摘要(英) |
The value of land in Taiwan is the main reason why it is more difficult for homeowners to sell land, and the resulting high housing prices make basic housing needs more like luxury goods that people cannot afford. Most young people are forced to live in private housing with expensive rents, and the limited rent subsidies of the government and the slow construction of social housing due to the problems are exacerbated by the limitations of their institutions. In addition, in response to the hidden worry of insufficient pension for the elderly that the aging population will face, the traditional concept of "housing for the aged" policy advocated by Taiwan′s government agencies tends to be ineffective in leaving children and grandchildren in real estate.
None of the housing policies set by government agencies have been effective in reducing national economic risks and maintaining social stability. In the analysis of national housing annuities and case studies, this study explores the historical evolution of social housing in various countries to understand its sustainable operation mechanism and ways to improve it, and concentrates on the core housing issues of various countries as a reference for improving Taiwan′s housing dilemma. It will explore the social and economic problems of national housing annuities to solve the social and economic problems of youth unaffordable housing, slow urban prosperity, insufficient pensions, and the crisis of national security with a declining birthrate. The results of the study cite the economic cycle theory, combining the advantages of the system operation of housing cooperatives and social housing foundation to sands implement the recycling of idle land as a feasible way to solve Taiwan′s core housing problems.
This study takes housing as a basic human right and suggests that government agencies should reward and assist local or private enterprises in providing vacant land as residential land for the construction of national housing annuities. Through the joint agreement between the government and the private sector, a feasible system to solve the phased housing dilemma will be established, and the financial system and working citizens will jointly build a national housing annuity. Jointly achieving the right of residence is the due obligation of the government to guarantee the working people, and the construction of nests and the choice of housing forms are the due rights of all Taiwan people.
參考文獻 |
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