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姓名 余坤霖(Kun-Lin Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 S公司電商智能多通路雲端整合平台–OneEC
(OneEC – A Multi-channel Cloud-based Intelligent eCommerce Platform for Company S)
★ 製藥業的成本會計評估研究─ 一個ABC成本制度的應用★ 一個保險業的資料採擷應用--業務員的薪酬制度分析
★ 農漁產品電子化交易中分類分級管理之研究★ 應用類神經網路建構壽險核保決策支援之研究
★ 企業導入ERP之關鍵成功因素-個案研究★ 體外診斷醫療器材滿足CE及GMP驗證要求之個案研
★ 企業資訊系統委外研究-以個案銀行為例★ DRAM月平均價格變動分析
★ 定期航運產業運價及運送時間對經營績效影響之研究-以某外商海運公司在台灣經營為例★ 以交通儲值卡作為電子支付工具的營運模式及可行性分析
★ 軟體公司能力成熟度評估★ 加速台灣海關的通關便捷化-提升行動化服務的解決方案
★ 以均勻度係數為預測晶圓良率指標之可行性分析-以國內某DRAM廠為例★ 某公司資訊部門變革失敗之探討
★ 資訊部門導入ITIL 管理機制之現況分析─ 以企業導入ITIL 服務支援為例★ 導入WCO SAFE 優質企業之可行性分析–以A航空公司為例
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摘要(中) 隨著網路普及化與近二年因Covid-19所帶來的影響,許多人為了避免接觸人群而染疫確診,進而改變了消費行為,於是也開始嘗試透過網路,購買生活必需用品,因此連帶推升台灣電子商務在零售業中的整體占比率。許多嗅到商機的品牌商或供應商,為了讓自家商品能夠在更多銷售通路,通常最快的作法,便是和多個知名電商通路平台簽約,好讓自家商品在通路的涵蓋率與曝光度能達到最大化。


摘要(英) The proliferation of COVID 19 pandemic has vastly affected our daily lives, where people tends to avoid frequent physical social contacts. This in turn further fuels the already popular usage of the Internet, and e tailing is among the activities that surged during the pandemic. As a result, the overall share of e commerce in Taiwan has increased. Many vendors see the business opportunities, and take their merchandise on the Internet as their sales channels. The easiest way for these small businesses is to sign sales contracts with multiple well known e commerce platforms, launch their products on these platforms, to increase their merchandise exposure.
However, this results in seriously worsening problems. First, there are different, and sometimes conflicting, business rules on different platforms, resulting in waste of time and costs. Second, it is almost impossible to obtain consolidated real time sales results and order management in such a multi channel environment. Third, it is not possible to complete shipping operations in one operation. Finally, it is challenging to predict commodity sales trends and establish member consumption behavior analysis.
The study attempts to tackle the problems, and proposes a new solution: OneEC, which is an intelligent multichannel e commerce cloud integration platform. The proposed solution is designed to provide cross-platform services to small brand owners, including launching of products, monitoring sales figures, logistics arrangements, membership data analytics. This could hopefully lower inventory, save in manpower, and reduce decision response times, and create a mutually beneficial and win win situation between the business and the platforms.
關鍵字(中) ★ OneEC
★ 電子零售
★ 智能電商
★ 多通路上架
★ 多通路訂單彙整
關鍵字(英) ★ OneEC
★ e-Tailing
★ Intelligent e-Commerce
★ Multi-channel Listing
★ Multi-channel Order Management
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與範圍 2
1.3 本章小結 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 零售的演變 3
2.2 電子商務之定義與發展 3
2.3 顧客數據平台(Customer Data Platform) 7
第三章 產業與個案公司概況 10
3.1 產業概況 10
3.2 個案公司概況 14
3.3 商家多通路上架概況 19
3.4 實際訪談與回饋 20
3.5 本章小結 22
第四章 電商智能多通路雲端整合平台–OneEC 23
4.1 競爭廠商與個案平台優勢 23
4.2 品牌廠商經營電商之困境 24
4.3 四大API模組與五大營運功能模組 26
4.4 平台的創新性 31
4.5 平台的可行性與商業性 32
4.6 平台的功能項目 33
4.7 平台系統架構 35
4.8 客戶數據平台(CDP) 40
第五章 結論與建議 44
5.1 結論 44
參考文獻 48
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指導教授 范錚強 審核日期 2022-7-19
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