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姓名 戴宇辰(Yu-Chen Tai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 混合結構化與非結構化四邊形網格之自動化區 域劃分方法發展
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摘要(中) IC封裝研發階段導入模流分析(Mold flow analysis)有助於進行事前分析與尋求最佳化設計。在進行分析前,需要將模型轉換至實體網格(Solid mesh),提供求解器(Solver)進行計算。實體網格型式中,六面體網格(Hexahedron)為公認品質最佳之網格型式,但是在自動化建立具有較高的難度,需以人工方式建構。四邊形網格(Quadrilateral mesh)為建構六面體網格之基礎,因此網格建構著重於表面網格(Surface mesh)。由於IC封裝模型具有多個內輪廓,在自動建構四邊形網格上較為困難,本研究針對IC封裝模型開發自動化區域劃分方法(Automated partitioning method),結合自動化四邊形網格建構技術。此外,在模型劃分後於各區域建構不同密度的網格,減少整體網格數量。本研究首先針對封裝模型所有內輪廓進行計算,於所有內輪廓周圍建立邊界框(Bounding box)。接著,由模型本身輪廓與邊界框產生區域邊界並建立資料,區域邊界將用於組合成區域。最後,將區域邊界以指定條件組合成區域,再記錄區域建構網格所需資料,區域資料則可用於自動網格建構。本研究以19個模型測試,包含載體封裝模型、嵌入式晶圓級封裝(Embedded wafer level packaging)等,幾乎都可以成功劃分並建構網格。
摘要(英) The adoption of mold flow analysis during the packaging development stage can help in pre-process analysis and design optimization. Before conducting the analysis, the model needs to be converted to a solid mesh and provided to the solver. The solid mesh types include tetrahedrons, prisms, and hexahedrons. Among them, hexahedral mesh is recognized as the highest quality mesh type, but its automated construction is more challenging and needs to be constructed manually. The construction of quadrilateral surface meshes is critical as they form the basis for hexahedral meshing. Building a quadrilateral mesh automatically becomes more difficult when the IC packaging model contains multiple internal contours. In this study, an automated region partitioning method to divide the IC packaging model into multiple regions and combined it with automatic quadrilateral meshing techniques. Additionally, to enhance computational efficiency, different node spacing can be allocated during point generation, allowing for varying mesh densities between regions. Multiple size parameters were also adopted in this study to achieve a distribution of high and low-density meshes across the entire mesh and reduce the overall number of meshes. The research initially performed calculations on all internal contours of the packaging model and established bounding boxes around them. Subsequently, region boundaries were generated based on the model′s contours and bounding boxes, and data was created for each region boundary. These region boundaries were then combined into regions based on specified criteria, and the necessary data for constructing grids in each region was recorded. This region data was utilized for automated grid generation. The proposed method was tested on 19 models, including different types of packaging models, and achieved successful partitioning and grid construction for nearly all of them.
關鍵字(中) ★ IC封裝
★ 四邊形網格
★ 結構化網格
★ 區域劃分
★ 模流分析
關鍵字(英) ★ IC package
★ Quadrilateral mesh
★ Structured mesh
★ Partition
★ Mold flow analysis
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1 區域劃分相關文獻 3
1.2.2 網格建構相關文獻 4
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究方法 6
1.5 論文架構 6
第二章 B-rep與區域劃分概念 9
2.1 前言 9
2.2 B-rep資料結構說明 9
2.3 常見IC封裝模型 13
2.4 自動化區域劃分方法對於IC封裝之影響 15
2.4.1 提升網格建構效率與分析準確性 15
2.4.2 增進分析計算效率 18
第三章 自動化區域劃分方法 21
3.1 前言 21
3.2 區域劃分名詞說明 21
3.3 區域劃分整體說明 24
3.4 建立所有Inner loop框架 26
3.4.1 建立框架與資料 26
3.4.2 合併相近或重疊的框架 34
3.5 建立區域邊界 39
3.5.1 對模型既有邊界與框架建立資料 39
3.5.2 建立射線 39
3.5.3 外部邊界、框架邊界分段與射線縮減 40
3.5.4 內部邊界分段 42
3.5.5 刪除重複區域邊界 46
3.6 建立區域 46
3.6.1 組合區域邊界並建立資料 49
3.6.2 刪除重複區域 52
3.6.3 區域進階分類 53
3.7 套用尺寸參數 53
3.7.1 新增配對區域邊界 53
3.7.2 記錄尺寸參數 56
第四章 自動化區域劃分結果分析 59
4.1 前言 59
4.2 區域劃分結果分析 59
4.2.1 區域劃分之整體結果 59
4.2.2 一般型模型之劃分狀況 67
4.2.3 具特殊內輪廓模型之劃分狀況 69
4.2.4 具特殊外輪廓模型之劃分狀況 73
4.2.5 具特殊內輪廓與外輪廓模型之劃分狀況 73
4.2.6 劃分瑕疵分析 79
4.3 區域表面網格建構與結果分析 81
4.3.1 表面網格建構方式 81
4.3.2 表面網格結果分析 87
4.4 模流結果說明 103
第五章 結論與未來展望 111
5.1 結論 111
5.2 未來展望 112
參考文獻 114
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指導教授 賴景義(Jiing-Yih Lai) 審核日期 2023-7-12
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