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姓名 黃冠傑(Kuan-Chieh Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 離子束濺鍍系統鍍製極紫外光鉬矽多層膜反射 鏡及其微觀結構之分析
(Analyzation of The Microstructure of Extreme Ultraviolet Mo/Si Multilayer Mirrors by Ion Beam Sputtering Deposition System)
★ 以反應性射頻磁控濺鍍搭配HMDSO電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳薄膜阻障層之研究★ 軟性電子阻水氣膜之有機層組成研究
★ 利用介電質-金屬對稱膜堆設計雙曲超穎材料並分析其光學特性★ 石墨烯透明導電膜與其成長模型之研究
★ 以磁控電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法製鍍有機矽阻障層之研究★ 以電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳氫薄膜應力之研究
★ 利用有限元素方法分析光譜合束器之多層介電質繞射光柵之繞射效率★ 化學氣相沉積石墨烯透明導電膜之製程與分析
★ 應用光學導納軌跡法提升太陽能選擇性吸收膜之光熱轉換效率研究★ 單晶銅成長石墨烯及其可撓性之研究
★ 高反射多層膜抗雷射損傷閥值之研究★ 高穿透類鑽碳膜之研究
★ 裝備具有低光斑的抗眩光膜層★ 透鏡品質檢測基於四波橫向剪切干涉儀
★ 利用介電係數趨近零材料設計層狀寬帶超穎吸收膜★ 抑制層對降低電漿輔助原子層沉積二氧化鉿薄膜結晶之研究
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摘要(中) 極紫外光多層膜反射鏡的反射率是極紫外光微影蝕刻技術中決定產能的重要參數。然而組成 EUV 多層膜反射鏡的兩材料 Mo 和 Si 傾向於互相混合以及擴散,因此反射率始終低於理論值。由於離子束濺鍍法低表面粗糙
因此本論文在製程溫度 60°C 下使用離子束濺鍍法鍍製 Mo/Si 多層膜,
在固定 Si 薄膜的離子束參數為 500V/30mA 下,調整濺鍍 Mo 薄膜的離子束電壓電流大小鍍製 Mo/Si 多層膜,接著使用高解析掃描穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察其界面擴散程度,並以 X 射線反射儀輔助電子顯微鏡的量測結果,最後再使用 X 射線繞射儀量測優選晶向 Mo<110>的結晶狀況。本論文亦探討加入 B4C 材料層(離子束參數 700V/40mA)與否對於多層膜的微觀結構有何影響,並以找出界面擴散程度最低的 Mo 離子束參數為最終目標。
使用 400V/50mA 的 Mo 離子束參數時獲得最低的界面擴散厚度,在
Mo-on-Si 界面與 Si-on-Mo 界面分別為 0.7nm 及 0.46nm。加入 B4C 後多層膜大部分的界面擴散厚度皆下降,其中以使用 600V/50mA 的 Mo 離子束參數下鍍製的多層膜擁有最低的界面厚度,在兩界面的擴散厚度皆為 0.43nm。
原子力顯微鏡量測的平均表面粗糙度結果皆低於 0.1nm,較低的表面
用 400V/50mA 及 500V/30mA 的離子源參數分別鍍製 Mo/Si 多層膜中的 Mo薄膜及 Si 薄膜,該多層膜在 Mo-on-Si 界面與 Si-on-Mo 界面的界面擴散厚度分別為 0.71nm 及 0.54nm,並以 34⁰的入射角在 13.5nm 的波長下獲得 40%的 EUV 反射率。
摘要(英) EUV reflectance of the EUV multilayer mirrors plays an important role of raising the throughput of EUVL. The component materials of EUV multilayer mirrors are Mo (molybdenum) and Si (silicon). However, the two materials tend to intermix and diffuse with each other, which makes EUV reflectance always lower than the theoretical value. Because of the lower surface roughness and fewer defects than other deposition techniques, ion beam sputter deposition is more frequently used to fabricate EUV multilayer mirrors.
Thus, in this study, ion beam sputter deposition system was used to fabricate Mo/Si multilayers at 60°C. The parameters of ion beam were fixed at 500V/30mA when coating Si thin films, and those were adjusted when coating Mo thin films
to fabricate different multilayers. HRTEM was used to study the degree of the interface diffusion and XRR was used to support the result of HRTEM. XRD was used to study the crystallization of the preferred orientation Mo<110>. Besides, the changes in the microstructure of multilayers with and without adding the B4C layers were also studied. Lastly, the ultimate goal of this study is to identify the
parameters of the ion beam which results in the lowest degree of the interface diffusion when coating Mo thin films of the multilayer.
The result indicates that the lowest thickness of the interface diffusion was achieved when using 400V/50mA as the parameters of ion beam when coating the Mo thin films of the Mo/Si multilayer, and the thickness of the interface diffusion at the Mo-on-Si interface and Si-on-Mo interface was measured as 0.7nm and 0.46nm, respectively. The addition of the B4C layers at both interfaces resulted in a decrease of the thickness of the interface diffusion for almost all the multilayers. The lowest interface thickness was achieved when using 600V/50mA as the parameters of ion beam when coating the Mo thin films of the B4C/Mo/B4C/Si
multilayer, and the thickness of the interface diffusion were measured as 0.43nm at both Mo-on-Si interface and Si-on-Mo interface.
The result of AFM showed that the average surface roughness of all the multilayers were below 0.1nm. The low surface roughness means that there would
be less scattering while being irradiated by EUV and the multilayers would achieve higher EUV reflectance. 400V/50mA and 500V/30mA were chosen as ion beam parameters to coat Mo and Si thin films of the Mo/Si multilayer, respectively. The thickness of interface diffusion of the multilayer was
respectively measured as 0.71nm and 0.54nm at Mo-on-Si interface and Si-on-Mo interface, and EUV reflectance of the multilayer was measured as 40% with 34 ゚ incident angle at 13.5-nm wavelength.
關鍵字(中) ★ 極紫外光
★ 鉬矽多層膜
★ 界面擴散
★ 離子束濺鍍
關鍵字(英) ★ EUV
★ Mo/Si multilayer
★ interdiffusion
★ Ion Beam Sputtering
論文目次 1目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的 6
第二章 基礎理論 9
2-1 EUV多層膜反射鏡 9
2-1-1 設計理論 9
2-1-2 材料選擇 11
2-1-3 鍍膜理論與技術 13
2-2 射頻離子束濺鍍法 16
2-2-1 射頻離子源與射頻中和器之基本架構 16
2-2-2 柵極光學 18
2-3 文獻探討 19
2-3-1 Mo薄膜的結晶 19
2-3-2 界面擴散阻擋層 27
第三章 實驗方法與使用儀器 31
3-1 鍍膜系統 31
3-2 實驗方法 33
3-2-1 實驗流程 33
3-2-2 實驗步驟 34
3-3 設計與模擬 37
3-4 量測儀器 41
3-4-1 橢圓偏振儀(Ellipsometer) 41
3-4-2 X射線繞射儀(X-Ray Diffraction, XRD) 43
3-4-3 X射線反射儀(X-Ray Reflectivity, XRR) 45
3-4-4 高解析掃描穿透式電子顯微鏡(High Resolution STEM, HRTEM) 49
3-4-5 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 50
3-4-6 EUV反射儀(EUV Reflectometer) 52
第四章 實驗結果與討論 54
4-1 B4C單層膜 54
4-2 多層膜的製備 61
4-2-1 多層膜中各材料層的鍍率 61
4-2-2 Mo/Si多層膜及B4C/Mo/B4C/Si多層膜 65
4-3 Mo/Si多層膜分析 65
4-3-1 TEM分析 66
4-3-2 XRR分析 71
4-3-3 XRD分析 73
4-3-4 AFM分析 75
4-3-5 EUV反射率 77
4-4 B4C/Mo/B4C/Si多層膜 81
4-4-1 TEM分析 82
4-4-2 XRR分析 90
4-4-3 XRD分析 92
4-4-4 AFM分析 97
第五章 結論 99
參考文獻 101
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指導教授 郭倩丞(Chien-Cheng Kuo) 審核日期 2023-8-10
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