摘要(英) |
This research is a digital online multiplayer board game developed under the background of the history and geography of the Silk Road in the Middle Ages. This system enables learners to play the part of an ancient civilization in an online learning game, experience running Silk Road trade and dealing with conflicts. And understand the historical content under this situation, improve learners′ learning motivation, and then have a positive impact on their historical literacy; the main function of this system is to provide learners with a virtual Silk Road history platform that they try and operate, and collect their game information , analyzing its game strategy and historical literacy.
The main body of this study is qualitative research, supplemented by quantitative evaluation. The main purpose is to explore the learning motivation, game strategy, and historical literacy of players in digital game-based learning, and how they are related to each other. The operation records and thinking time of the learners during the game will be recorded by this system, so as to analyze their game strategies and behaviors, and discuss activities such as interaction, competition and conflict between players based on these data. Quantitative data is mainly used to analyze whether learners have improved learning motivation and Historical Literacy level after playing the game. A background questionnaire was also used to understand the subjects′ perceptions and thoughts on the cultural and historical knowledge of the Silk Road. Based on the suggestions and problems encountered by the subjects after playing, the research designers optimize the game operation, database record form, and game fluency and detail, in order to bring more practical game systems to learners, and have A more ideal gaming experience.
The results of the study found that the subjects′ learning motivation and historical literacy were all affected by this system, and they were positively improved and promoted. The game strategy can present extremely changeable modes of conflict, defense, trade, and route planning in this system. There are many opportunities for the subjects to try in the game, so as to have a positive ideal for their historical literacy. |
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