摘要(英) |
The construction industry has brought economic prosperity and convenience to people′s livelihoods. However, as construction projects progress, they also generate pollution that affects the environment. In response to this issue, the Public Construction Commission (referred to as the Commission) of the Executive Yuan in Taiwan requires developers to allocate 0.3-3% of the direct project costs for implementing environmental protection measures.
This study collected data from 27 cases of road public construction projects to investigate compliance with budget allocation requirements set by the Commission, the effectiveness of implemented environmental protection measures, and the achievement of environmental protection goals.
The research findings revealed that in 18 cases, the final settlement amount for direct project expenses exceeded the budget, primarily due to changes in construction quantities. For the environmental protection measures, 11 cases had settlement amounts equal to or lower than the budgeted amount. There was no clear correlation between the allocation of environmental protection measure costs and the direct project costs. Out of the 27 cases studied, 13 cases met the requirements set by the Commission in terms of budget compliance.
Among the different cases, the most frequently implemented environmental protection measure was the category of "other environmental facilities and management maintenance costs," which was observed in 16 cases. Specifically, dust prevention facilities and water sprinkler vehicles were the most common pollution control measures, implemented in 12 cases each.
Overall, the settlement amounts for environmental protection measures were mostly equal to or lower than the budgeted amounts. In nearly half of the cases, the budget and settlement for environmental protection measures complied with the Commission′s requirements. The majority of cases implemented a high proportion of "other environmental facilities and management maintenance costs." There is a need to strengthen the understanding and supervision of environmental protection measures by the organizing authorities. |
參考文獻 |
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