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姓名 莊珉瑜(Min-Yu Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 結合視覺化儀表板與合作腳本輔助VR共創活動以探討國小學童之學習行為、情感與認知參與
(Combining Visual Dashboard and Collaboration Script to Support VR Co-creation Activities to Assist Elementary Students’ Learning Behavioral, Emotional, and Cognitive Engagement)
★ 基於間隔效應與知識追蹤之適性化學習演算法系統設計與應用:以多益英語學習為例★ 結合社會調節學習平台與教中學課程設計以增進大學生視覺化資料分析能力與調節學習
★ 以深度知識追蹤模型應用於程式學習系統★ 結合聊天機器人與推薦系統之閱讀學伴應用於國小閱讀
★ 視覺化閱讀歷程系統於國小身教式持續安靜閱讀之應用★ 基於文本型程式編寫紀錄之自我調節儀表板於程式設計學習成效探究
★ 結合重新設計之翻轉教室模型與視覺化分析系統對於程式設計學習之影響★ 結合視覺化儀表板之專案管理平台於在職學生專案能力與資料分析學習之影響
★ 專題導向學習與調節學習儀表板應用於資料視覺化在職課程★ 整合預測分析與學習儀表板以提升準時畢業率: 以印尼高等教育為例
★ 結合生成式人工智慧之探究式學習同伴系統以增進研究生資料視覺化素養能力★ 結合生成式人工智慧與4F動態回顧循環理論於國小閱讀學習同伴系統的應用與成效評估
★ 應用指數平滑法實現短期學習成效預測與學習歷程儀表板系統建置★ 應用生成式模型輔助問題生成學習系統於國小社會 課程之研究
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摘要(中) 虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)學習環境可以提供更豐富的學習體驗,增強學習的真實感和互動性。本研究以線上VR建立遠距學習環境,支持學生進行線上VR共同創作專題導向學習,跳脫以往傳統老師的授課方式,透過與同儕間的溝通與合作,不僅能讓學生在VR共創中培養自主學習,還能透過協同創作達到社會共享調節學習(Socially Shared Regulation of Learning, SSRL)。合作腳本是合作學習的一種特定鷹架,為一系列關於如何互動、合作和解決問題的具體指引,在合作學習環境中,它常被用來促進小組成員之間有效的溝通、協調和合作以達到SSRL。21世紀關鍵能力是指在現代社會中,個人必須具備的一系列能力,而VR共創能提供一個促進學生合作、創造和解決問題能力的環境,有助於培養21世紀關鍵能力。
摘要(英) Virtual Reality (VR) learning environments can provide more immersive learning experiences, enhancing the sense of reality and interactivity in learning. This research utilizes online VR to establish a distance learning environment, supporting students in collaborative, project-based learning through online VR. Departing from traditional teacher-centric instructional methods, this research encourages peer communication and cooperation, enabling students to cultivate self-directed learning within VR co-creation and achieve socially shared regulation of learning (SSRL) through collaborative creation. Collaboration scripts serve as specific scaffolding for collaborative learning, offering a series of guidelines on how to interact, cooperate, and solve problems. They are frequently utilized in the collaborative learning environment to facilitate effective communication, coordination, and collaboration among group members to achieve SSRL. Individuals must possess a specific set of skills, called "21st-century skills," to thrive in modern society. VR co-creation can provide an environment that promotes learners′ collaboration, creativity and problem-solving skills, which can help develop 21st-century skills and make learning more immersive and meaningful.
This research employed a quasi-experimental design, with the participants being sixth-grade students from a primary school in southern Taiwan. Four classes with 106 students were divided into two experimental groups (53 students) and two control groups (53 students). Each class was further divided into 13 groups, resulting in 52 groups. The research utilized the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education for VR co-creation learning activities, which lasted for seven weeks, with one class session per week, approximately 40 minutes. Throughout the experiment, students engaged in online courses and conducted group discussions using an online platform. However, due to the students′ young age, they could not complete the tasks independently. Therefore, appropriate online collaboration scripts were designed as scaffolding for this research. The experimental group utilized the online discussion platform with the integrated collaboration script, while the control group did not use any collaboration script. All participants completed two VR projects. During the experiment, researchers captured the students′ learning processes on the online discussion platform and presented them through data visualization. This interactive visual dashboard enabled students to understand their level of participation and their peers′ engagement in the classroom, facilitating a quicker grasp of the key concepts. Teachers could utilize the visual dashboard to monitor individual students′ learning progress and provide personalized guidance. The research results indicated that VR co-creation enhanced students′ learning achievement, and implementing an online collaboration script showed significant improvements.
In this research, a control group of students improved overall 21st-century skills compared with an experimental group. However, the experimental group exhibited significant improvement in communication and expression abilities. Although no improvement in the students′ self-regulation was observed, the control group had a higher level of engagement in this respect than did the experimental group because the students in the experimental group followed the steps outlined in the online collaboration script, which limited their engagement in a virtual reality task.
This research also analyzed students′ learning behaviors by using behavioral sequences and observed that most of the students in the experimental group followed the online collaboration script to complete their projects. In contrast, the control group followed the teacher′s instructions to complete their projects. The results indicate that using the online collaboration script improved cognitive aspects, whereas not using the online collaboration script improved affective aspects. Based on this research, the first half of courses should incorporate an online collaboration script as scaffolding. In the second half, the online collaboration script can be gradually phased out to enable students to learn and facilitate interaction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 虛擬實境
★ 共同創作
★ 線上合作腳本
★ 行為序列分析
★ 視覺化儀表板
關鍵字(英) ★ Virtual Reality
★ Co-creation
★ Collaboration Script
★ Behavior Sequential Analysis
★ Visual Dashboard
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiv
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 研究問題 3
1-4 名詞釋義 3
二、文獻探討 5
2-1 合作學習與線上合作腳本 5
2-1-1 電腦支援合作學習 5
2-1-2 線上合作腳本 6
2-1-3 21世紀關鍵能力 9
2-2 虛擬實境 10
2-2-1 虛擬實境定義與理論基礎 10
2-2-2 虛擬實境在教育界之應用 11
2-2-3 情境式學習 12
2-2-4 虛擬實境與情境式學習之關聯 13
2-3 專題導向學習/問題導向學習 14
2-3-1 專題導向學習 14
2-3-2 問題導向學習 15
2-4 調節學習 16
2-4-1 自我調節 17
2-4-2 社會共享調節 18
2-5 視覺化儀表板 19
2-6 行為序列分析以及認知網絡分析 22
2-6-1 行為序列分析 22
2-6-2 量化民族誌及行為序列之認知網絡分析 24
三、研究方法 26
3-1 研究設計 26
3-2 實驗對象 27
3-3 研究流程 28
3-4 課程設計 30
3-4-1 課程週次分配 31
3-4-2 合作腳本課程規劃內容 31
3-5 研究工具 33
3-5-1 永續生態環境知識學習成就測驗 35
3-5-2 自我調節量表 35
3-5-3 21世紀關鍵能力量表 36
3-5-4 投入程度量表 38
3-5-5 對應研究問題三種學習參與相應關係表 39
3-5-6 開放式問卷 39
3-5-7 線上合作腳本平台 40
3-5-8 即時共同創作線上平台 40
3-5-9 資料視覺化儀表板 41
3-6 資料分析 42
3-6-1 問卷信度 42
3-6-2 學習成就雙向細目表以及難度鑑別度 43
3-6-3 統計檢定 46
3-6-4 行為序列 46
四、系統設計與實作 48
4-1 系統環境 48
4-2 資料處理流程 50
4-3 平台功能介紹 50
4-3-1 Padlet 50
4-3-2 CoSpaces Edu 51
4-3-3 互動視覺化儀表板 54
五、研究結果 57
5-1 學習成就 57
5-2 自我調節 58
5-3 21世紀關鍵能力 68
5-4 投入程度 83
5-5 開放式問題 85
5-5-1 Padlet對於學習的幫助 86
5-5-2 VR學習活動的想法與建議 88
5-5-3 永續生態環境的學習反思 91
5-6 學習行為 95
5-6-1 行為序列分析 95
5-6-2 認知網絡分析 97
六、討論 101
6-1 專題導向學習對學生之影響 101
6-1-1 專題導向學習模式對學生學習之成效 101
6-1-2 專題導向學習模式對學生調節之成效 101
6-2 導入線上合作腳本對學習之影響 102
6-2-1 導入線上合作腳本對學習成就之成效 102
6-2-2 導入線上合作腳本對自我調節、21世紀關鍵能力以及課堂投入程度之影響 103
6-3 學生行為與視覺化儀表板之關係 104
七、結論 106
7-1 研究結論 106
7-1-1 使用線上合作腳本能夠顯著提升學生的學習成就 106
7-1-2 參與VR共創學習活動時,兩組學生在行為參與之差異 106
7-1-3 參與VR共同創作學習活動時,線上合作腳本能夠提升學生的情感參與 107
7-1-4 參與VR共創學習活動時,未使用線上合作腳本較能促進學生的認知參與 107
7-1-5線上合作腳本組在社會共享調節過程會依照框架執行,無合作腳本組則是著重於與組員討論以及分享資源 108
7-1-6 總結 109
7-2 研究限制 109
7-3 未來展望與建議 110
參考文獻 111
中文文獻 111
英文文獻 112
附錄一、OO創客課程資料運用與分析同意書 125
附錄二、永續生態環境知識學習成就 126
附錄三、自我調節量表 129
附錄四、開放式問卷 130
附錄五、整體學生個人討論次數與各組平均次數表 131
附錄六、教學現場照片 134
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指導教授 洪暉鈞(Hui-Chun Hung) 審核日期 2023-7-26
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