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姓名 施筱妤(Siao-yu Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 疫情影響是職涯助力還是阻力之研究:Swain生涯金三角
★ 二氧化鈦技術生命週期之研究★ 整體後勤業參與同步工程於產品開發績效關係之研究—以中科院為例
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摘要(中) 本研究探討十名既有員工和十名新進員工自COVID-19疫情爆發以來對職涯規劃排序的影響,研究採用Swain的生涯金三角理論進行分析,結果發現疫情期間生涯探索的關鍵因素為「環境、家人或其他重要關係因素、自我、能力與性向」,本研究針對既有與新進員工、年齡、婚姻狀態以及扶養親屬職涯規劃排序所需的就業支持和管理意涵給予建議。對於既有員工而言,管理者應關注他們照顧家人面臨的壓力和挑戰,並提供彈性工作安排、工時和福利政策等支持,以幫助他們在生活和工作之間取得平衡。對於新進員工,則應提供職業發展機會,以提升他們的技能和價值。根據不同年齡階段的員工需求,管理者應提供相應的支持和指導,包括職業規劃、彈性工作、培訓機會等。對於已婚員工,應提供家庭與工作平衡的支持,而未婚員工則需要職業發展和工作彈性的支援。最後,扶養親屬的員工需要彈性工作時間、假期政策、職業發展支持和照顧服務等,以應對親屬照顧的挑戰,並促進職涯發展。在疫情期間對於生涯規劃的影響是多元的,有阻力也有助力,需依照自身的情況,調整職涯目標與價值觀,以因應變化與挑戰,透過不斷調整以實現生涯發展目標,以面對不對變化的職場環境。
摘要(英) This study examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on career planning priorities among ten existing employees and ten new employees. Swain′s Career Planning was used to analyze the data. The results reveal that the key factors influencing career exploration during the pandemic are "environment, family or other important relationship factors, self, abilities, and interests." This study provides recommendations for employment support and management implications concerning career planning priorities for existing and new employees, as well as considerations based on age, marital status, and caregiving responsibilities. For existing employees, managers should address the pressures and challenges they face in caring for their families. Providing support such as flexible work arrangements, working hours, and benefits policies can help them achieve a work-life balance. For new employees, opportunities for career development should be provided to enhance their skills and value. Managers should offer appropriate support and guidance based on the needs of employees at different age stages, including career planning, flexible work options, and training opportunities. Married employees require support for balancing family and work responsibilities, while unmarried employees may benefit from support for career development and job flexibility. Employees with caregiving responsibilities need flexible working hours, leave policies, career development support, and caregiving services to address the challenges of caregiving and promote career advancement. The impact of the pandemic on career planning is diverse, involving both obstacles and opportunities. Individuals should adjust their career goals and values according to their own circumstances to adapt to changes and challenges. By continuously adjusting and aligning their career development goals, individuals can navigate the changing workplace environment effectively.
關鍵字(中) ★ 疫情轉職
★ 生涯規劃排序
★ 新進與既有員工差異
關鍵字(英) ★ COVID-19 career change
★ career planning priorities
★ differences between new and existing employees
★ Career
論文目次 第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究流程圖 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1 Swain的生涯規劃理論 4
2.2 疫情發展對就業市場之影響 10
2.3疫情對就業轉職影響 12
第三章、研究方法 14
3.1研究架構 14
3.2研究對象 15
3.3研究設計 15
第四章、研究結果與分析 17
4.1研究對象背景分析 17
4.2「影響受訪者生涯規劃」之構面排序 20
4.3「影響受訪者生涯規劃」之關鍵因素排序 22
4.3.1環境(A1)構面之關鍵因素排序 22
4.3.2自我(A2)構面之關鍵因素排序 23
4.3.3資訊(A3)構面之關鍵因素排序 24
4.4綜合討論 26
4.4.1生涯規劃排序結果分析 26
4.4.2 彙整結果與研究對象背景資料分析 29
第五章、結論 35
5.1研究結論 35
5.2 管理意涵 37
5.3研究限制 42
參考文獻 43
附錄一 問卷 46
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指導教授 洪秀婉 審核日期 2023-7-14
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