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姓名 孫浩倫(Hao-Lun Sun) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光機電工程研究所 論文名稱 應用基因演算法於光轉置技術矩陣轉移之研究
(Application of Genetic Algorithm in Optical Transposition Technology: A Study of Matrix Transfer)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 近年來顯示器產業的發展飛速般成長,Mini/Micro LED 的巨量轉移技術仍尚未成熟,
矩陣轉移。意旨利用雷射誘導前向轉移(Laser Induced Forward Transfer, LIFT)技術,開發
一種基於最小公倍數邏輯的面轉移方法,且可滿足隨意調整接收基板上 LED 之間的間
數完成轉移,並透過 GUI 介面顯示運算與模擬結果。這些演算法基於最小公倍數原理,
本研究的成果對於光轉置技術的應用具有重要意義,除了使用在 LED 巨量轉移上,
還可應用於其他不同的製程:如 LED 分選、微小矩陣元件之轉移等等。故本研究之貢
獻在於提出一套矩陣轉移邏輯結合最佳化演算法,用來解決目前 LIFT 在可調變節距的
需求下轉移過慢之問題,且為少數應用於提高 LIFT 速度的最佳化演算法。摘要(英) In recent years, the display industry has witnessed rapid growth and development. However,
the mass transfer technology for Mini/Micro LED is still in its nascent stage. Therefore, this
study aims to compare various mass transfer techniques and explore the application of
optimization algorithms in the field of optical transposition technology, specifically focusing
on Laser Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT). The goal is to develop a matrix transfer method
based on the principles of the least common multiple (LCM) logic, which allows for flexible
adjustment of the spacing between LEDs on the receiving substrate.
This research employs optimization algorithms to address optimization challenges in matrix
transfer. The aim is to achieve transfer with reduced time and minimal iterations through LIFT
technology, while presenting computation and simulation results through a graphical user
interface (GUI). These algorithms, rooted in the concept of least common multiple, optimize
the transfer path calculations to identify the optimal transfer path and parameter settings.
The research findings indicate that applying optimization algorithms to matrix transfer in
optical transposition technology significantly enhances transfer efficiency compared to
individual LED transfers. This LCM-based matrix transfer approach demonstrates promising
simulation results, achieving efficient mass transfer over a large area within a short time.
The outcomes of this research hold significant implications for the application of optical
transposition technology. Apart from its usage in mass transfer for LEDs, this approach can be
extended to various processes, such as LED sorting and transfer of micro-matrix components.
Thus, the contribution of this research lies in proposing a matrix transfer logic integrated with
optimization algorithms to address the issue of slow transfer speeds in LIFT under the
requirement of adjustable spacing. This approach stands as one of the few optimization
algorithms aimed at enhancing LIFT speed and holds relevance for its potential application
across diverse fields.關鍵字(中) ★ 最佳化演算法
★ 矩陣轉移
★ 雷射前向誘導
★ 巨量轉移關鍵字(英) 論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 4
1-3 文章架構 7
第二章 運作系統與原理 8
2-1 巨量轉移機台介紹 8
2-2 轉移基礎原理 9
第三章 矩陣轉移 12
3-1 龜圖學模組 12
3-2 貢獻基板分布建立 13
3-2-1 比對結果分布 13
3-2-2 隨機與全滿分布 14
3-2-3 分Bin分布 15
3-3 最小公倍數邏輯 15
3-3-1 最大公因數-最小公倍數定理(GCD-LCM Thm.) 17
3-3-2 歐基里德演算法 18
3-4 分群邏輯 19
3-5 對位位置邏輯 20
3-6 距離計算方法 22
第四章 最佳化演算法 23
4-1 研究背景 23
4-1-1 旅行銷售員問題 23
4-1-2 時間複雜度與空間複雜度(Big O notation) 23
4-1-3 P、NP問題 25
4-2 基因演算法 27
4-2-1 編碼 28
4-2-2 適應函數(Fitness Function) 32
4-2-3 選擇(Select)與複製(Reproduction) 34
4-2-4 交配 36
4-2-5 突變 37
4-3 粒子群演算法 38
4-4 程式架構 40
第五章 模擬結果與討論 42
5-1 D6×6,0.3×0.2&R6×6,0.5×0.3 42
5-2 其他轉移結果 49
5-2-1 D30×30,0.3125×0.3125&R15×15,0.625×0.625 49
5-2-2 D15×15,0.5×0.5&R15×15,0.625×0.625 50
5-2-3 D192×96,0.15625×0.3125&R48×48,0.625×0.625 51
5-2-4 分bin轉移 52
第六章 結論與未來展望 54
6-1 結論 54
6-2 未來展望 55
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