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姓名 蔡翼光(Yi-Kuang Tsai) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班 論文名稱 光電產業模組代工廠精實管理:一個結合價值流與數據分析的研究 相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 以價值流圖爲工具達到精實生産,繪製業價值流現狀圖後,分析來發掘目前企業生産過程中存在的問題,從而解决問題、降低成本,提高企業的綜合競爭力。
精實製造確認客戶價值,依客戶需求流暢生産到追求完美消除一切浪費,大多討論建立在已經穩定生産産品或流程,一般價值流分析文獻或研究對選擇産品主要考量製程的一致性、設備的共用性、客戶需求穩定性等方面,但本文將要討論新產品與新製程都沒包含這些要因,以價值流對現狀圖分析解決開發新的設計與新製程的問題達到戶的需求下,同時將精實製造精神導入,本研究是藉由流程改善與量化檢查以及數據分析,改善不良提升競爭力,能在爭激烈的智能手機市場能夠獲利。摘要(英) Using the value stream map as a tool to achieve lean production, drawing the current situation map of the value stream of the industry, analyze and explore the problems existing in the current production process of the enterprise, so as to solve the problem, reduce the cost, and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise.
In this paper, Company A′s suffer low yield in a new module production line and cannot meet customer needs. Summary the production line information to draw the value stream status. Base on the familiar fishbone diagram analysis method and combined with equipment capacity characteristic value to analysis the bottleneck tact time that we never thought, improve the low yield and valueless rework. There are many sensers in machine and make data easily collection and analysis to improve product defects and meet customer target.
Lean manufacturing base on customer′s request, smoothly production to eliminate all waste, usually most of the discussion is based on the mass production of mature products or processes, but this article will discuss new products and new processes, and the value stream map solves the problem of developing new designs and new processes to meet the needs of customers, and at the same time meet the spirit of lean manufacturing, this research is through process improvement and quantitative examination and data analysis to improve the production efficiency , and enhance competitiveness in the competitive market.關鍵字(中) ★ 精實生産
★ 價值流圖
★ 數據分析關鍵字(英) ★ Lean Production
★ Value Stream Map
★ Data Analysis論文目次 第一章 緒論
1.1研究動機.................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 研究方法與目的........................................................................................................ 1
第二章 個案問題陳述
2.2 產品模組製程說明.....................................................................................................3
第三章 相關文獻探討
3.1.2 精實思想五大原則.............................................................................................12
3.2 價值流管理................................................................................................................14
3.2.1 價值流圖.............................................................................................................14
3.2.2 價值流圖分析過程.............................................................................................16
第四章 問題的分析與解決
4.1價值流現狀圖 ............................................................................................................21
4.3.2異物不良損失分析 .............................................................................................29
4.3.4不明環境異物數據分析 ................................................................................. 35
4.4 產線産能優化.............................................................................................................36
4.4.4 製程不良改善......................................................................................................47
4.5 結果說明.....................................................................................................................50
4.6 結果討論.....................................................................................................................54
4.6.1 實務意涵..........................................................................................................54
4.6.2 理論意涵..........................................................................................................54
第五章 研究限制與建議
5.1 研究限制.....................................................................................................................56
5.2後續研究.....................................................................................................................56參考文獻 西文參考文獻
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