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姓名 王喬可(Chiao-Ko Wang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班 論文名稱 組織文化對於安靜離職的影響-以心理契約履行和情感性組織承諾為序列中介變項
(The influence of organizational culture on quiet quitting - analysing the sequential mediating role of psychological contract fulfillment and affective organizational commitment)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 過去的許多研究告訴我們,能讓企業穩定成長的關鍵因素有很多,例如改善流程、強化企業財務體質、不斷的創新與研發、搭配精準的行銷策略等,但若拉長縱深來看,能基業長青的企業,靠的是看不見的組織文化,才能夠不受環境波動、人才來去的影響。這雖凸顯出建設組織文化工作的重要性,但隨著世代的更迭,先前支配我們的價值觀、生活模式都在逐漸變化,尤其自Covid-19開始肆虐全球後,加速了人們對工作與生活的重新審視,當工作與生活平衡的概念轉變為工作與生活的融合,擁抱新價值觀的工作者越來越多,管理者在後疫情時代面臨的新的員工狀態挑戰。
本研究以組織文化為研究主題,探討組織文化(Organization Culture)的建設程度對於員工安靜離職(Quiet Quitting)程度之影響,並以心理契約履行(Psychological Contract Fulfilment)、情感性組織承諾(Affective Commitment) 為序列中介變項,進一步了解組織文化對於員工知覺、承諾的運作機制。本研究以網路隨機發放問卷方式針對臺灣全職就業者進行調查,共計回收341份有效問卷。
研究結果發現:(1)組織文化對於安靜離職具有負向影響;(2) 組織文化對於心理契約履行具有正向影響;(3) 組織文化對於情感性組織承諾具有正向影響;(4) 心理契約履行對於情感性組織承諾具有正向影響;(5) 心理契約履行對於安靜離職不具有影響;(6) 情感性組織承諾對於安靜離職具有負向影響;(7) 組織文化對於安靜離職具有負向影響,而心理契約履行以及情感性組織承諾在其中具有序列中介效果。摘要(英) Previous studies have identified various key factors for stable business growth, such as improving processes, strengthening financial resilience, continuous innovation and research and development, and precise marketing strategies. However, if we take a longer-term perspective, the key to building a long-lasting business lies in an invisible organizational culture, which can withstand environmental fluctuations and turnover of talent. This highlights the importance of building a constructive organizational culture. As generations change, the values and lifestyles that used to dominate are gradually evolving, especially since the outbreak of Covid-19, which has accelerated the reexamination of work and life. The concept of work-life balance is shifting towards work-life integration, and more and more workers are embracing new values. This presents new employee status challenges for managers in the post-pandemic era.
This study focuses on organizational culture and explores the impact of the degree of organizational culture development on quiet quitting among employees. Furthermore, it examines the operating mechanism of constructive culture on employees′ perceptions and commitments by using psychological contract fulfillment and affective commitment as sequential mediating variables. A total of 341 valid questionnaires were collected through online random sampling of Taiwanese full-time employees.
The results indicate that: (1) organizational culture has a negative effect on quiet quitting; (2) organizational culture has a positive effect on psychological contract fulfillment; (3) organizational culture has a positive effect on affective commitment; (4) psychological contract fulfillment has a positive effect on affective commitment; (5) psychological contract fulfillment does not affect quiet quitting; (6) affective commitment has a negative effect on quiet quitting; (7) organizational culture has a negative effect on quiet quitting, and psychological contract fulfillment and affective commitment have a sequential mediating effect on this relationship.關鍵字(中) ★ 組織文化
★ 安靜離職
★ 心理契約履行
★ 情感性組織承諾關鍵字(英) ★ Organization Culture
★ Quiet Quitting
★ Psychological Contract Fulfilment
★ Affective Commitment論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究動機 ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究目的 ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1-3 研究流程 ...................................................................................................................................... 4
第二章 文獻探討與假設....................................................................................................................... 5
2-1 各變項的定義 ............................................................................................................................. 5
2-1-1 組織文化(Organizational Culture)的定義與內涵................................................................ 5
2-1-2 心理契約履行(Psychological Contract Fulfilment)的定義與內涵...................................... 6
2-1-3 員工組織承諾(Organizational Commitment)的定義與內涵............................................... 7
2-1-4 安靜離職(Quiet Quitting)的定義與內涵 ............................................................................. 9
2-2 各變項之間的關係與假設推論................................................................................................ 10
2-2-1 組織文化對於安靜離職的影響 ......................................................................................... 10
2-2-2 組織文化對於員工知覺心理契約履行程度的影響 ......................................................... 10
2-2-3 組織文化對於情感性組織承諾的影響 ............................................................................. 11
2-2-4 心理契約履行對於情感性組織承諾的影響 ..................................................................... 11
2-2-5 心理契約履行對於安靜離職的影響 ................................................................................. 12
2-2-6 情感性組織承諾對於安靜離職的影響 ............................................................................. 13
2-2-7 心理契約履行與情感性組織承諾的中介效果 ................................................................ 13
第三章 研究方法................................................................................................................................. 14
3-1 研究架構與假設 ....................................................................................................................... 14
3-2 研究變項之操作與衡量............................................................................................................ 15
3-2-1 組織文化............................................................................................................................ 15
3-2-2 心理契約履行.................................................................................................................... 16
3-2-3 情感性組織承諾................................................................................................................ 17
3-3-4 安靜離職............................................................................................................................ 18
3-2-5 控制變項............................................................................................................................ 19
3-3 資料蒐集與分析方法................................................................................................................. 20
3-3-1 敘述性統計分析................................................................................................................ 20
3-3-2 信度與效度分析................................................................................................................ 20
3-3-3 驗證性因素分析................................................................................................................. 20
3-3-4 相關分析............................................................................................................................ 21
3-3-5 結構方程模型分析(SEM) ................................................................................................. 21
第四章 資料分析與研究結果............................................................................................................. 22
4-1 樣本敘述統計 ........................................................................................................................... 22
4-2 驗證性因素分析 ....................................................................................................................... 23
4-3 信度與效度分析 ....................................................................................................................... 24
4-4 各變項之敘述統計與相關分析................................................................................................ 26
4-5 中介效果分析與假設驗證........................................................................................................ 27
第五章 結論與建議............................................................................................................................. 31
5-1 研究結論 ................................................................................................................................... 31
5-2 管理意涵 ................................................................................................................................... 33
5-3 研究限制 ................................................................................................................................... 34
5-4 未來研究建議............................................................................................................................. 35
參考文獻............................................................................................................................................... 36
中文文獻........................................................................................................................................... 36
英文文獻........................................................................................................................................... 36
圖 1 研究架構圖 ...............................................................................................................14
圖 2 四個研究變項之序列中介效果圖 ...........................................................................27
表 1 組織文化測量題項......................................................................................................16
表 2 心理契約履行測量題項..............................................................................................17
表 3 情感性組織承諾測量題項..........................................................................................18
表 4 安靜離職測量題項......................................................................................................19
表 5 敘述性統計分析..........................................................................................................23
表 6 模型適配度檢定表......................................................................................................24
表 7 研究構念信度分析表..................................................................................................25
表 8 組合信度、收斂效度之分析表..................................................................................25
表 9 區辨效度分析結果......................................................................................................25
表 10 巢狀模式檢定表........................................................................................................26
表 11 平均值、標準差與相關分析結果............................................................................27
表 12 結構方程模型分析結果............................................................................................30
表 13 研究假設驗證結果....................................................................................................33參考文獻 中文文獻
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