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姓名 陳彥廷(Yen-Ting Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於開放式ECG與PPG數據之視覺化分析平台設計與實現
(Realization of a Visual Analysis Platform Based on Open ECG and PPG Data)
★ 利用二元關聯法之簡易指紋辨識★ 基於數位單脈衝接收機與質點演算法之無人機追蹤效能分析
★ 基於輔助波束對之UAV追蹤方法實現★ 使用MMSE等化器的Filterbank OFDM系統探討
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★ 包含通道追蹤之IEEE 802.11a接收機設計與電路實現★ 時變通道下的OFDM傳輸系統設計: 基於IEEE 802.11a標準
★ MIMO-OFDM系統各天線間載波頻率偏差之探討 與收發機硬體實現★ 使用雜散式領航訊號之DVB-T系統通道估測演算法與電路實現
★ 數位地面視訊廣播系統同步模組 之設計與電路實現★ 適用於移動式正交分頻多工通訊系統的改良型時域通道響應追蹤演算法
★ 正交分頻多工系統通道估測基於可適性模型化通道參數估測★ 以共同項載波頻率偏移補償於正交分頻多重存取系統中減少多重存取干擾之方法
★ 正交分頻多工系統之資料訊號裁剪雜訊消除★ 適用於正交分頻多工通訊系統的改良型決策反饋之卡爾曼濾波通道估測器
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摘要(中) 在本研究中,我們提出了一個結合心電圖(ECG)與心律變異度/自律神經檢測(HRV)分析的綜合系統,旨在提高心血管疾病的早期檢測和預後評估能力。系統利用機器學習技術,特別是一維卷積長短期記憶網路(1D-CNN-LSTM),對ECG信號進行自動檢測、分類和診斷。此外,該系統還對ECG信號進行預處理,包括去噪、信號和基線校正等,以及心律變異度/自律神經檢測(HRV)分析與圖形化顯示。
未來研究方向包括:1) 擴展數據集,包括更多類型的心律失常和病患背景,以提高模型的泛化能力;2) 將其他生物醫學信號(如脈搏波、血壓等)融入系統,實現更全面的心血管健康評估;3) 開發更高效的機器學習算法,提高診斷準確性和計算效能;4) 研究心律變異度與其他生理指標的相互關聯,以揭示更多潛在的臨床信息和疾病機制;5) 探索如何將本系統與移動醫療設備結合,以便病患隨時隨地進行自我監測和獲得專業建議。
摘要(英) In this study, we propose an integrated system for the analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate variability (HRV), aiming to improve the early detection and prognostic assessment of cardiovascular diseases. The system employs machine learning techniques, specifically 1D convolutional neural network and long short-term memory (1D-CNN-LSTM), to automatically detect, classify, and diagnose ECG signals. Additionally, the system preprocesses ECG signals, including denoising, signal and baseline correction, as well as HRV analysis and graphical representation.
We utilize the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database in this study, which contains ECG records of various types of arrhythmias. Our approach effectively classifies and detects arrhythmias and provides a detailed analysis of HRV. The system performs excellently in automatically identifying arrhythmias and assessing heart rate variability, contributing to enhanced diagnostic accuracy and patient management.
In terms of clinical applications, the system can serve as a real-time monitoring tool, assisting physicians in quickly evaluating patients′ cardiovascular risk and formulating personalized treatment plans based on HRV analysis results. Moreover, the system can be applied to remote monitoring, providing timely medical assistance and alerts for home-based patients.
Future research directions include: 1) expanding the dataset, encompassing more types of arrhythmias and patient backgrounds, to improve the model′s generalizability; 2) incorporating other biomedical signals (such as pulse wave, blood pressure, etc.) into the system, achieving a more comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular health; 3) developing more efficient machine learning algorithms, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and computational efficiency; 4) investigating the interrelations between HRV and other physiological indicators to reveal additional clinical information and disease mechanisms; 5) exploring how to integrate the system with mobile healthcare devices, allowing patients to self-monitor and obtain professional advice anytime and anywhere.
In summary, the ECG and HRV analysis system proposed in this study demonstrates significant potential in the detection and assessment of cardiovascular diseases. The application of machine learning techniques enables the system to automatically identify and classify arrhythmias while providing a detailed analysis of heart rate variability, offering patients more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment recommendations. Future research will focus on improving the system′s generalizability, integrating other biomedical signals, and developing more efficient machine learning algorithms and mobile healthcare applications to provide better care and improve the quality of life for cardiovascular disease patients.
關鍵字(中) ★ 一維卷積長短期記憶網路
★ 心電圖
★ 心率變異
★ 光體積變化描記圖
關鍵字(英) ★ 1D-CNN-LSTM
論文目次 摘要 ........................ i
Abstract ........................ ii
誌謝 ........................ iii
Acknowledgements ........................ iv
附圖索引 ........................ v
附表索引 ........................ vi
中英術語對照表 ........................ vii
第一章 緒論 ........................ 1
1-1前言與研究背景 ........................ 1
1-2研究動機與目的 ........................ 2
1-3論文架構 ........................ 4
第二章 相關文獻探討與背景知識 ........................ 5
2-1心電圖 ........................ 5
2-2心率變異性 ........................ 7
2-3卷積神經網路 ........................ 10
2-4一維卷積長短期記憶網路 ........................ 12
2-5 MIT-BIH 心律失常數據庫 ........................ 15
第三章 系統架構 ........................ 17
3-1實驗環境與硬體配置 ........................ 17
3-2系統設計與功能 ........................ 18
3-2-1 訊號預處理 ........................ 19
3-2-2 波峰檢測 ........................ 21
3-2-3 HRV 分析: ........................ 22
3-2-4 功率譜密度 ........................ 26
3-2-5 NN間期直方圖 ........................ 28
3-2-6 Poincaré 龐加萊圖 ........................ 29
3-2-7心律失常分類 ........................ 30
第四章 實驗結果與分析 ........................ 39
第五章 結論與未來展望 ........................ 45
參考文獻 ........................ 47
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指導教授 張大中(Dah-Chung Chang) 審核日期 2023-6-30
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