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姓名 鄭昊(Hao Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 人格特質與飲食控制行為之關聯: 以間歇性斷食為例
(The association between personality traits and dieting behavior: In the case of intermittent fasting)
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摘要(中) 飲食控制行為在現代社會中越來越流行,許多人透過不同類型的飲食控制行為, 來達成改善體態、減少體重以及增進健康的目的。而間歇性斷食這種飲食控制方法, 在近年來逐漸受到大眾的關注和喜愛。而過去有許多研究飲食控制行為和人格特質的 相關研究,但卻鮮少有間歇性斷食與人格特質的相關研究。本研究的目的是探討間歇 性斷食和其他飲食控制行為的差異。以及人格特質、對自身的外貌及健康之重視程度 以及負面情緒調節三者與飲食控制方式的選擇以及間歇性斷食的整體表現之相關。本 研究之研究對象為正在或曾經進行飲食控制行為者,透過比例檢定驗證間歇性斷食和 其他飲食控制行為在主要困難上的顯著差異,間歇性斷食比其他飲食控制行為更需要 忍受飢餓(p<0.01)。再透過相關性分析以及逐步迴歸分析來驗證可能和間歇性斷食行為 相關之因素。研究結果發現間歇性斷食與其他飲食控制行為的一些差異,間歇性斷食 行為與健康重視程度顯著相關(β=0.018 , p<.05),間歇性斷食整體表現則與盡責性 (β=0.173 , p<.01)和外貌重視程度(β=0.386, p<.05)顯著相關。本研究之研究結果可以提供 後續研究者在進行間歇性斷食相關研究的參考文獻,並為間歇性斷食與人格特質相關 研究的缺乏提供貢獻。
摘要(英) Dieting behaviors have become increasingly popular in modern society, as many individuals adopt various types of dieting behaviors to improve body shape, reduce weight, and enhance overall health. Among these methods, intermittent fasting (IF) has gained attention and popularity in recent years. While previous research has explored the relationship between dieting behaviors and personality traits, there is limited understanding of the association between IF and personality traits. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality traits, negative emotion regulation, and the choice of dieting behaviors and subjective performance in dieting. The study participants included individuals who were either at the time or have previously engaged in dieting behaviors. Significant difference between intermittent fasting and other dietary behaviors in the major difficulty verified by ratio test, IF requires more hunger tolerance than other eating behaviors (p<0.01). Results showed that intermittent fasting behavior was significantly related to the degree of health emphasis (β=0.018, p<.05). Overall performance in IF was significantly associated with conscientiousness (β=0.173, p<.05) and the emphasis on appearance (β=0.386, p<.01). These research outcomes could serve as a reference for future research on IF, and contribute to addressing the lack of research in the association between IF and personality traits.
關鍵字(中) ★ 飲食控制
★ 間歇性斷食
★ 人格特質
★ 大五人格特質
★ 負面情緒調節
關鍵字(英) ★ Dieting
★ Intermittent fasting
★ Personality
★ Big five personality
★ Negative mood regulation
論文目次 中文摘要 ..................................................................................................................................... i Abstract.......................................................................................................................................ii 目錄 ...........................................................................................................................................iii 圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................................ v 表目錄 ....................................................................................................................................... vi 一、緒論 .................................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景與動機..........................................................................................................1 1-2 研究目的......................................................................................................................1 1-3 研究流程......................................................................................................................2
二、文獻探討 ............................................................................................................................ 3
2-1 飲食控制與間歇性斷食..............................................................................................3 2-2 人格特質......................................................................................................................5 2-3 自我健康與外貌重視..................................................................................................6 2-4 情緒..............................................................................................................................7
三、研究方法 ............................................................................................................................ 8
3-1 研究架構與假設..........................................................................................................8 3-2 研究工具....................................................................................................................12 3-3 研究分析....................................................................................................................17
四、實驗結果 .......................................................................................................................... 19
4-1 樣本描述性統計........................................................................................................19 4-2 信效度分析 ................................................................................................................ 25 4-3 比例檢定....................................................................................................................28 4-3 皮爾森相關性分析....................................................................................................29
4-4 逐步迴歸分析 ............................................................................................................ 30
五、討論 .................................................................................................................................. 34
六、結論與未來建議 .............................................................................................................. 37
6-1 結論 ............................................................................................................................ 37 6-2 未來建議 .................................................................................................................... 38
七、參考文獻 .......................................................................................................................... 39
八、附錄 .................................................................................................................................. 43
附錄一 問卷 ..................................................................................................................... 43 附錄二 問項原始內容 ..................................................................................................... 49
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指導教授 陳永儀(Yong-Yi Chen) 審核日期 2023-8-16
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