摘要(英) |
This research can be broadly divided into two parts. The first part involves the synthesis of Prussian blue through a precipitation method, specifically Na-CoFe and Na-FeFe prepared at room temperature. X-ray diffraction analysis is then employed to examine the crystal structure and particle size distribution of the samples.The second part focuses on studying the addition of nanoscale metal particles such as silver and nickel to Na-CoFe and Na-FeFe.These nanoscale metal particles made using physical vapor deposition (PVD) to fabricate. Then fabricate electrode flim.These films are used in the fabrication of secondary sodium batteries, and their electrochemical performance is evaluated. This evaluation includes analyzing the initial specific capacity, capacity decay, peak oxidation-reduction voltage, and charge-discharge rate.
In the experimental phase of the first part, X-ray diffraction patterns of Na-CoFe and Na-FeFe are obtained, and fitting analysis using software like GSAS is conducted to determine the crystal structure of Prussian blue and the metal particles. Various data, such as lattice constants, bond lengths, atomic positions, electron density, and other parameters, are derived from the analysis. The average particle size and size distribution of Na-FeFe, Na-CoFe, and the metal particles are calculated statistically using the broadening of diffraction peaks, with the assistance of software like Origin.
In the experimental phase of the second part, Prussian blue nanoparticles are prepared and incorporated into the positive electrode films of the batteries. Different metal nanoparticles such as nickel, silver, and tin are added separately. The assembled secondary sodium batteries are subjected to charge-discharge cycles using an electrochemical performance analyzer. Data such as cumulative charge, voltage, time, and decay rate are collected, and analysis using software like Origin helps generate battery-related graphs. The performance of the batteries with different metal particle additives is compared.
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