博碩士論文 110355003 詳細資訊

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姓名 譚沛紋(Pei-Wen Tan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士在職專班
論文名稱 修繕工程工期增加常見原因及解決方式之研究
(Research on Common Causes and Solutions for Duration Extension of Repair Projects)
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摘要(中) 隨著老舊建物逐年增加,修繕工程日益成為工程執行的主要方向,但修繕工程逾期的問題屢見不鮮,國內仍缺乏在此方面相關研究。工程專案執行者如何依契約之要求滿足履約期程及使用者需求,一份好的時程規劃便相當重要。本研究以實際案例為核心,進行個案中時程差異之原因分析。本研究經由實際案例之分析,並彙整專家意見回饋後歸納以下兩項結論:修繕工程工期增加的主要原因為:(1)施工動線不良、無妥善施工計畫。(2)現場情況改變。(3)需求未明確傳達及確認。(4)地下(牆面)埋設物事前不明、設計前(施工前)調查不周詳。(5)相關人員專業不足;修繕工程工期增加有效解決之方法:(1)承攬工程時承包商應確認實際現場狀況,並完成清圖作業,在召開施工前協調會時釐清並有相對應之措施,降低其逾期及界面問題之風險。(2)業主在施工前協調會,邀集相關單位及人員,確認可供承包商廢棄物及物料堆置地方,以及說明有價料繳交申請等相關規定,減少承包商清運時間及搬運問題。(3)修繕工程完成後,應將竣工圖歸檔,爾後規劃時,確認相關原始圖說並現場查證,必要時輔以設備確認;承包商在施工前需提送相關人員證照、學經驗以及施工過程中,隱蔽部分查驗紀錄等相關資料提送業主備查,以降低非專業人員之問題及在其後續修繕工程時能相關資料可以參考。(4)修繕工程一般為原建築物使用一段時間才會有此需求,而為符合使用單位期望所需,因此於勘估階段釐清需求時,設計單位設計規劃時需與使用單位充分溝通及討論,並在確認需求後作為紀錄備查,在設計階段,再次確認圖說是否正確或遺漏,以減少後續需求不一致問題,降低變更設計。期望研究成果可供修繕工程之使用單位、設計監造及承包商參考,進而提升修繕工程的時程管控品質,有效降低工程逾期。
摘要(英) With the increasing number of old buildings, repair projects have become a major focus in engineering execution. However, delays in repair projects are common, and there still needs to be more relevant research in this area in Taiwan. It is important for project implementers to meet contractual requirements and user needs in order to have a good schedule plan. This study analyzed the causes of schedule differences between as-planned and as-built schedules in actual cases.Based on the analysis of actual cases and expert feedback, this study concludes the following two findings: First, the main reasons for the increase in the duration of repair projects are: (1) poor construction flow and lack of proper construction planning; (2) changes due to on-site conditions; (3) unclear communication and confirmation of requirements; (4) lack of pre-existing knowledge of buried items underground (wall surfaces) and inadequate pre-design (pre-construction) surveys; (5) insufficient expertise of relevant personnel. Second, effective methods to address the increases in the duration of repair projects are: (1) When contracting the project, the contractor should confirm the actual site conditions and complete the drawing work. During the pre-construction coordination meeting, clarifing and taking corresponding measures are required to reduce the risks of delays and interface issues. (2) Prior to the construction coordination meeting, the owner should invite relevant units and personnels to confirm the designated locations for contractor waste disposal and material stacking, as well as explain the relevant regulations for the submission of valuable materials, in order to reduce contractor transportation time and handling issues. (3) After the completion of the repair project, the as-built drawings should be archived. When planning for future projects, to verify the relevant original drawings and to conduct on-site inspections as well as supplemented by equipment verification if necessary, are suggested. The contractor should submit relevant personnel licenses, work experience, and inspection records of concealed parts to the owner before construction in order to reduce issues caused by non-professionals and provide reference materials for subsequent repair projects. (4) Repair projects generally arise after a certain period of time since the original building was put into use, and they are carried out to meet the expectations of the user units. Therefore, during the assessment phase, it is necessary for the design unit to communicate and discuss extensively with the user units to clarify requirements. After confirming the requirements, they should be documented for reference. During the design phase, double-check the drawings for accuracy or omissions to reduce inconsistencies in requirements and minimize design changes. Hopefully, the research findings can be referenced by the user units, design supervisors, and contractors of repair projects, thereby improving the quality of schedule control in repair projects and effectively reducing project delays.
關鍵字(中) ★ 修繕工程
★ 履約管理
★ 工期增加
★ 工程管理
★ 修繕時程
關鍵字(英) ★ repair and maintenance works
★ contract management
★ duration extension
★ project management
★ maintenance schedule
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 5
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究範圍與限制 5
1.5 研究方法 8
1.6 論文架構 8
第二章 文獻回顧 10
2.1 建築物修繕定義及分類 10
2.2 工程履約爭議探討 12
2.3 履約工期認定 16
2.4 工程進度管理 17
2.5 小結 22
第三章 修繕工程既有時程管理問題分析 23
3.1 修繕工程排程項目分類 23
3.2 現有修繕工程契約中的時程管理要求 27
3.3 承包商修繕工程規劃 29
3.4 修繕工程實務上採用的時程進度表 32
3.5 修繕工程使用的時程管理軟體:MS Project 33
第四章 案例分析 37
4.1 住宅(宿舍)修繕工程案例分析 37
4.1.1 設計變更及工期增減說明 38
4.1.2 履約預計時程分析 39
4.1.3 實際施工時程分析 41
4.1.4 預計及實際時程分析比較 43
4.2 辦公室修繕工程案例分析 48
4.2.1 設計變更及工期增減說明 49
4.2.2 履約預計時程分析 50
4.2.3 實際施工時程分析 52
4.2.4 預計及實際時程分析比較 55
4.3 廠房修繕工程案例分析 60
4.3.1 設計變更及工期增減說明 60
4.3.2 履約預計時程分析 61
4.3.3 實際施工時程分析 64
4.3.4 預計及實際時程分析比較 67
第五章 修繕工程時程問題與解決對策 72
5.1 影響修繕工程履約期程原因及解決對策 72
5.1.1 影響修繕工程履約期程原因 72
5.1.2 影響修繕工程履約期程常見錯誤之解決對策 74
5.2 專家問卷調查與分析 77
5.2.1 受訪者基本資料 78
5.2.2 修繕工程特性 79
5.2.3 修繕履約解決對策幫助成果 81
第六章 結論與建議 85
6.1 結論 85
6.2 建議 86
參考文獻 87
附錄一 問卷調查表 90
附錄二 問卷回收資料 93
參考文獻 [1]蕭文雄,建築物修繕法律定位與管理制度之研究,台灣大學土木工程學研究所博士論文(2006)。
[16]江立偉、郭斯傑、張智元等,建築物外牆磁磚劣化目視診斷模式之研究,臺灣建築學會建築學報,第87期,49 ~ 59頁。
[27]Project Management Institute,“A Guid to the Project Management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK® Guide),”American, PMI (2017)。
指導教授 楊智斌(Jyh-Bin Yang) 審核日期 2023-7-21
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