博碩士論文 109521063 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡沂倢(Yi-Chieh Cai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 基於AI技術之麵包蔬果辨識計價電子秤
★ 直接甲醇燃料電池混合供電系統之控制研究★ 利用折射率檢測法在水耕植物之水質檢測研究
★ DSP主控之模型車自動導控系統★ 旋轉式倒單擺動作控制之再設計
★ 高速公路上下匝道燈號之模糊控制決策★ 模糊集合之模糊度探討
★ 雙質量彈簧連結系統運動控制性能之再改良★ 桌上曲棍球之影像視覺系統
★ 桌上曲棍球之機器人攻防控制★ 模型直昇機姿態控制
★ 模糊控制系統的穩定性分析及設計★ 門禁監控即時辨識系統
★ 桌上曲棍球:人與機械手對打★ 麻將牌辨識系統
★ 相關誤差神經網路之應用於輻射量測植被和土壤含水量★ 三節式機器人之站立控制
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摘要(中) 大賣場部分商品,如蔬菜、水果和麵包,未貼結帳條碼,必須經過過磅程序取得結帳條碼才可前往結帳,有時客人太多,店員無法及時協助過磅,浪費不少時間。因此本論文旨在建立一套基於AI技術之麵包蔬果計價系統,顧客只要將購買的商品放置電子秤上,系統會自動辨識磅秤上的物品為蔬果類還是麵包類,然後依照單價重量計價,或是依照個數計價,再依照結帳網站操作,直到所有購買物品過磅完畢,並列印購物清單。如此可以大幅減少賣場人力需求,以及節省顧客等待人工過磅所花費的時間。

摘要(英) Sometimes there are too many customers, and manual weighing will inevitably encounter more customers. The clerk could not assist in weighing in time and waste a lot of time for the customer. Therefore, this thesis aims to establish a pricing system based on AI technology for recognizing vegetables, fruits, and breads. When the customer puts the purchased items on the electronic scale, the system will automatically recognize whether the items are vegetables, fruits, or pieces of bread. Then total price calculates according to the weight or the quantity. Customers follow the checkout website until all purchases are weight, then a shopping list is printed. This can greatly reduce the manpower requirements of the store and save the time customers waiting for one-to-one staff assistance.
Literature [1] recognized 40 kinds of fruits and vegetables placed in colorful plastic bags. This thesis improves on this basis by adding bread and green leafy vegetables. Considering the increase in recognizing items, this thesis divides the items into three categories: fruits and vegetables, leafy vegetables and breads. The YOLOv5m6 network architecture is used to detect and preliminarily recognize the vegetables, fruits, and breads, and calculate the number of items at the same time. The EfficientNet-B6 network architecture was used to recognize 10 kinds of leafy vegetables and 25 kinds of bread, respectively, and weighted majority voting was used for fruit and vegetable recognition [1]. Considering that when a large number of breads are purchased, the breads on the plate may be closely placed or stacked. This thesis designs a masking mechanism to improve the accuracy of bread recognition. This mechanism can reduce the influence of bread stacking, and improve the accuracy of bread recognition. The system can recognize a total of 40 kinds of vegetables and fruits, 10 kinds of leafy vegetables and 25 kinds of bread. All the testing data are taken under the white light. The accuracy rate of vegetable and fruit recognition is 96.9% [1], the accuracy of leafy vegetables recognition is 98.6%, and the accuracy of bread recognition is 99.5%. This thesis improves the checkout website [1]. A new bread weighing interface will be added to the webpage, and the description text will be added to the interface to guide users through the weighing process.
關鍵字(中) ★ 深度學習
★ 目標偵測
★ 分類辨識
★ 蔬果辨識
★ 麵包辨識
關鍵字(英) ★ deep learning
★ object detection
★ image classification
★ vegetable recognition
★ fruit recognition
★ bread recognition
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 論文目標 5
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 系統架構與硬體介紹 7
2.1 系統架構與流程圖 7
2.2 硬體介紹 8
2.2.1 桌上型電腦 8
2.2.2 顯示卡 8
2.2.3 微型單板電腦 9
2.2.4 藍芽電子秤 10
2.2.5 網路攝影機 10
2.2.6 熱敏打印機 10
2.3 軟體環境介紹 11
第三章 主要網路架構及演算法 12
3.1 整體演算流程 12
3.2 影像預處理 13
3.3 色彩空間轉換 15
3.4 葉菜群辨識 17
3.4.1 訓練資料 17
3.4.2 資料擴增 18
3.5 葉菜分類 18
3.5.1 訓練資料 19
3.6 麵包與蔬果群偵測 19
3.6.1 訓練資料 20
3.6.2 資料擴增 20
3.7 蔬果分類 21
3.8 遮蔽機制 22
3.9 麵包分類 24
3.9.1 訓練資料 24
第四章 結帳網站使用說明 26
第五章 實驗結果 30
5.1 葉菜辨識結果 30
5.2 葉菜分類網路辨識結果 30
5.3 麵包蔬果目標偵測網路結果 32
5.4 蔬果分類 33
5.5 遮蔽機制 34
5.6 麵包分類網路辨識結果 34
5.7 整合實驗結果 36
第六章 結論與未來展望 40
6.1 結論 40
6.2 未來展望 40
參考文獻 42
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指導教授 王文俊(Wen-June Wang) 審核日期 2022-9-13
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