摘要(英) |
This study examines whether the use of digital learning platforms can improve mathematics learning outcomes among secondary school special resource students. In addition to using the Junyi Academy Platform as a teaching and research tool, students during the after-school hours work on the unit-specific mathematics questions on the Junyi Academy Platform and are assessed for their mathematics learning effectiveness based on those results. Students are encouraged to evaluate their own learning trajectory after completing the course in order to improve their motivation for learning.
Using action research and intention sampling, we selected students from a middle school resource class in Taoyuan City as research participants; six students with learning disabilities, two with emotion and behavior disorders, one with intelligence disorders, onewith physical disorders, and one student with suspected learning disabilities. A 13-week course was held in the second semester of the 109 academic year (the year 2020). A variety of data collection methods are used, including teaching management (back-end) data from the Junyi Academy Platform; quantitative data, like cognitive load scales and learning motivation scales filled out by students, and qualitative data, including observations, interviews, teaching records, and reflections. The data analysis was qualitative and quantitative simultaneously, using data integration records to conduct in-depth discussions to understand the changes in cognitive load, motivation, and performance of the 11 students as a result of the digital learning platform intervention.
In the study, results indicated that under certain conditions, some students in resource classes had improved learning performance, and one student′s motivation to learn improved slightly; cognitive load was increased for the majority of students, and only one student′s performance decreased. On the basis of these findings, the researchers provided instructional suggestions that could be applied to a middle school resource class using the digital learning platform. |
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