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姓名 張博雅(Po-Ya Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
(A Deep Learning Based Android Apps Recommendation with Multi-embedding and Matrix Factorization)
★ 零售業商業智慧之探討★ 有線電話通話異常偵測系統之建置
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摘要(中) 隨著行動應用程式的數量急遽成長,琳琅滿目的行動應用程式使得用戶要找到適合的選擇是困難且費時的。因此,幫助用戶解決此問題的行動應用程式推薦成為當務之急。過去研究解決此一問題常見的兩種做法,一種是對評分資料實施矩陣分解,以預測目標用戶對其他應用程式的可能評分。第二種做法則是根據用戶評論文本去預測評分。
摘要(英) With the explosion in the number of mobile applications, it becomes difficult and time-consuming for users to find the most suitable and interesting apps from the millions of applications that exist today. Therefore, mobile application recommendation has become an immediate priority to help people address this problem. There are two common approaches to this question in previous studies, one is applying matrix factorization to the rating data to predict ratings of other applications by the target users. Another approach is to predict ratings based on users’ reviewing text. In addition to combining the above two traditional approaches, this study also incorporates deep learning methods to generate better models. For rating data, we use the deep matrix factorization method to obtain the latent factor vectors of users and items from the rating matrix as the input of the rating learning module to improve the representation of the rating. For the review text, we improved the text representation by using a multi-embedding approach. On top of that, our model also combines with the deep neural network which has the nonlinear transformation ability to extract more representative abstract features. We conduct experiments on the dataset which is collected from the real world. A large number of experimental results show that our proposed method has better performance than other existing methods. In addition, we evaluate the performance of different experimental setups through extensive experiments and proves that the multi-embedding approach we used can improve recommendation performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 推薦系統
★ 深度學習
★ 神經網路
★ 矩陣分解
★ 多嵌入
關鍵字(英) ★ Recommender system
★ Deep learning
★ Neural networks
★ Matrix factorization
★ Multi-embedding
論文目次 Contents
摘要 i
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
1. Introduction 1
2. Related work 7
2-1 App recommendation in traditional recommendation 7
2-1-1 Content-based mobile applications recommendation 7
2-1-2 Collaborative filter-based mobile applications recommendation 7
2-1-3 Hybrid mobile applications recommendation 8
2-2 App recommendation in deep learning 9
3. Proposed approach 12
3-1 Task definition and notation 12
3-2 Framework 12
3-3 Rating learning module 14
3-4 Review learning module 17
3-4-1 BERT embedding 18
3-4-2 RoBERTa embedding 20
3-4-3 Combine two kinds of embedding 21
3-5 Rating-review combined 21
4. Experiments 23
4-1 Datasets 23
4-2 Experimental benchmark 23
4-3 Experimental Setting 26
4-4 Evaluation metric 27
4-5 Experimental design 27
4-6 Experimental platform 28
5. Experimental results and discussion 29
5-1 The sensitivity analysis of parameters 29
5-2 Ablation analysis 32
5-3 Comparison with Baseline Method 33
6. Conclusion and future work 36
6-1 Conclusion 36
6-2 Future work 36
Reference 38
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指導教授 陳彥良(Yen-Liang Chen) 審核日期 2022-7-6
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