博碩士論文 110456007 詳細資訊

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姓名 徐一峰(Yi-Feng Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 金屬製造產業導入工業4.0之規劃與試行 -以Y公司為例
★ 半導體化學材料銷售策略分析-以跨國B化工公司為例★ TFT-LCD CELL製程P檢點燈不良解析流程改善之關聯法則應用
★ 金融風暴時期因應長鞭效應的策略 –以X公司為例★ 勞動生產力目標訂定之研究-DEA 資料包絡法應用
★ 應用田口方法導入低溫超薄ITO透明導電膜於電容式觸控面板之研究★ 多階不等效平行機台排程與訂單決策
★ 多準則決策之應用-以雷射半導體產業為例★ 專案管理模式進行品管圈活動-以半導體機台保養測機流程改善為例
★ 應用e8D降低不合格品之效益分析-以快速消費品製造為例★ 供應商評選模式之建構-以塑膠射出成型機製造為例
★ 應用協同規劃預測補貨於伺服器備品存貨改善之研究-以Q代工公司為例★ 船用五金拋光作業之生產規劃
★ 以SCOR模型探討汽車安全輔助系統供應鏈-以A公司採購作業改善為例★ 研發補助計畫執行成效評估之研究以「工業基礎技術專案計畫」為例
★ 運用生態效益發展永續之耳機產業★ 失效模式設計審查(DRBFM)之應用-以筆記型電腦為例
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摘要(中) 自從德國於2013年,漢諾威工業博覽會提出,工業4.0的想法和概念;全世界各國亦提出其智慧製造的國家政策,如美國先進製造,中國製造2025,台灣生產力4.0。
摘要(英) Since Germany put forward the idea and concept of Industry 4.0 at the Hannover Messe in 2013, countries around the world have also proposed their national policies for smart manufacturing, such as advanced manufacturing in the United States, Made in China 2025, and Taiwan Productivity 4.0. Its purpose is not only to help enterprises to add intelligent elements in the manufacturing process, to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, but also to successfully win the position of the manufacturing hegemony of this generation. In the past 10 years, Taiwan has successively introduced intelligent elements such as Industry 4.0 into the information, communication industry and high-end machinery industry, and has achieved certain results; however, Taiwan′s small and medium-sized traditional industries are still in the stage of hard work. The records of management and production processes are often completed by manual meter reading, so there will be many mistakes. Therefore, we focus on Taiwan′s small and medium-sized metal manufacturing industry, how to use the technology of Industry 4.0 to optimize the order and inventory. Planning and improving the profit of the enterprise to achieve the goal of optimization is the expectation of introducing intelligent elements; in recent years, environmental and energy policies have been paid attention to by the whole world; Energy consumption and reduction of carbon emissions are the biggest challenges and pressures that enterprises need to face at present. Now Taiwanese companies are facing domestic and international competition. How to introduce the management system into intelligent management to make the company′s finances more sound, business more global, production and logistics more intelligent and resilient, and fully measure the exchange rate and Hedging planning between orders, so that we can survive in a challenging international environment. Therefore, this study discusses the small and medium-sized metal manufacturing industry in Taiwan by way of case study (company Y), how to plan and utilize the introduction of the smart elements of Industry 4.0 to enable enterprises to produce efficiently and overcome the current difficulties and challenges they are facing, and look forward to a smooth transformation and a new step forward to the road to upgrade.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工業4.0
★ 金屬製造業
★ 個案研究
★ 智慧工廠
關鍵字(英) ★ Industry 4.0
★ metal manufacturing
★ case study
★ smart factory
論文目次 目錄

摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 研究問題 1
1.1 金屬製造產業 1
1.2 研究動機 7
1.3 研究目的 11
1.4 研究架構 13
第二章 文獻回顧 14
2.1 工業4.0的介紹 14
2.2 工業4.0的要素及重要性 19
2.3 工業4.0之運用 22
2.4 工業4.0於金屬製造業的運用 26
第三章 研究方法 34
3.1 個案研究的特性與定義 34
3.2 本研究採用個案研究方法的理由 36
第四章 案例研究 38
4.1 個案介紹 38
4.2 個案分析與探討 43
第五章 結論與建議 60
5.1 研究結論 60
5.2 後續研究 61
參考文獻 62
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 王啟泰(Chu-Tai Wang) 審核日期 2023-7-21
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