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姓名 沈晋輝(Jin-Hui Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 空氣汙染對於房價的影響-以桃園重劃區為例
★ 探討企業永續行為:從漂綠行為說起★ 空氣汙染對臺灣太陽能發電之影響
★ 公司治理、創新與公司經營績效:台灣電子業之實證研究★ 新冠肺炎與投保行為之研究-以S人壽保險公司之銀行保險通路為例
★ 公司產品多樣化對營運績效的影響:以台灣電子產業為例★ 董事會性別組成比例與員工之關係:以台 灣企業勞動訴訟為例子
★ 論我國破產免責制度-以消費者債務清理條例為研究核心★ 董事會性別平衡對經營績效影響
★ 疫情、市場情緒、公司治理與股價波動度★ 談台灣電子與非電子產業CSR行為與財務績效之關係 -以GRI資料進行分析
★ 國家財富、最適外匯儲備水準與主權基金★ 成人參與數位學習與個人特徵之關聯性分析
★ 女性董事及研發投資比例對公司經營績效的影響★ 延長道路交通安全講習時數政策對年輕新手機車騎士常見事故型態影響之研究
★ 創新效率對於股價報酬之影響 —以台灣電子工業上市櫃公司為例★ 董事會性別多元化對員工福祉的影響
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摘要(中) 隨著科技的進步和工業化的日益發展,伴隨著的是每年空氣汙染的加劇。根據
對房地產價格的影響,並分為重劃區與非重劃區兩大類。本文使用資料為 2017
年 1 月至 2021 年 12 月間環境保護署、內政部地政司不動產交易實價登錄、交通
料中進行篩選,得到重劃區有效樣本 11,148 筆以及非重劃區有效樣本 33,543 筆。
並利用二階段最小平方法(2SLS)進行估計。實證結果發現於 2SLS 模型重劃區樣
當上述七種空氣污染物濃度上升 1ppb 或 1μg/m3
46.8576 至 4195.2 元;而在非重劃區樣本下,皆對房地產單價產生不顯著的影響。
摘要(英) With the advancement of science and technology and the increasing degree of
industrialization, it is accompanied by worsening air pollution every year. According
to the World Health Organization, air pollution is presented as one of the main human
health threats. At present, Taoyuan City′s booming industries, abundant job
opportunities, and relatively affordable housing prices have led to a substantial
increase in the number of households. Due to the migration of people, rezoned areas
have become a major choice for people to live in.
This study mainly discusses the impact of air pollution on real estate prices in
Taoyuan City (Taoyuan District, Zhongli District, Pingzhen District, Guanyin District,
and Longtan District), and divides into rezoned areas and non-rezoned areas. The data
used in this article is from January 2017 to December 2021 from the Environmental
Protection Administration, the real estate transaction registration of the Department of
Land Administration, and the Central Weather Bureau. Information presented on the
website of Department of Land Administration, Taoyuan reports the rezoned land
numbers in each rezoned area, using the cadastral map information network
convenience service system to query the actual road sections and house numbers, and
screening them in the real-price registration data to obtain 11,148 valid samples in
rezoned and 33,543 valid samples in non-rezoned areas.
In view of the endogeneity problem between air pollution and housing prices,
rainfall was used as an instrumental variable in two-stage least squares method (2SLS)
for estimation. The empirical results found that under the 2SLS model rezoned
samples, Air Quality Index (AQI), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO),
Ozone (O3 ), Particulate Matters (PM10 ), Fine Particulate Matters (PM2.5 ) and
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) have a negative impact on real estate prices. When the
concentration of the above seven air pollutants increases rises by 1 ppb or 1 μg/m3
the unit price of real estate will drop by NT$46.8576 to NT$4195.2. However, in
non-rezoned areas, the effects were found to be insignificant. It can be seen that
compared to non-rezoned areas, environmental factors have a greater impact on
housing prices in rezoned areas.
This article recommends that real estate developers pay more attention to the
terrain and wind direction near the site and the development of surrounding areas
when bidding for rezoned land, because air quality substantially affects housing prices.
In addition, in response to the rapid development of rezoning, the government should
improve the existing air pollution regulations to reduce the total amount of pollution
sources. At the same time, it is recommended that administrative agencies should
consider geographic location and air quality when setting up rezoned areas, properly
plan rail transportation and shared modes of transportation in rezoned areas, and
improve the living functions of rezoned areas to reduce cross-regional movements.
關鍵字(中) ★ 重劃區
★ 房價
★ 空氣汙染
★ 降雨量
★ 工具變數
關鍵字(英) ★ Rezoning
★ Housing Prices
★ Air Pollution
★ Rainfall
★ Instrumental Variables
論文目次 目錄
摘 要 .....................................................................................................................i
誌謝 .............................................................................................................................iv
圖目錄 .........................................................................................................................vi
表目錄 ........................................................................................................................vii
第一章:緒論 ..............................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機 .............................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的 .........................................................................................................4
1.3 研究範圍 .........................................................................................................4
1.4 研究架構 .........................................................................................................5
第二章、桃園重劃區與房地產市場現況 ................................................................12
2.1 桃園重劃區概況 ...........................................................................................12
2.2 桃園市房地產市場概況 ...............................................................................13
第三章:文獻回顧 ....................................................................................................15
3.1 影響房價的因素 ...........................................................................................15
3.2 重劃區對於住房市場影響相關研究 ...........................................................16
3.3 空氣汙染對於房價影響相關研究 ...............................................................17
3.4 工具變數 .......................................................................................................18
第四章、資料與變數 ................................................................................................18
4.1 實價登錄資料 ...............................................................................................18
4.2 空氣品質資料 ...............................................................................................20
4.3 降雨量資料 ...................................................................................................21
4.4 模型中變數之介紹 .......................................................................................22
第五章、模型設定 ....................................................................................................22
5.1 普通最小平方法 (Ordinary Least Squares, OLS)........................................22
5.2 二階最小平方法 (Two-stage Least Squares, 2SLS)....................................23
5.3 D-W-H 檢定 (Durbin–Wu–Hausman Test) ..................................................24
第六章、實證結果 ....................................................................................................25
6.1 敘述性統計 ...................................................................................................25
6.2 OLS 及 2SLS 實證結果 ...............................................................................30
第七章、結論 ............................................................................................................41
7.1 研究結論 .......................................................................................................41
7.2 研究意涵 .......................................................................................................41
7.3 研究建議與限制 ...........................................................................................42
參考文獻 ....................................................................................................................44
附錄 ............................................................................................................................48
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指導教授 蔡栢昇(Bo-Sheng Cai) 審核日期 2022-8-10
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