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姓名 陳鵬宇(Peng-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 流動式顆粒床過濾器應用於去除多種汙染物之研究
★ 二維儲槽濾材顆粒流場之研究★ 粗細顆粒混合之流動性質分析
★ MOCVD腔體熱流場與新式進氣檔板之設計模擬分析研究★ 稻殼於流體化床進行快速裂解產製生質燃油之研究
★ 利用CFD 模擬催化生質能在快速熱裂解中碳沉積對於催化劑去活化反應影響★ 反向氣流對微小粉末於儲槽排放行為影響之研究
★ 積層製造自動化粉末回收系統-系統設計及其混合器之優化★ 雙床氣化爐冷模型中CFB入口速度、BFB床高和顆粒尺寸對矽砂之壓力分佈和質量流率的影響
★ 以實驗方式探討崩塌流場對可侵蝕底床侵蝕與堆積現象之影響★ 移動式顆粒床過濾器應用於去除PM2.5之研究
★ 超臨界顆粒流場中雙圓柱阻礙物震波交互影響之研究★ 不同飽和態下兩相局部潰壩流場中流動行為之探討
★ 添加微量液體對振動床中顆粒體分離現象的影響★ 不同表面粗糙度的大顆粒在垂直式振動床中動態行為之研究
★ 二維剪力槽中顆粒體群聚現象之研究探討★ 直渠道顆粒流之顆粒密度分離效應
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摘要(中) 隨著工業革命快速的發展,人類的科技水平也大幅度的進步,伴隨著人類科技的進步,所消耗能源也越來越多。各國早期均以燃煤發電為主,這也直間造成了全球環境的議題,如溫室氣體排放、能源危機、環境污染等等。隨著先進燃煤機組IGCC與PFBC被學者們相繼提出,高溫氣體淨化技術應用於在先進燃煤機組可以大幅增加熱力學上的顯能,且有效降低整體技術成本等優點。高溫氣體淨化技術中,移動式顆粒床過濾器已被前人驗證可用於去除粉塵儲焦油;且顆粒床過濾器具有耐高溫、耐酸鹼、低壓損並可以連續操作下、過濾效率高等優點。
本實驗研究了表面風速、入口溫度、加熱溫度與濾材質量流率對整體除塵脫除硫的過濾效率影響。實驗結果顯示顆粒床體加熱溫度至800°C和表面風速為30 cm/s時濾材的脫硫效率可達98%。除塵效率可達98.3%;在150g/min的質量流率下有較佳的除塵效果;脫流方面隨濾材質量流率愈慢,脫硫效率有升高之趨勢,這是由於濾材在床體內被充分加熱而導致。

摘要(英) With the rapid development of the Industrial Revolution, human technological advancements have significantly progressed, leading to an increased consumption of energy. In the early stages, countries primarily relied on coal-fired power generation, which directly resulted in global environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, energy crises, and environmental pollution. As advanced coal-fired units, such as IGCC and PFBC, were successively proposed by scholars, the application of high-temperature gas purification technology in these advanced coal-fired units has shown significant thermodynamic improvements and effective reduction of overall technical costs. Among the high-temperature gas purification technologies, the mobile granular bed filter has been verified by previous researchers for its ability to remove dust and tar, offering advantages such as high-temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, low pressure drop, and high filtration efficiency.
This study is based on the previously developed mobile granular bed filter and applies it for dust and sulfur removal, investigating its performance. Economically viable limestone is chosen as the filtering material, with a dust concentration of 7500 ppmw and a sulfur dioxide concentration of 500 ppmv used as the contaminated gas. Gas analyzers and PPC (Process Particle Counter PPC-100) are installed at the outlet of the granular bed filter for online measurement to evaluate the overall performance of the filter.
The experimental study investigates the effects of wind speed, inlet temperature, heating temperature, and filtering material mass flow rate on the filtration efficiency for dust and sulfur removal. The experimental results show that heating the granular bed to 800°C with a wind speed of 30 cm/s achieves a sulfur removal efficiency of 98%. The dust removal efficiency can reach 98.3%. A better dust removal effect is observed at a mass flow rate of 150 g/min. Regarding desorption, a slower filtering material mass flow rate leads to an increased sulfur removal efficiency, attributed to the thorough heating of the filtering material inside the bed.

The study further examines the filtered material after sulfur adsorption. Under experimental conditions with bed heating temperatures of 600°C and 800°C, EDX component analysis reveals an increase in sulfur content from 0.13% to 1.11% in the filtering material, highlighting the importance of bed heating for desulfurization performance. A comparison of sulfur content between surface wind speeds of 30 cm/s to 45 cm/s shows higher sulfur content at 30 cm/s, indicating better desulfurization performance at lower wind speeds for the moving granular bed filter.

Keywords: Moving granular bed filter, High-temperature gas cleaning , Simultaneous dust and sulfur removal
關鍵字(中) ★ 移動式顆粒床過濾器
★ 高溫氣體淨化
★ 同步除塵除硫
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
附圖目錄 vii
表格目錄 x
符號目錄 xi
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.1.1 集塵器系統介紹 2
1.1.2 脫硫工藝技術介紹 3
1.2 研究動機與目的 4
1.3 文獻回顧 4
1.4 顆粒床系統簡介 5
1.5 論文章節架構 6
2 第二章 研究設備與步驟 12
2.1 中高溫脫硫除塵實驗設備與方法 13
2.1.1 除塵過濾機制探討 13
2.1.2 脫硫機制探討 15
2.1.3 實驗設備 17
2.1.4 量測設備 19
2.2 實驗參數 21
2.3 實驗步驟 22
3 第三章 結果與討論 38
3.1 壓降差探討 38
3.2 質量流濾對脫硫除塵效率的影響 39
3.3 表面風速對脫硫除塵效率的影響 39
3.4 入口溫度對脫硫除塵的影響 40
3.5 床體溫度對脫硫除塵的引響 40
3.6 濾材為結構與組粉探討 41
4 結論 59
參考文獻 60
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指導教授 蕭述三(Shu-San Hsiau) 審核日期 2023-8-14
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