博碩士論文 110424024 詳細資訊

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姓名 莊佳蓉(Chuang Chia Jung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 家族企業、董事會特徵與公司風險之關聯性
★ 資訊科技的使用對製造業廠商生產力之影響★ 寶島債介紹及發展前景
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★ 貿易、技術與薪資溢酬★ 聚集與生產力:台灣紡織產業的實證研究
★ 勞工派遣與正職受僱型態之實證研究-金融海嘯前後之分析比較★ 影響政府採購效率之實證研究—以某縣市政府為例
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★ Three Essays on the Industrial Economics★ 研究發展與技術購買-台灣製造業之實證研究
★ 合併廠商的績效表現與決策因素分析★ 合併型態對廠商績效與股票報酬的影響
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摘要(中) 本研究利用 2013 年到 2022 年的台灣上市櫃公司資料,探討了家族企業和董事會特徵與公司風險之間的關聯性,也探討在 Covid-19 期間變數是否會有不同的表現。本研究使用 Altman 所提出的 Zscore 模型來衡量公司風險,透過最小二乘法(OLS)、羅吉斯迴歸(logit model)以及公司固定效果進行估計。同時,我們也依據產業別、Zscore 落入範圍以及公司型態區分子樣本,進行異質性分析。
實證結果顯示,家族企業與公司風險呈負向關係;在董事會特徵方面,僅有獨立董事占比呈正向關係,Covid19 虛擬變數與公司風險並未呈現顯著關係,但考慮交互作用後可發現在危機時期,獲利能力較好的公司其風險較低。在解釋變數部分,槓桿比率、公司規模及公司年齡呈負向關係;資產周轉率及獲利能力呈正向關係。若進一步使用logit 模型(應變數為公司破產機率),若由董事長兼任總經理會降低公司破產機率。此外,在公司固定效果模型下,女性董事占比的增加能減少公司風險。
摘要(英) This study utilized data from Taiwanese listed and over-the-counter companies spanning from 2013 to 2022 to investigate the relationship between family businesses and board
characteristics with company risk. Additionally, we explored whether these variables exhibited different behaviors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thisstudy employs Altman′s Z-score model to measure company risk, and estimation is conducted using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), logistic regression (logit model), and fixed-effects models. Additionally, we categorize the data into differentsub-samples based on industry、Z-score ranges and company type to conduct heterogeneous analysis.
The empirical results indicate a negative relationship between family businesses and corporate risk. Regarding board characteristics, only the proportion of independent directors shows a positive relationship. The Covid-19 dummy variable does not exhibit a significant relationship with corporate risk. However, considering the interaction effect, it is observed that companies with better profitability have lower risk during crises. As for the explanatory variables, leverage ratio, company size, and company age show negative relationships, while asset turnover ratio and profitability show positive relationships. When further utilizing the logit model (with the dependent variable being the probability of bankruptcy), having the chairman also serve as the CEO reduces the probability of bankruptcy. Additionally, under the firm fixed effects model, an increase in the proportion of female directors can reduce
corporate risk.
關鍵字(中) ★ 公司風險
★ 家族企業
★ 獨立董事
★ 女性董事
★ 外國董事
關鍵字(英) ★ Z-score
★ Covid-19
論文目次 第 1 章 緒論.................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究動機.....................................................................................................................1
1-2 研究背景.....................................................................................................................1
(一) 家族企業 ...........................................................................................................1
(二) 董事會特徵 .......................................................................................................2
1-3 研究目的.....................................................................................................................4
第 2 章 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................................ 5
2-1 公司風險 (Altman Z-score) 之衡量與相關文獻..................................................5
2-2 家族企業與公司風險.................................................................................................6
2-3 董事會特徵與公司風險.............................................................................................7
第 3 章 資料來源與實證模型.......................................................................................... 9
3-1 資料來源.....................................................................................................................9
3-2 變數定義與說明.........................................................................................................9
(一) 公司風險 Z-score 計算方式 ............................................................................9
(二) 公司型態辨識 .................................................................................................13
(三) 變數定義 ....................................................18
3-3 實證模型...................................................................................................................22
第 4 章 實證結果 .......................................................................................................... 25
4-1 敘述性統計量...........................................................................................................25
4-2 解釋變數之間之相關係數.......................................................................................26
4-3 Z-score 與家族企業、董事會特徵之迴歸估計結果...............................................28
(一) Pooled OLS 模型之估計結果.............................................................................28
(二) Logit 模型之估計結果 ......................................................................................30
(三) 公司固定效果之估計結果...............................................................................32
4-4 子樣本迴歸...............................................................................................................34
(一) 依據產業別分群...............................................................................................34
(二) 依據 Zscore 區間分群......................................................................................39
(三) 依據公司型態分群...........................................................................................41
第 5 章 結論與研究限制 ............................................................................................... 43
(一) 結論...................................................................................................................43
(二) 研究限制...........................................................................................................44
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….44
中文文獻 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………....45
英文文獻 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………....46
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指導教授 鄒孟文 審核日期 2024-7-9
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