博碩士論文 109421055 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡凱絜(KAI-CHIEH TSAI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 探討ASMR與感官品牌體驗、懷舊、品牌權益及購買意願之機制
(Exploring the Mechanism of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), Sensory Brand Experience, Nostalgia, and Brand Equity on Purchase Intention)
★ 暗黑人格與網路遊戲中的衝動購買:探討享樂價值、遊戲忠誠度與網路遊戲疾患之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究之目的為探討ASMR、感官品牌體驗、懷舊及購買意願之關係,以及品牌權益是否會中介ASMR與購買意願。透過網路發放問卷,共回收412份,其中有效而進行分析的問卷為393份。以ASMR為自變數,並以購買意願為應變數,最後以結構方程模型之路徑分析來進行假說驗證。結果發現,ASMR對感官品牌體驗、懷舊及品牌權益皆有顯著正向關係,且品牌權益在ASMR與購買意願之間為完全中介效果。本研究於學術上補足ASMR與行銷的缺憾,並於實務上讓企業了解消費者對於ASMR之影響,可做為企業或品牌於行銷上之參考。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among Autonomous sensory meridian response, sensory brand experience, nostalgia and purchase intention. Another aim was to find out the mediation of brand equity between Autonomous sensory meridian response and purchase intention. The online questionnaires were given to subjects. A total of 412 questionnaires were received and 393 were considered valid and analyzed in the study. And then, this paper made fit analysis on the hypothetical model by using structural equation modeling. The results show that Autonomous sensory meridian response has a significant positive relationship among sensory brand experience, nostalgia and brand equity. Brand equity found to full mediate between Autonomous sensory meridian response and purchase intention. This study made up blemish of the connection between Autonomous sensory meridian response and the marketing. And let the enterprises understand the influence of consumers on Autonomous sensory meridian response, which can be used as a reference for companies or brands in marketing.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自主性感官經絡反應
★ 感官品牌體驗
★ 懷舊
★ 品牌權益
★ 購買意願
關鍵字(英) ★ Autonomous sensory meridian response
★ sensory brand experience
★ nostalgia
★ brand equity
★ purchase intention
論文目次 摘要 ............................................................................................................................................. i
Abstract....................................................................................................................................... ii
誌謝 ........................................................................................................................................... iii
目錄 ........................................................................................................................................... iv
圖目錄 ...................................................................................................................................... vii
表目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... viii
第一章緒論 ................................................................................................................................ 1
1-1研究背景與動機 .................................................................................................................. 1
1-2研究目的 .............................................................................................................................. 4
1-3研究流程 .............................................................................................................................. 5
第二章文獻探討 ........................................................................................................................ 7
2-1 ASMR .................................................................................................................................. 7
2-2 購買意願(Purchase Intention) ....................................................................................... 8
2-3感官品牌體驗(Sensory Brand Experience) ................................................................. 11
2-3-1品牌(Brand) ....................................................................................................... 11
2-3-2品牌體驗(Brand Experiences) .......................................................................... 11
2-3-3感官品牌體驗(Sensory Brand Experience) ...................................................... 12
2-3-4 ASMR與感官品牌體驗之關係 ............................................................................ 13
2-4懷舊(Nostalgia) ............................................................................................................ 14
2-4-1 ASMR與懷舊之關係 .............................................................................................. 15
2-4-2感官品牌體驗與懷舊之關係 ................................................................................. 15
2-5品牌權益(Brand Equity) .............................................................................................. 16
2-5-1品牌忠誠度(Brand Loyalty) .............................................................................. 19
2-5-2知覺品質(Perceived Quality) ............................................................................ 19
2-5-3品牌覺察(Brand Awareness) ............................................................................... 20
2-5-4品牌聯想(Brand Association) ........................................................................... 21
2-5-5感官品牌體驗與品牌權益之關係 ......................................................................... 21
2-5-6 ASMR與品牌權益之關係 ...................................................................................... 22
2-5-7懷舊與品牌權益之關係 ......................................................................................... 22
2-5-8品牌權益與購買意願之關係 ................................................................................. 23
2-5-9品牌權益在ASMR與購買意願之間的關係 ......................................................... 23
第三章研究方法 ...................................................................................................................... 24
3-1研究架構 ............................................................................................................................ 24
3-2研究樣本 ............................................................................................................................ 24
3-3研究工具 ............................................................................................................................ 25
3-4研究步驟 ............................................................................................................................ 26
第四章研究結果 ...................................................................................................................... 29
4-1樣本描述性統計 ................................................................................................................ 29
4-2信度分析 ............................................................................................................................ 31
4-3效度分析 ............................................................................................................................ 32
4-4量表描述性統計 ................................................................................................................ 34
4-5變項間之相關 .................................................................................................................... 36
4-6結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) .................................................. 37
第五章討論與建議 .................................................................................................................. 42
5-1研究討論 ............................................................................................................................ 42
5-2管理意涵 ............................................................................................................................ 43
5-3研究限制與未來建議 ........................................................................................................ 44
5-4研究結論 ............................................................................................................................ 46
參考文獻 .................................................................................................................................. 47
附錄:研究問卷 ...................................................................................................................... 62
圖1ASMR影片 ......................................................................................................................... 1
圖2研究流程圖 ........................................................................................................................ 6
圖3研究架構圖 ...................................................................................................................... 24
圖4結構方程模型圖 .............................................................................................................. 38
表1企業與YOUTUBER合作之ASMR影片 ........................................................................... 2
表2購買意願之定義 .............................................................................................................. 10
表3由財務觀點來定義品牌權益 .......................................................................................... 16
表4由行銷觀點來定義品牌權益 .......................................................................................... 17
表5由財務與行銷結合之觀點來定義品牌權益 .................................................................. 18
表6樣本描述性統計 .............................................................................................................. 30
表7 CRONBACH’SΑ數值 .......................................................................................................... 31
表8因素負荷量 ...................................................................................................................... 33
表9組合信度、收斂效度、區別效度 .................................................................................. 34
表10量表描述性統計 ............................................................................................................ 35
表11相關係數矩陣 ................................................................................................................ 36
表12模型適配度 .................................................................................................................... 37
表13假說驗證結果 ................................................................................................................ 39
表14研究結果總表 ................................................................................................................ 41
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指導教授 鄭明松 杜秉叡 審核日期 2022-7-11
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