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姓名 邱冠融(Kuan-Jung Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 探討團隊適應對於軟體流程調適決策有效性之影響:共享心智模型之調節作用
(The Effects of Team Adaptation of Software Project Teams on Process Tailoring Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Shared Mental Model)
★ 專案管理的溝通關鍵路徑探討─以某企業軟體專案為例★ 運用並探討會議流如何促進敏捷發展過程中團隊溝通與文件化:以T銀行系統開發為例
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摘要(中) 由於每個軟體專案的易變性,以致不存在一套完全適用於所有專案的標準軟體流程。因此,專案團隊必須執行軟體流程調適,依照專案不同變化的特性調整流程以滿足其特定專案或組織的需求。然而在這種頻繁變化的環境中,團隊適應是否會影響流程調適的有效性,相關文獻仍匱乏。因此,本研究探討團隊先發與即時適應對流程調適有效性的影響。當團隊面臨專案中的變化與風險時,團隊透過先發適應,提前制定應對的調適計畫並執行之;透過即時適應,立刻制定且執行調適計畫。此外,團隊透過共享心智模型,使團隊能正確、完整地執行調適計畫,有效地降低風險與變化帶給團隊與專案的影響。
綜合前述,本研究提出一理論模型探討團隊即時適應以及先發適應與軟體流程調適有效性間的關係,並透過共享心智模型調節。本研究以定量的問卷調查方法進行調查,其中有效問卷為團隊領導者與團隊成員樣本合併後之結果,共100份,並採偏最小平方法 (Partial Least Square) 對資料做分析並檢視假說。研究結果顯示,團隊先發、即時適應與軟體流程調適有效性呈正關係;共享心智模型正向調節團隊即時適應與軟體流程調適有效性之間的關係。此外,本研究亦針對不顯著之假說做解釋,並於文末提出此研究的限制,建議未來研究可進行的方向。
摘要(英) Due to the variability of each software project, there is no general standard software process that can be universally applied. Consequently, software teams are required to engage in software process tailoring (SPT), adjusting the processes to meet the specific needs or changes of their particular projects. There is a lack of literature on whether team adaptation affects the effectiveness of SPT. Hence, this study focuses on examining the impact of team improvised adaptation and team preemptive adaptation on SPT effectiveness. When teams encounter changes and risks in the project, they develop and implement coping plans immediately through team improvised adaptation. Additionally, through the use of shared mental models, the teams are able to execute coping plans accurately and comprehensively, effectively mitigating the impact of risks on the team and the project.
Drawing upon the preceding discussions, this study proposes a theoretical model to investigate the relationship between team improvised adaptation, team preemptive adaptation, and the SPT effectiveness, moderated by the shared mental models. To examine the model, this research uses the survey method to quantitatively collect the data of 100 responses from 42 software teams and analyze the data by using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results show that team improvised and preemptive adaptation have positive influences on SPT effectiveness; Shared mental models positively moderate the relationship between team improvised adaptation and the SPT effectiveness. In addition, this study explains the non-significant hypotheses and presents the limitations of this study, suggesting possible directions for future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體流程調適
★ 團隊先發適應
★ 團隊即時適應
★ 共享心智模型
★ 軟體流程調適有效性
關鍵字(英) ★ Software Process Tailoring (SPT)
★ Team Preemptive Adaptation
★ Team Improvised Adaptation
★ Shared Mental Models
★ SPT effectiveness
論文目次 目錄

第一章、 緒論...............................................................................................1
1-1. 研究背景與研究問題.................................................................................................1
1-2. 研究目的與方法.........................................................................................................4
1-3. 研究範圍與假說.........................................................................................................5
1-4. 研究架構.....................................................................................................................5
第二章、 文獻探討.......................................................................................7
2-1. 軟體流程調適與其有效性.........................................................................................7
2-2. 團隊適應 (Team Adaptation) ..................................................................................10
2-3. 共享心智模型 (Shared Mental Model) ...................................................................16
第三章、 研究假說與模型.........................................................................19
3-1. 團隊先發適應與SPT有效性...................................................................................19
3-2. 團隊即時適應與SPT有效性...................................................................................20
3-3. 共享心智模型對SPT有效性的調節作用...............................................................21
第四章、 研究方法.....................................................................................25
4-1. 資料樣本與蒐集.......................................................................................................25
4-2. 變數定義...................................................................................................................27
4-3. 問卷設計...................................................................................................................28
4-4. 資料分析與方法.......................................................................................................31
4-5. 樣本數需求分析.......................................................................................................32
第五章、 資料分析與結果.........................................................................34
5-1. 樣本結構分析...........................................................................................................34
5-2. 樣本特徵分析...........................................................................................................35
5-3. 資料聚合...................................................................................................................39
5-4. 測量模型分析...........................................................................................................40
5-5. 結構模型分析...........................................................................................................45
5-6. 調節效果分析...........................................................................................................49
第六章、 結果與討論.................................................................................51
6-1. 結果討論...................................................................................................................51
6-2. 理論貢獻...................................................................................................................55
6-3. 實務意涵...................................................................................................................56
第七章、 結論.............................................................................................58
7-1. 研究限制與未來發展...............................................................................................58
7-2. 總結...........................................................................................................................59


圖1 研究架構圖........................................................................................................................6
圖2 研究模型..........................................................................................................................24
圖3 顯著性分析結果..............................................................................................................46
圖4 共享心智模型*團隊即時適應之調節效果圖................................................................50
圖5 共享心智模型*團隊先發適應之調節效果圖................................................................50


表1 影響SPT績效因素的相關研究........................................................................................9
表2 團隊適應定義相關文獻..................................................................................................11
表3 團隊適應前因相關文獻..................................................................................................12
表4 團隊適應對績效相關文獻..............................................................................................14
表5 變數定義..........................................................................................................................27
表6 本研究問卷之問項內容及其參考文獻..........................................................................28
表7 2011-2020年研究採用PLS-SEM原因............................................................................32
表8 樣本中同一團隊填寫人數..............................................................................................34
表9 團隊成員樣本特徵..........................................................................................................35
表10 團隊領導者樣本特徵....................................................................................................36
表11 企業特徵........................................................................................................................37
表12 團隊特徵........................................................................................................................38
表13 各變數之ICC(1)、ICC(2)與Rwg值..........................................................................39
表14 測量模型之結果............................................................................................................41
表15 平均變異萃取量平方根值模型中其他構念的相關係數............................................41
表16 HTMT 值........................................................................................................................43
表17 本研究之 VIFs 值........................................................................................................45
表18 假說驗證之結果............................................................................................................46
表19 結構模型中f2值.............................................................................................................47
表20 PLSpredict 分析結果.....................................................................................................48
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指導教授 陳仲儼(Chung-Yang Chen) 審核日期 2023-7-8
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