博碩士論文 110521102 詳細資訊

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姓名 林妤臻(Yu-Chen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 以局部熵亂度分布與模板匹配方法結合自適應ORB特徵提取達成多影像精確拼接
(Local Entropy Randomness Distribution and Template Matching method Combined with Adaptive ORB Feature Extraction to Achieve Multiple Images Accurate Stitching)
★ 基於適應性徑向基神經網路與非奇異快速終端滑模控制結合線上延遲估測器應用於二軸機械臂運動軌跡精確控制★ 新型三維光學影像量測系統之設計與控制
★ 新型雙紐線軌跡設計與進階控制實現壓電平台快速與精確定位★ 基於深度座標卷積與自動編碼器給予行人實時路徑及終點位置精確預測
★ 修正式雙紐線軌跡結合自適應積分終端滑動模態控制與逆模型遲滯補償實現壓電平台精確追蹤★ 以粒子群最佳化-倒傳遞類神經網路-比例積分微分控制器和影像金字塔轉換融合方法實現三維光學顯微影像系統
★ 低扭矩機械手臂機構開發與脈寬調變進階控制器設計★ 使用時域門控與梅森增益公式構建四埠夾具的散射參數表徵
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摘要(中) 影像拼接已被廣泛應用於工業視覺、無人機拍攝、醫學成像等領域,影像拼接目的是創建寬視角的影像,但是在視差和場景照明等條件下容易造成嚴重的偽影。因此,提高影像對齊的精度是影像拼接中的一個重要研究問題。對齊的準確性在於如何從獲得的特徵點找到盡可能多的真實匹配,同時最大限度地減少錯誤匹配,這對於計算機視覺中許多基於特徵匹配的任務至關重要。
摘要(英) Image stitching has been widely employed in industrial vision, aerial photography using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), medical imaging, and other fields. Image stitching aims to create images with a wide viewing angle, but it easily cause severe artifacts under conditions such as parallax and scene lighting. Therefore, improving the accuracy of image alignment is an important research issue in image stitching. The accuracy of alignment lies in how to find as many ground-truth matches as possible from given feature points while minimizing false matches, which is crucial for many feature-matching-based tasks in computer vision.
The basic image stitching process usually includes image grayscale, feature detection, feature matching, warping, perspective projection, and image blending. This thesis proposes a novel image processing technique that combines entropy and normalized correlation coefficient-based template matching to search similar regions of different images. Entropy can be used as a randomness analysis to quantify the amount of information in an image. First, divide the image into blocks and then calculate the entropy value of each image block. Next, we use the average of all the entropy as the threshold value. If the entropy of the image block is lower than the average, it means that the image block is a weak texture area, representing the image block can be removed. Then, use each of the remaining image blocks as templates and match them to another image to search for similar regions. According to the gray value distribution of the similar area, the adaptive threshold value of ORB is calculated, and feature detection is performed in the similar region so as to improve the accuracy of feature matching and image alignment. Experimental results show that our proposed method has higher accuracy in feature matching and better stitching results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 影像拼接
★ 熵
★ 模板匹配
★ 歸一化相關係數
★ 相似區域
★ ORB自適應閥值
關鍵字(英) ★ Image stitching
★ entropy
★ template matching
★ normalized correlation coefficient
★ similar region
★ ORB adaptive threshold value
論文目次 摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
Table of content v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Explanation of Symbols x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Survey 2
1.2.1 Feature Matching 3
1.2.2 Image Stitching 7
1.3 Contribution 11
1.4 Thesis Organization 12
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 13
2.1 Basic Concept of Image Alignment 13
2.1.1 Direct Method 13
2.1.2 Feature-based Method 15
2.2 Image Processing 16
2.2.1 Entropy 16
2.2.2 Template Matching 18
Chapter 3 Conventional stitching structure based on ORB Algorithm 22
3.1 Feature Point Extraction oriented FAST 23
3.2 Feature Point Description rotated BRIEF 26
3.3 Feature Point Matching 28
3.4 Projective Warp 29
3.5 Image Blending 32
Chapter 4 Image Stitching Strategy 34
4.1 Novel Image Processing 34
4.1.1 Template Matching Based on Normalized Correlation Coefficient 35
4.1.2 Combination of Entropy and Template Matching 37
4.1.3 Result of similar region 46
4.2 Proposed Strategy 50
Chapter 5 Experimental Result 52
5.1 Comparison of Matching Accuracy 52
5.2 Comparison of Stitching Result 57
5.3 Time Cost 62
5.4 Multiple Image Stitching 63
Chapter 6 Conclusions 66
Reference 67
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指導教授 吳俊緯(Jim-Wei Wu) 審核日期 2023-8-15
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