博碩士論文 110450079 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳緯嘉(Wei-Jia Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 傳產製造業數位化轉型中流程優化的策略與實踐─以A公司為例
★ 公關公司經營策略分析與討論─以C公司為例★ 金融海嘯後中小型金控經營策略之探討—以玉山金控為例
★ 台灣IC設計產業導入薪酬委員會制度與高階經理人薪酬管理決策之探討★ 應用福特8D法改善離子植入機設備效能探討─以A公司為例
★ 台灣半導體公司對製程技術精進的掌握與運作策略★ 大陸員工工作滿意度之調查分析與探討—以G公司為例
★ 大陸台資企業設廠規劃與營運策略探討:以某光電公司為例★ 大陸台資企業對新生代農民工之激勵制度構建─以M公司為例
★ A公司核心、領導職能模型建立及各階主管領導力評鑑研究報告★ 不沾塗料行業的發展策略分析:以某台資企業為例
★ 台商在中國大陸勞動爭議研究─以華東地區製造業為例★ 大陸台資企業人力資源管理措施與組織效益探討─以M公司昆山廠為例
★ 勞務派遣行業在中國市場之策略研究─以某勞務派遣公司為例★ 行動科技消費行為之探索性研究─以美食手機App愛評生活通為例
★ EMBA成員參與課外社交聯誼之動機與滿意度研究-以慢速壘球運動為例★ 企業風險管理在應收帳款之應用探討─以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 隨著中國大陸內需經濟市場的發展,GDP在2019年也己達到1萬億人民幣,隨著生活質量的提升,智慧家居成了每個新興發展中國家的必然追求,時代日新月異,工業化4.0的不斷發展,對於傳統産業的轉型需求日漸興盛,在加速及提升傳統産業的工藝設計的同時,要引入精實計畫(LEAN), TPS相關工作及策略目標(OKR/DPI),透過流程管理及轉型數位化,改善過往在人、機、料、法、環、測綜合上的匱乏,這些成了重中之重的剛需,也是帶動企業獲利的重要績效指標與發展策略。
摘要(英) With the development of the domestic demand in economic market in mainland China, the GDP has reached 1 trillion RMB in 2019. As people’s life quality keeps improving, smart home has become the inevitable pursuit of every emerging developing country. With the continuous development of Industrialization 4.0, the transformation demands for traditional industries are increasingly flourishing. While accelerating and improving the process design of traditional industries, lean planning (LEAN), TPS related operations and strategic objectives (OKR/DPI) should be introduced. Through process management and transformation digitization, we can improve the lack of integration in human-machine, material, and environmental testing in the past. These have become a top priority requirement, and are also important performance indicators and development strategies that drive corporate profitability.
In addition, Case A′s promotion of digital transformation is mainly due to two main reasons. One is the requirements for internal control work of publicly listed companies, and the other is the factory inspection requirements from key customers - including (ESG/Human Rights/Supply Chain System) for high-quality services from electronic orders (EDI) to process work (SFC), collaborative supply chain (VMI) to become channel temporary storage warehouses (HUBs) in the future And shipping (WMS) to end user quality control and faster response (JIT).
This study focuses on a case study of a Taiwanese holding company A, which is one of the top three factories in traditional furniture manufacturing industry, owns renowned household brands in Europe and rest of the world. It analyzed relevant strategic guidelines through the introduction and construction of human resources, process optimization, and the digital transformation of the information platform in a new factory in Thailand. The implementation of human resources systems and related strategic objectives, practices, and processes (Process optimization for sales management, supply management, administrative comprehensive management, and cost and expense accounting) as the main priorities.
In summary, the key to the future implementation of digital transformation and process optimization projects in Case A Company lies in clarifying strategic objectives, strengthening process management awareness, continuously optimizing processes, selecting appropriate digital system tools, establishing a professional implementation team, and conducting comprehensive risk assessment and management. These suggestions and directions will help Case A Company smoothly achieve digital transformation, improve operational management efficiency and competitiveness.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數位轉型
★ 系統導入
★ 流程優化
★ 績效指標
關鍵字(英) ★ Digital transformation
★ System implementation
★ Process optimization
★ Performance indicators
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 傳統製造業提升營運績效面臨的瓶頸 4
第二節 企業數位轉型的必要性 6
第三節 製造業流程再造實施案例研究 15
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 個案研究法的精神、方法與特性 19
第二節 個案公司介紹 20
第三節 個案公司營運管理面臨的困境 21
第四節 研究標的選擇 22
第四章 個案公司流程優化實施分析 24
第一節 供應商的選取策略 24
第二節 流程優化的策略流 30
第三節 流程優化團隊的建立與實施進度分析 33
第四節 流程優化中需要解決的阻礙 41
第五節 流程優化的預期效益評估 41
第五章 結論與建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 建議 47
參考文獻 50
參考文獻 一、 中文部分
羅杰•特魯內,亞歷山大•席爾瓦,敏捷流程管理:以價值爲中心的企業轉型之道, CRC Press出版社,2017年。

二、 英文部分
Mathias Weske, (2018)《Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures》,Springer
Yin, R.K. (1994) Case Study Research, Design and Methods, 2nd edition, Newbury Park, Sage Publications

三、 網路資料
指導教授 鄭晉昌 審核日期 2023-11-8
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