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姓名 莊博勛(Bo-Xun Zhuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 低溫錫鉍合金與銅基材之濕潤性質探討
★ 錫碲擴散偶之擴散阻障層界面反應★ 熱電材料與擴散阻障層在電流影響下的界面反應研究
★ 無鉛銲料與無電鍍鈷基板於多次迴焊之界面反應與可靠度測試★ 無電鍍鎳磷層應用於熱電材料與無鉛銲料之界面研究
★ 高可靠度車用印刷電路板之表面處理層開發★ 共濺鍍銅鈦薄膜之相分離演化機制與其對機械性質於3DIC接合的影響
★ 添加微量錫銀銅合金之銅薄膜與銅基板之接合研究★ 新式低溫合金焊料之開發與界面反應探討及可靠度分析
★ 電遷移對純錫導線晶粒旋轉之研究★ 以同步輻射臨場量測電遷移對純錫導線應力分佈之研究
★ 鋁鍺薄膜封裝研究★ 無鉛銲料錫銀鉍銦與銅電極之電遷移研究
★ 以表面處理及塗佈奈米粒子抑制錫晶鬚生長★ 鋁鍺雙層薄膜之擴散行為與金屬誘發結晶現象研究
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摘要(中) 隨著先進電子構裝的技術提升,由於多層堆疊的結構中內含有各種不同性質的材料,高溫製程容易造成晶片翹曲及長期可靠度的問題,Sn-58Bi銲料之熔點為138度、具有好的抗潛變能力。濕潤性質對於迴焊是非常重要的,所以本實驗選用助焊劑含鹵素及不含鹵素之Sn-58Bi銲料及不含鹵素之Sn-56Bi1Ag0.2C銲料探討其在銅基板上於不同迴焊溫度及時間的濕潤性質。
摘要(英) With advancements in advanced electronic packaging technologies, the inclusion of various materials with different properties in multilayer stack structures poses challenges such as chip warpage and long-term reliability issues when subjected to high-temperature processes. Sn-58Bi solder, with a melting point of 138°C, exhibits excellent resistance to creep deformation. Wetting property is crucial during reflow, thus in this experiment, both halogen-containing and halogen-free Sn-Bi solder, as well as halogen-free Sn-56Bi1Ag0.2C solder, were selected to investigate their wetting characteristics on copper substrates at different reflow temperatures and times.
From the TG-DTA results, it was observed that the addition of halogens had no impact on the solder′s melting point. The addition of copper-silver to the solder resulted in a one-degree decrease in the melting point. For the halogen-containing SnBi solder, the contact angle was consistently above 18 degrees. This indicates that temperature had minimal effect on the wetting property . On the other hand, the halogen-free solder exhibited lower contact angles compared to the halogen-containing solder, indicating better wetting characteristics. The thermal analysis results showed that the halogen-containing solder had a rapidly weight loss rate after reaching the melting point. This suggests that the flux in the halogen-containing solder evaporated rapidly during the reflow process, possibly leading to insufficient protection of the solder and substrate from oxidation, resulting in a decrease in wetting property. The addition of silver and copper to the SnBi solder improved wetting characteristics, as silver possesses excellent antioxidation properties, leading to better wetting properties.
關鍵字(中) ★ 濕潤性
★ 接觸角
★ 錫鉍
★ 銲料
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
1 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 電子構裝簡介 2
1-3 電子構裝技術 4
1-3-1 通孔插裝技術 (Through-Hole Technology) 5
1-3-2 表面貼裝技術 (Surface Mount Technology) 6
1-3-3 覆晶構裝 (Flip Chip Technology) 7
1-3-4 三維積體電路構裝 (Three-dimensional Integrated Circuit) 9
1-4 低溫銲料簡介 13
1-4-1 Sn-Bi銲料 14
1-4-2 Sn-Bi銲料添加元素 20
1-5 濕潤性質(wettability) 23
1-6 研究動機 26
2 第二章 實驗方法 27
2-1 銲料及樣品製備 27
2-2 試片分析 28
2-2-1 原子力顯微鏡 (Atomic force microscope, AFM) 29
2-2-2 熱重熱示差分析儀(Thermogravimetry/Differential Thermal Analyzer, TG-DTA) 29
2-2-3 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) 30
3 第三章 結果與討論 31
3-1 熱性質分析 31
3-2 Sn-Bi銲料之濕潤性探討 34
3-2-1 鹵素對於Sn-Bi銲料的濕潤性影響 34
3-2-2 Sn-56Bi-1Ag-0.2Cu銲料濕潤性質 40
4 第四章 結論 44
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指導教授 吳子嘉 審核日期 2023-8-14
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