博碩士論文 110453002 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪婷瑮(Ting-Li Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 以深度學習為基礎之貨物裝載排程最佳化
(A Novel Deep Neural Network-Based Cargo Loading Optimization)
★ 台灣50走勢分析:以多重長短期記憶模型架構為基礎之預測★ 以多重遞迴歸神經網路模型為基礎之黃金價格預測分析
★ 增量學習用於工業4.0瑕疵檢測★ 遞回歸神經網路於電腦零組件銷售價格預測之研究
★ 長短期記憶神經網路於釣魚網站預測之研究★ 基於深度學習辨識跳頻信號之研究
★ Opinion Leader Discovery in Dynamic Social Networks★ 深度學習模型於工業4.0之機台虛擬量測應用
★ A Novel NMF-Based Movie Recommendation with Time Decay★ 以類別為基礎sequence-to-sequence模型之POI旅遊行程推薦
★ A DQN-Based Reinforcement Learning Model for Neural Network Architecture Search★ Neural Network Architecture Optimization Based on Virtual Reward Reinforcement Learning
★ 生成式對抗網路架構搜尋★ 以漸進式基因演算法實現神經網路架構搜尋最佳化
★ Enhanced Model Agnostic Meta Learning with Meta Gradient Memory★ 遞迴類神經網路結合先期工業廢水指標之股價預測研究
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摘要(中) 本篇碩士論文主要目的在於探討如何應用深度學習技術有效地解決航空貨運裝載優化問題。航空貨運裝載優化在降低運營成本和提高市場競爭力上扮演著關鍵的角色。然而,由於貨物的多樣性,如尺寸、重量、和特定需求等,使得裝載優化問題展現出高維度和高複雜度的特性,這也正是本研究所需面對的挑戰。



摘要(英) The primary aim of this Master′s thesis is to investigate how to apply deep learning techniques effectively to solve the air cargo loading optimization problem. Air cargo loading optimization plays a key role in reducing operating costs and enhancing market competitiveness. However, due to the diversity of the cargo, such as size, weight, and specific requirements, the loading optimization problem demonstrates high-dimensionality and complexity, which are the challenges this research has to face.
To solve this problem, this research proposes a deep neural network model based on the Self-Attention mechanism. This model has the capability to effectively identify the best or near-optimal cargo loading strategy, aiming to maximize the number of cargo loaded in the limited cabin space, while ensuring the safety and reliability of the transportation process.
This paper first provides an in-depth analysis and discussion of the air cargo loading optimization problem and its significance in both business and scientific research. Following this, we give a comprehensive introduction to deep learning technologies, covering topics such as deep neural networks and the Self-Attention mechanism. Then, we propose a deep neural network model based on the Self-Attention mechanism and provide a detailed mathematical analysis and model design. We offer the theoretical foundation of this model and explain how to adjust the model parameters according to the specific demands and conditions of the problem.
Lastly, we verify the performance of the proposed model in the air cargo loading optimization problem through a series of experiments. The experimental results prove that our model is not only effective but also can provide stable and reliable solutions under different loading conditions and circumstances. These outcomes make us believe that the deep neural network model based on the Self-Attention mechanism has broad application prospects in dealing with the air cargo loading optimization problem.
關鍵字(中) ★ Self-Attention
★ Machine Learning
★ Deep Neural Network
★ Bin Packing Problem
★ Air Cargo Loading
關鍵字(英) ★ 自注意力機制
★ 機器學習
★ 深度神經網路
★ 裝箱問題
★ 航空貨運裝載
論文目次 中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
1 緒論 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.3 研究問題與假設 5
1.4 研究方法與技術 6
1.5 研究結構與安排 7
2 文獻探討 7
2.1 航空貨運裝載 7
2.2 Bin Packing Problem 9
2.3 Machine Learning 11
3 研究方法 16
3.1 資料前處理 16
3.2 演算法 17
4 研究結果與分析 21
4.1 實驗設計和實驗評估 21
4.2 Importance of Reward 23
4.3 Ablation Study 25
5 結論 25
6 未來研究方向 26
參考文獻 27
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指導教授 陳以錚(Yi-Cheng Chen) 審核日期 2023-7-3
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