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姓名 李茂山(Maoshan Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 企業內部訓練投入、訓練發展氣候與工作滿意度-以人力資源歸因為調節變項
★ 工作重塑、工作特性感知與工作投入關係之研究★ 居家工作之開會強度對於工作壓力之影響—以威權領導為調節變項
★ 工作重塑、工作特性感知與工作投入關係之研究★ 在家工作之工作家庭衝突與工作滿意之關係—以疆界區隔為調節變項
★ 外部發展型訓練參與對個人就業力提升與離職傾向之關聯★ 探究工作鑲嵌、就業力及個人人力資本與社會資本發展行為之關係
★ 高階管理團隊人力資本與組織績效之後設分析
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摘要(中) 人才為企業運作之內部重要且關鍵的資源,也是企業賴以成長、茁壯乃至於永續經營之重要核心競爭力。企業可藉由人才的教育訓練與發展進而提升員工的人力資本,為公司帶來更大的價值。透過員工教育訓練可積極的改善企業的經營績效,進而厚實組織的人力資本。
摘要(英) Talent is an important and key resource for the operation of an enterprise, and it is also an important core competitiveness for an enterprise to grow, thrive and even sustain its operation. Through the talents training & development, enterprises can improve the human capital of employees and bring greater value to the company. Moreover, through employee training, it can actively improve the business performance of the enterprise, thereby enriching the human capital of the organization.

In the past research, it is found that many experts and scholars at home and abroad have conducted the research on related topics such as employee training and job satisfaction. However, there are relatively few studies on the impact of training & development climate and human resource attribution on employee perception, employee behavior and organizational performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of internal training investment on training development, the impact of training development on job satisfaction, and whether different human resource attributions affect the perception of internal training investment on training & development climate . Research shows:

1. The investment in internal training of the enterprise has a positive impact on the training & development climate.
2. A good training & development climate has a positive effect on job satisfaction.
3. The improvement of employee ability and organizational effectiveness in human resource attribution does not have a positive moderating effect from the investment in internal training to the perception of training & development climate.

Under the fierce competition for talents war, enterprises can improve employees’ job satisfaction by well-designing the internal training & development system, constructing a learning organization to enhance the positive training & development climate, and continuous investment in the employees’ training & development. At the same time enterprises should pay attention to employees’ real cognition of human resources practices, to ensure that relevant practices can achieve a win-win result between the achievement of organizational goals and employees’ problem solving.
關鍵字(中) ★ 教育訓練
★ 內部訓練投入
★ 訓練發展氣候
★ 人力資源歸因
★ 工作滿意度
關鍵字(英) ★ education
★ training
★ internal training investment
★ training & development climate
★ HR attribution
★ job satisfaction
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究架構與流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 教育訓練 5
第二節 教育訓練與工作滿意度的關係 7
第三節 訓練發展氣候 11
第四節 人力資源管理實務、人力資源氣候與員工態度 13
第五節 人力資源歸因 14
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 研究架構 19
第二節 研究樣本與資料蒐集 20
第三節 問卷設計 20
第四節 資料分析方法 25
第四章 研究結果 27
第一節 敘述性統計分析 27
第二節 信度分析 30
第三節 驗證性因素分析 32
第四節 相關分析 34
第五節 迴歸分析 35
第五章 研究結果與建議 38
第一節 結論 38
第二節 管理意涵 39
第三節 研究限制及未來研究建議 42
參考文獻 43
一、中文文獻 43
二、英文文獻 45
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
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指導教授 劉念琪 鄭晉昌(Nien-Chi Liu Jihn-Chang Jehng) 審核日期 2022-6-14
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