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姓名 蔡喬安(Chiao-An Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 運用精實六標準差改善高等教育機構工作流程之個案研究
(A case study on Lean Six Sigma improvement project in the process of a higher education institution)
★ 應用灰色理論於有機農產品之經營管理— 需求預測及關鍵成功因素探討★ NAND型Flash價格與交運量預測在風險分析下之決策模式
★ 工業電腦用無鉛晶片組最適存貨政策之研究-以A公司為例★ 砷化鎵代工廠磊晶之最適存貨管理-以W公司為例
★ 資訊分享&決策制定下產銷協同關係之研究 -以IC設計業為例★ 應用分析層級法於電子化學品業委外供應商評選準則之研究
★ 應用資料探勘於汽車售服零件庫存滯銷因素分析-以C公司為例★ 多目標規劃最佳六標準差水準: 以薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器C公司製造流程為例
★ 以資料探勘技術進行消費者返廠定期保養之實證研究★ 以價值鏈觀點探討品牌公司關鍵組織流程之取決-以S公司為例
★ 應用產銷協同規劃之流程改善於化纖產業-現況改善與效益分析★ 權力模式與合作關係對於報價策略之影響研究—以半導體產業A公司為例
★ 應用資料探勘於汽車製造業之庫存原因分析★ 以類神經網路預測代工費報價---以中小面板產業C公司為例
★ 電路板產業存貨改善研究-以N公司為例★ 運用六標準差改善機台備用零件(Spare parts)存貨管理
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摘要(中) 本論文旨在呈現台灣高等教育機構之品質管理系統流程改善個案研究內容。研究之學院自2015年正式取得國際商管學院促進協會(AACSB)認證以後,便持續維護認證及其系統運行。因應科技進步、國際化導致學院策略轉變之下,可觀察到系統之日常運行出現浪費:不合適的流程需要更新,新工具也能用以提升效率,故本研究以精實六標準差(Lean Six Sigma, LSS)方法論來處理這些浪費。
精實六標準差是製造業中廣泛應用的改善手法,已有許多研究證實可運用此手法提升生產率以及建立完善流程,乃至減低內部衝突;然至1990年代,精實六標準差之應用才滲透至高等教育產業。本研究期望透過院長、認證辦公室執行長以及院內職員等利害關係人回覆之數據,用以識別、改善現行品質系統中的浪費。本研究根據ECRS(eliminate-combine-rearrange-simplify)原則之概念設計問卷,邀請認證辦公室評估流程的宗旨符合度、必要性以及耗時程度,並針對高耗時流程,以DMAIC (define-measure-analyze-improve-control)架構進行改善,利用軟體及不同媒介提升現有流程效率並降低時間與紙張浪費。
摘要(英) The purpose of this paper is to present the case study of the quality management system (QMS) improvement project of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Taiwan. The HEI under research had earned its accreditation from Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) from 2015 and kept maintaining and operating the management system ever since. With technology development and globalization which leads to changes in strategic plan of SoM, some wastes were observed through daily operation: inappropriate processes demanded update and new tools can be used for increasing efficiency. Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology was therefore applied to address these wastes in this research.
LSS had been widely used as an improvement approach in manufacturing industry, and proved to be effective for raising productivity, establishing the procedure and decreasing the conflicts of departments, but it was introduced to HEIs until l990s. This study is expected to utilize the data from stakeholders such as Dean, Director of the Accreditation Office, and the staff within SoM to distinguish the waste in the current QMS and improve it. A survey designed following the ECRS (eliminate-combine-rearrange-simplify) principle was used to evaluate the level in aspects of mission alignment, necessity and time-consuming. The research focused on time-consuming processes for improvement under the DMAIC (define-measure-analyze-improve-control) framework to reduce the waste of time and resource.
This research is the first work in Taiwan attempts to improve QMS of a HEI with LSS methodology, schools tend to earn a third-party accreditation can refer to this study for QMS deployment. The implementation of DMAIC pushes the continuous improvement and prepares SoM for the future LSS projects. As the research is a pilot project, it is hard to cover the entire QMS and only part of the system was included in scope. The framework and tools are recommended to put into practice in the future to bring up other projects for continuous improvement of the rest parts, and lead it to be a lean quality management system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 精實六標準差
★ ECRS原則
★ 高等教育機構
★ 個案研究
關鍵字(英) ★ Lean Six Sigma (LSS)
★ AACSB Accreditation
★ ECRS Principle
★ higher education institutions (HEIs)
★ Case studies
論文目次 Table of Contents
中  文  摘  要......................................i
Table of Contents.......................................iii
List of Figures.........................................v
List of Tables..........................................vi
Chapter 1. Introduction..............................1
1-1 Research background.................................1
1-2 Research Motivation.................................2
1-3 Research Purpose....................................3
1-4 Research Structure..................................5
Chapter 2. Literature Review.........................7
2-1 Lean Six Sigma concept and tools....................7
2-2 Lean Six Sigma application..........................14
2-3 Lean Six Sigma Case Studies.........................20
Chapter 3. Methodology...............................23
3-1 Implementation procedure............................23
3-2 Research Methods....................................24
Chapter 4. Case Study................................28
4-1 The School..........................................28
4-2 Current QMS.........................................33
4-3 Define: Define the project scope and problem........35
4-4 Measure: Measure the quantitative data under study..36
4-5 Analyze: Analyze statistical results and find the root cause...................................................37
4-6 Improve: Take interventions to address the problem..41
4-7 Control: Sustain the improvement.................42
Chapter 5. Conclusion and future research............45
5-1 Conclusion.......................................45
5-2 Future Research and Outlook......................46
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指導教授 陳振明(Jen-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2022-6-7
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