博碩士論文 110323051 詳細資訊

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姓名 林冠宇(Guan-Yu Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 PN 接面輸入電洞以電化學蝕刻 N 型碳化矽之研究
(Inputting the hole Induced by PN Junction to Electrochemically Etch N-type Silicon Carbide)
★ 塑膠機殼內部表面處理對電磁波干擾防護研究★ 研磨頭氣壓分配在化學機械研磨晶圓膜厚移除製程上之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究提出了一種對 N 型碳化矽加速蝕刻的方法,在碳化矽與陽極銅片之間放置了 P 型矽晶圓形成 PN 接面,施加電場後,能夠驅動 P 型矽晶 圓中的主要載流子(電洞)到 N 型碳化矽當中以加速電化學蝕刻。陰極電極為白金片,並且蝕刻液為氫氟酸 (49.5%) 與乙醇 (99.5%) 以體積比 1:1 調製,再分別以不同的摻雜濃度的 P 型矽晶圓對其進行電化學蝕刻。碳化矽在經過電化學蝕刻後會產生分層現象產生薄膜,由 SEM 的圖像可以得知,碳化矽在經過蝕刻後,孔隙率與蝕刻速率會隨著試片摻雜濃度的不同而有所改變。在使用 PN 接面蝕刻碳化矽的實驗中,發現了試片有未產生分層現象的部分,對其表面結構進行分析,發現了蝕刻會傾向於往碳化矽 表面拋光產生的划痕(缺陷)進行,且在 SEM 剖面圖當中得知未分層蝕 刻速度快於已分層的部分。在 I-V 圖中,電壓會有上升的情形,因為在蝕 刻過程中碳化矽表面所產生的薄膜形成了近似電容的效應,導致電流無法 流通造成電阻上升減慢了蝕刻速度,而利用 PN 接面蝕刻可改善此情況。 從 TEM、XRD 可知碳化矽在蝕刻後晶格不會有改變,EDS 可知碳化矽在 蝕刻後元素無太大變化,PL 則顯示出了未分層結構有藍移的情形發生。
摘要(英) This study proposes a method for accelerated etching of N-type silicon carbide. P-type silicon wafer is placed between the silicon carbide and the anode copper plate to form a PN junction. Applying an electric field can drive the primary carrier (holes) in the P-type silicon wafer into the N-type silicon carbide to accelerate electrochemical etching. The cathode electrode is a platinum plate, and the etching solution is a mixture of hydrofluoric acid (49.5%) and ethanol (99.5%) in a volume ratio of 1:1. After electrochemical etching, the silicon carbide undergoes layering to produce a thin film. SEM images showed that the porosity and etching rate of SiC changed with the doping concentration of the samples. The etching rate also increases as the doping concentration of the P-type silicon wafer increases. In the experiment of etching silicon carbide using a PN junction, some parts of the sample did not undergo layering. Analysis of the surface structure revealed that etching tended to occur at scratches (defects) generated by polishing the silicon carbide surface. In the I-V curve, the voltage increases due to the formation of a thin film on the silicon carbide surface during the etching process. However, using a PN junction for etching can improve this situation. TEM and XRD analyses revealed that the crystal lattice of silicon carbide did not change after etching, and EDS showed that there was no significant change in the elements of the silicon carbide after etching. PL revealed a blue shift in the non- layered structure.
關鍵字(中) ★ 碳化矽
★ 電化學蝕刻
★ PN接面
★ 多孔結構
關鍵字(英) ★ Silicon carbide
★ Electrochemical etching
★ PN junction
★ Porous structure
論文目次 摘要 ....................................................................................................................... i Abstract ...............................................................................................................ii
致謝 .....................................................................................................................iii
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................1
1-1 前言 ............................................................................................................ 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 ........................................................................................ 2
第二章 原理與文獻回顧....................................................................................3
2-1 蝕刻種類 .................................................................................................... 3
2-1-1 乾蝕刻................................................................................................. 3
2-1-2 濕蝕刻................................................................................................. 5
2-1-3 電化學蝕刻......................................................................................... 6
2-2 接面與電化學蝕刻之關係 ........................................................................ 7
2-2-1 蕭特基接面......................................................................................... 7
2-2-2 PN 接面............................................................................................... 9
第三章 實驗方法及步驟..................................................................................11
3-1 試片準備 .................................................................................................. 11
3-2 試片清洗 .................................................................................................. 12
3-3 實驗流程 .................................................................................................. 14
3-3-1 實驗準備及參數設定....................................................................... 14
3-3-2 電化學蝕刻槽及設備....................................................................... 14
3-3-3 蝕刻溶液調配................................................................................... 16
3-4 分析儀器介紹 .......................................................................................... 17
3-4-1表面輪廓儀 (StylusProfilometer)...................................................17
3-4-2 超高解析冷場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Ultrahigh Resolution Cold Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, CFE-SEM)...................... 18
3-4-3 高解析掃描穿透式電子顯微鏡 (High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope,HR-STEM)......................................... 19
3-4-4原子力顯微鏡 (AtomicForceMicroscope,AFM)..........................20
3-4-5 X 射線衍射儀 (X-ray Diffractometer ,XRD).................................. 21
3-4-6光激發螢光頻譜 (Photoluminescence,PL).....................................22
第四章 結果與討論..........................................................................................23
4-1 電化學蝕刻碳化矽基板 .......................................................................... 23
4-2 分層後的 SEM 碳化矽表面結構 ............................................................ 26
4-3 分層後不同摻雜濃度的蝕刻速度 .......................................................... 29
4-4 未分層區域分析 ..................................................................................... 32
4-4-1 試片表面樣貌.................................................................................. 32
4-4-2 表面顯微結構................................................................................... 33
4-4-3 未分層區域蝕刻速度....................................................................... 35
4-4-4 電壓-電流時間關係圖 ..................................................................... 37
4-5 PN 接面蝕刻剖面結構的變化 ................................................................ 39
4-6 蕭特基效應與 PN 接面的蝕刻結果分析與討論 .................................. 41
4-7 TEM 結果分析 ......................................................................................... 42
4-8 XRD 結果分析 ......................................................................................... 45
4-9 EDS 結果分析.......................................................................................... 46
4-10 PL 分析結果與討論............................................................................... 47
第五章 結論與未來展望..................................................................................48
5-1 結論 ......................................................................................................... 48
5-2 未來展望 ................................................................................................. 49
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................ 50
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指導教授 李天錫 審核日期 2023-6-14
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