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姓名 彭翊茹(Yi-Ju Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 應用高溫淨化技術提昇廢水污泥與沼渣共氣化產能效率及 重金屬去除之評估研究
(Enhancement of energy conversion efficiency and heavy metals removal in co-gasification of wastewater sludge and anaerobic digestate using hot gas cleaning system)
★ 大學生對綠建材認知與態度之研究★ 塑膠廢棄物催化裂解產能效率與裂解油物種特性變化之評估研究
★ 應用高壓蒸氣技術製備抗菌輕質材料及其 特性評估研究★ 加速碳酸鹽反應對都市垃圾焚化灰渣捕捉二氧化碳之可行性評估研究
★ 應用無機聚合物技術探討都市垃圾焚化飛灰 無害化之可行性研究★ 動畫與教學介入對桃園市某國小六年級學童環境行動影響之研究
★ 下水污泥與工業區廢水污泥共同蒸氣氣化產能效率與重金屬分佈特性之研究★ 應用自製催化劑評估廢車破碎殘餘物氣化產能效率及污染物排放特性
★ 應用熱裂解技術評估廢車破碎殘餘物轉換能源效率及重金屬排放特性★ 應用揮發性有機物自動採樣技術評估工業區異味污染物來源及指紋之可行性研究
★ 評估傳統濕式洗滌塔對印刷電路板防焊製程之揮發性有機氣體去除效率之研究★ 污水處理廠逸散微粒之物理、化學及生物特性分析
★ 應用熱氣清淨系統提升稻稈氣化過程合成氣品質及污染物去除之可行性研究★ 台北都會區PM1.0微粒物理特徵描述與含碳氣膠來源分析
★ 以無人飛行載具(UAV)平台探討空氣污染物之垂直分佈特徵及搭載之氣膠儀器性能評估★ 淨水污泥與漿紙污泥煅燒灰共同製備輕質化 材料之抗菌特性評估研究
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摘要(中) 本研究利用實驗室規模流體化床氣化爐,探討廢水污泥(Wastewater Sludge, WS)及沼渣(Anaerobic Digestate, AD)共同氣化產能,以及應用高溫淨化系統(Hot gas cleaning system)評估提高產氣品質及去除重金屬之可行性。試驗條件主要包括氣化溫度700、800及900℃、當量比(Equivalence Ratio, ER)為0.3,摻混比例分別為WS:AD = 3:1、1:1及1:3。至於高溫淨化系統則分別填充沸石、煅燒白雲石及活性碳三種吸附劑。
研究結果顯示,廢水污泥氣化反應產氫組成比例,由氣化溫度700℃之1.40 vol.%增加至900℃之5.21 vol.%,其冷燃氣效率由8.96%增加至18.71%,平均產氣熱值則由1.79 MJ/Nm3增加至3.69 MJ/Nm3。而沼渣氣化試驗之產氣中氫氣組成比例,亦由700℃之3.07 vol.%增加至900℃之6.57 vol.%,合成氣之冷燃氣效率則由9.55%增加至16.27%,平均產氣熱值亦由2.04 MJ/Nm3增加至3.43 MJ/Nm3。依據上述研究結果可知,增加氣化溫度有助於促進水氣(Water-gas)、Boudouard反應及焦油裂解等吸熱反應,產生較多可燃氣體,進而提升產氣熱值。
廢水污泥及沼渣共同氣化反應試驗,結果顯示,在氣化溫度900℃條件下,合成氣之氫氣組成比例介於4.99~5.80 vol.%,其中以WS:AD = 1:3條件下,氫氣組成比例最高,就合成氣之平均產氣熱值而言,主要介於3.56~3.65 MJ/Nm3;而冷燃氣效率則介於16.96~17.46%之間。若考量共同氣化反應之平均產氣熱值而言,以摻混比例1:1之條件,有較佳之產氣熱值。
應用高溫淨化系統之氣化試驗結果顯示,合成氣之組成比例均有增加之趨勢,其中以沼渣氣化結果而言,合成氣之氫氣組成比例介於7.79~9.52 vol.%之間,較未使用高溫淨化系統之試驗結果為高。至於平均產氣熱值介於3.96~4.16 MJ/Nm3之間,亦是有增加之現象。根據氣化產物之重金屬分析可知,應用高溫淨化系統之試驗可去除部分氣相產物中之重金屬,其中銅(Cu)之去除率介於10.83~28.31%,鉻(Cr)之去除率介於19.77~40.10%,鋅(Zn)之去除率介於18.76~28.84%,鎵(Ga)之去除率介於54.80~70.85%,銦(In)之去除率介於30.76~49.57%。整體而言,廢水污泥及沼渣具有共同氣化產能應用之潛力,同時應用高溫淨化系統,可有效提升產氣品質及去除重金屬,本研究初步獲得之成果,可供後續工程應用之參考依據。
摘要(英) This study investigates the co-gasification of wastewater sludge (WS) and anaerobic digestate (AD) using a laboratory-scale fluidized bed gasifier, focusing on enhancing gas production quality and assessing the feasibility of heavy metal removal via a hot gas cleaning system. The experiments were conducted at gasification temperatures of 700, 800 and 900℃, an equivalence ratio (ER) of 0.3, and blending ratios of WS to AD at 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3. The hot gas cleaning system was equipped with three adsorbents: zeolite, calcined dolomite and activated carbon.
For WS gasification, the study revealed a significant enhancement in hydrogen production, from 1.40 vol.% at 700℃ to 5.21 vol.% at 900℃, with a corresponding rise in cold gas efficiency (CGE) from 8.96% to 18.71%. The heating value of the product gas also saw a substantial improvement, from 1.79 MJ/Nm3 to 3.69 MJ/Nm3. In the case of AD gasification, a similar trend was observed, with hydrogen production increased from 3.07 vol.% at 700℃ to 6.57 vol.% at 900℃, and CGE rising from 9.55% to 16.27%. The heating value of the product gas also saw a significant increase, from 2.04 MJ/Nm3 to 3.43 MJ/Nm3. These results, underscore the efficiency of the gasification process, with higher gasification temperatures favoring endothermic reactions and leading to more combustible gas production and a higher heating value of the produced gas. During the co-gasification of WS and AD at 900℃, hydrogen production ranged from 4.99 to 5.80 vol.%, with the highest yield observed at a WS:AD = 1:3. The heating value of the product gas varied between 3.56 and 3.65 MJ/Nm3; while CGE ranged from 16.96 to 17.46%. A blending ratio of 1:1 was found to optimize the heating value of the product gas.
The gasification tests incorporating the hot gas cleaning system revealed a notable increase in the syngas composition ratio. For AD gasification, the syngas′ hydrogen content surged to 7.79 and 9.52 vol.%, surpassing the results obtained without the hot gas cleaning system. The heating value of the product gas also saw a significant increase, ranging from 3.96 to 4.16 MJ/Nm³. Most importantly, the hot gas cleaning system played a pivotal role in effectively removing heavy metals from the gas phase products, with impressive removal rates of 10.83% to 28.31% for copper (Cu), 19.77% to 40.10% for chromium (Cr), 18.76% to 28.84% for zinc (Zn), 54.80% to 70.85% for gallium (Ga), and 30.76% to 49.57% for indium (In).
Overall, the study underscores the promising potential of WS and AD for co-gasification. The hot gas cleaning system emerges as a significant player, enhancing gas production quality and enabling the removal of heavy metals. These preliminary findings provide a beacon of hope for future engineering applications in the field of waste management and environmental engineering.
關鍵字(中) ★ 廢水污泥
★ 沼渣
★ 氣化
★ 高溫淨化系統
★ 重金屬
關鍵字(英) ★ Wastewater sludge
★ Anaerobic digestate
★ Gasfication
★ Hot gas cleaning system
★ Heavy metals
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xv
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1廢水污泥現況分析 5
2-1-1污泥再利用現況 5
2-2沼渣現況分析 8
2-3氣化技術原理及應用探討 10
2-3-1氣化的反應機制 10
2-3-2氣化操作條件對產氣效率的影響 12
2-4氣體淨化技術 21
2-4-1催化劑轉化 22
2-4-2高溫淨化處理技術 23
第三章 研究材料及方法 27
3-1實驗材料 27
3-1-1科學園區廢水污泥 27
3-1-2沼渣 28
3-1-3吸附劑 28
3-2實驗設備 29
3-2-1氣化設備 29
3-2-2高溫淨化吸附系統 30
3-3實驗條件 33
3-4反應動力學 36
3-5分析項目與方法 38
3-5-1原料基本特性分析 38
3-5-2氣化產物分析 43
第四章 結果與討論 47
4-1原料之基本特性分析 47
4-2廢水污泥及沼渣之熱動力分析 50
4-2-1熱重損失之分析結果 50
4-3溫度對廢水污泥與沼渣之氣化產能效率之影響 66
4-3-1廢水污泥與沼渣氣化之氣相產物特性分析 66
4-3-2廢水污泥與沼渣氣化之液相產物特性分析 76
4-3-3廢水污泥與沼渣氣化之固相產物特性分析 81
4-3-4質量平衡 87
4-4摻混比對廢水污泥與沼渣共同氣化產能效率之評估 100
4-4-1廢水污泥與沼渣共同氣化之氣相產物特性分析 100
4-4-2廢水污泥與沼渣共同氣化之液相產物特性分析 106
4-4-3廢水污泥與沼渣共同氣化之固相產物特性分析 111
4-5爐外連接高溫淨化系統對氣化產能效率之評估 125
4-5-1爐外連接高溫淨化系統氣化之氣相產物特性分析 125
4-5-2爐外連接高溫淨化系統氣化之液相產物特性分析 131
4-5-3爐外連接高溫淨化系統氣化之固相產物特性分析 136
4-6廢水污泥及沼渣共同氣化之產能效率評估 151
4-6-1共同氣化之合成性特性分析 151
4-6-2能量分布特性 157
4-7氣化產物之重金屬分布特性 160
第五章 結論與建議 185
5-1結論 185
5-2建議 187
參考文獻 189
附 錄 199
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指導教授 江康鈺(Kung-Yuh Chiang) 審核日期 2024-8-19
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