路 13
2-2-5卷積神經網路 14
2-2-6 YOLO 物件偵測 16
2-3小結 18
第三章 系統架構 19
3-1基本構想 19
3-2使用設備 20
3-3前期實驗研究可行性評估結果 21
3-3-1訓練結果 21
3-3-2 CNN網路遇到困難 23
3-3-2前期實驗研究問題與檢討 23
3-3-3物件追蹤模型實驗可行性評估 25
3-4資料集 25
3-4-1 訓練集 32
3-4-2 驗證集 32
3-4-3 測試集 32
3-5標註 33
3-5-1標註軟體 33
3-5-2標註軟體操作方式 33
3-5-3標註檔 35
3-6神經網路架構 35
3-7小結 36
第四章研究方法 37
4-1實驗流程 37
4-2圖片標註 37
4-2-1短路 38
4-2-4突起 41
4-2-5線路壓傷 43
4-2-6斷路 46
4-3模型訓練 49
4-4模型評估方式:二元分類指標 49
4-5分類標準規範 48
4-6小結 52
第五章 實驗設計、方法與結果 53
5-1學習率 53
5-2增加訓練資料 54
5-3輸入圖片解析度調整 55
5-4標註方式修正 56
5-5新增類別 57
5-6數據增強 58
5-6-1上下左右翻轉 59
5-6-2馬賽克 60
5-6-4 HSV調整 61
5-6-5縮放 62
5-6-6旋轉 62
5-7正則化 63
5-8人工假圖製作 66
5-9資料集比例分析 68
第六章 問題討論 69
6-1問題與討論 69
6-1-1各項模型指標 69
6-1-2神經網路架構 70
6-1-3資料庫 71
6-1-4資料標註 71
第七章 結論與未來展望 73
7-1結論 73
7-2 未來展望 74
7-2-1準確率提升 74
7-2-3優化辨識速度 77
7-2-4 AOI機台串聯 78
7-2-5 GUI介面增加 78
參考文獻 79
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指導教授 李朱育(Ju-Yi Lee) 審核日期 2023-2-1
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