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姓名 王歆芸(Hsin-Yun Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 應用協調理論於軟體測試承包之工作:以指派流程改善為例
(Applying Coordination Theory to Software Testing from Vendor Perspective: Process Improvement of Assignment)
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★ 結合本體論與模糊分析網路程序法於軟體測試之風險與風險關聯辨識★ 在軟體反向工程中針對UML結構模型圖之線上品質評核系統
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摘要(中) 隨著網路與科技的普及,生活中許多的實體互動逐漸轉向軟體數位化。為滿足這個 瞬息萬變的時代,軟體開發快速但也充滿了變數;舉凡程式碼的修改維護、配合手機系 統的重大更新等,都使軟體品質充滿了更多的不確定性。為確保軟體品質,測試就需要 重新佈局以配合頻繁的軟體變更,因此軟體測試在軟體開發中所扮演的角色就非常重要。 軟體測試外包可以使軟體公司更專注在其開發上,而獨立的專業測試團隊可以提供高效 率且高品質的測試工作。在測試外包的流程裡,跨組織的測試團隊要如何在種類繁多、 大小不一的測試中密切合作並指派測試人員,是團隊溝通協調的最大挑戰。本研究擬使 用協調理論,嘗試從多方協調與溝通角度以個案研究的方式,探討軟體測試委外中之人 員指派問題。從測試人力供應商(承包商)角色,彙整出一個需要不斷指派人力到不同 測試任務的跨團隊組織所面臨之協調瓶頸。本研究將會收集關鍵績效指標、目標對象的 訪談與分析,最後建立出一套可持續發展的溝通協調模式,以期幫助個案公司在軟體測 試上對於多方合作協調的指派流程之改善。希冀未來此流程可以帶給測試團隊更好的溝 通模式,確保軟體品質且增進專案的工作效率。
摘要(英) As the internet and technology become more prevalent in our daily lives, many physical interactions are gradually being replaced by software. Keeping up with the demands of this rapidly changing environment requires rapid software development. However, it also involves a great number of variables; code modifications and major updates to mobile systems all contribute to increased software quality uncertainty. Therefore, software testing plays a crucial role in ensuring software quality. It is advantageous for software companies to outsource their software testing so that they can concentrate on the development of their products, while an independent professional testing team can perform the testing efficiently and to a high standard. During the outsourcing process, the biggest challenge for cross-organizational testing teams is how to effectively collaborate and assign testers to a variety of types and sizes of tests. The aim of this study is to use coordination theory and case study methodology to examine the issue of test engineer assignment in software testing outsourcing from multiple perspectives of coordination and communication. From the vendor perspective, we will analyze the coordination bottleneck faced by cross-team organizations that must constantly allocate human resources to different testing projects. In order to establish a sustainable communication and coordination process, key performance indicators will be collected, interviews will be conducted with target subjects, and the data will be analyzed in this study. In this case, we are attempting to assist the case company in improving its test engineer assignment process in multi-party collaboration and coordination during software testing. By implementing this new process, we hope that the testing team will have improved communication methods, that software quality will be assured, and that project work efficiency will be improved.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體測試
★ 測試委外
★ 協調理論
★ 指派流程
★ 流程改善
關鍵字(英) ★ Software testing
★ Test outsourcing
★ Coordination theory
★ Assignment process
★ Process improvement
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究目的 3
1-4 研究架構 4
第二章、文獻探討 6
2-1 軟體開發與測試 6
2-2 軟體測試人力外包與指派 8
2-3 協調理論 9
第三章、研究方法 13
3-1 個案研究 13
3-2 研究設計 15
3-3 資料收集與分析 16
第四章、個案分析 18
4-1 個案公司介紹 18
4-2 個案公司現況描述 20
4-3 協調流程設計 23
第五章、 研究結果 34
5-1 關鍵績效指標分析 34
5-2 訪談與分析 39
5-3 研究效度分析 47
5-4 研究限制 48
第六章、結論與未來發展 50
參考文獻 52
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 陳仲儼(Chung-Yang Chen) 審核日期 2023-7-10
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