摘要(英) |
This study proposes a platform that integrates a recommendation system and a collaboration system to promote collaborative creation among users in various professional fields. The platform is built on decentralized blockchain architecture using Ethereum smart contracts as an automated management, assistance, and supervision role. With its trustworthy third-party characteristics, it eliminates the need for traditional third-party intermediaries, saving on intermediary fees and reducing friction in communication or interaction among the three parties. Instead, in the recommendation system, due to the lower possibility of falsification of user records on the platform, combined with the application of recommendation algorithms, users can find the talents they need under the advantage of high credibility data. In the collaboration system, users can quickly start creating team projects while leaving traceable records of the collaboration process, achieve both efficiency and trustworthiness in the platform’s two major service: recommendation and collaboration.
This study focuses on the implementation of a decentralized architecture for a collaborative recommendation platform, providing relevant functional design and technical references. Compared to the existing framework on centralized collaboration platforms, this research offers a different perspective for experimentation, making its results meaningful, integrating two concepts to achieve a more complete and efficient collaborative recommendation platform in future work. |
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