摘要(英) |
This research aims to explore the relationship between transformational leadership and its impact on four dimensions including idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. Under the relationship of retention intention and the mediating effect of trust level, the subject of the study focuses on the field sales representatives of N Life Insurance Company and uses a convenient sampling method to conduct a questionnaire survey, 303 questionnaires in total were collected and 288 valid responses were included.
The data obtained from the questionnaire survey were used to validate the hypotheses established in this study. The analysis of data was conducted by SPSS statistical software. The result of the study indicates the direct and positive influence on the retention intention of the subordinates when their supervisors adopt transformational leadership. Additionally, the overall dimensions within transformational leadership inclusive of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration also have direct and positive impact on the trust of field sales representatives toward their supervisors.
The trust level of the sales representatives toward their supervisors will influence them to adopt the idealized influence and intellectual stimulation, dimensions of transformational leadership, and this affect the subordinates’ retention intention positively. Moreover, the elements of inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration within transformational leadership have direct and positive impacts on the retention intention. Therefore, the trust level of the sales representatives toward their supervisors plays a mediating role between the idealized influence and intellectual stimulation dimensions of transformational leadership and retention intention. Based on the result of the survey, we will provide specific suggestions for insurance companies and the companies’ sales supervisors serving as the reference for future management and operation. |
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