摘要(英) |
Since the advent of semiconductor materials in 1959, continuous evolution and technological breakthroughs have greatly changed the trends of the modern world, improving the convenience of modern life and driving the development of related industries. It has also become a strategic economic industry for various countries. As technology products become more powerful and with the emergence of high-frequency communication, AI, and automotive electronics technologies, the demand for the semiconductor-related industry is increasing, and the overall supply chain is thriving. However, in order to meet market demand and continuously improve output, the shortage of raw materials has become a risk for related industries to meet customer needs.All companies hope to maximize production capacity and maintain a stable delivery to achieve maximum profitability. Therefore, in addition to maintaining their own output and quality standards, they also focus on suppliers. This study focuses on the supply chain management developed through continuous improvement and enhancement after the interaction between the case company and suppliers. It controls and selects suitable suppliers through the selection of upstream suppliers, audits, and assessments of suppliers, and classifies and controls suppliers based on their actual performance, enabling them to clearly understand their own level and improvement direction to meet the organization′s requirements. Instead of managing suppliers in a top-down manner, it manages suppliers through relationship management as partners, communicates with suppliers in a partner manner, and sends management requirements to suppliers for confirmation, enabling suppliers to understand management regulations and avoid misunderstandings caused by cognitive differences. It increases the frequency of communication with suppliers to make the relationship more closely, and improves quality inspection efficiency through automation to manage suppliers more effectively. |
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